Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 86 Zhiqi Eda Software Starts Publicity

The spies captured in China are basically used as bargaining chips to exchange with foreign countries, because the laws of Hua country do not impose the death penalty on spies, but they can imprison spies for a long enough time.

So those spies can only hope that their country can exchange with Huaguo.

And most of their countries will make exchanges. After all, if there is no exchange, it will be a chilling thing for other spies.

Of course, this kind of exchange is generally carried out in secret, except for a small number of objects that are focused on.

However, Ye Cheng never pays attention to these things. Anyway, if an undercover spy comes, if he finds out, he will catch them all for you.

"Xiaobai, after you enter the supercomputer, can you catch all the spies in the country?"

Xiaobai said: "According to the number of all electronic devices in Huaguo that can be found on the Internet, and the amount of information stored in all electronic devices, with the calculation power of Sunway TaihuLight, it will take about half a year to a year."

"However, master, this requires me to use all the remaining computing power of Sunway TaihuLight. If you need me to do some work, master, it may take a little longer."

"Moreover, if I use too much computing power of Sunway TaihuLight, it will consume too much electricity, and the people in the supercomputing center will find this out. Although they can't find me, it will always be troublesome."

Ye Cheng nodded: "Then don't be in a hurry, three to five years is not too late, you can catch as many as you can, and it doesn't have to be checked by the whole country, you check the people in key positions in the country Enough."

Only the undercover agents in those key positions will cause the greatest harm to Huaguo.

Besides, even if they were to be caught, there was no rush. Anyway, after so many years, it would not be a big problem to catch them all in five years.

What's more, no one knows what will happen in five years.

"Okay master." Xiaobai replied.

Ye Cheng nodded, and then sent these undercover agents and their online information to Mayor Zhao's private mailbox.

Of course, the first face of the undercover agent still needs to be carried out, so as not to overwhelm the enemy, and then arrest them in a unified manner after all are under control.

After distributing the materials, his phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at the caller, who was someone he knew when he was in a meeting at the State Council.

Shen Shiyuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, specializes in the research and design of chips. He is the lead designer of some chips in major national equipment, including military equipment.

And the academician who said at the meeting that he wanted to experience Ye Cheng's EDA software was him.

After connecting the phone, Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Academician Shen, why are you calling me when you have time?"

"Ye Cheng, the United States has really started to design our chip. Let me ask you when you plan to announce your EDA software and chip architecture? Me, Academician Liang, and Academician Chen, just wait. Let me give you an order, and then help your company to publicize, we have cooperated with many companies, and there are a few state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, now it’s up to you.”

Ye Cheng couldn't help laughing: "Look at what you said, how dare I give you orders."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense with me, just talk straight!"

Ye Cheng was helpless, the academician was still upright, and then he said: "If it is possible, several academicians can help us promote it now, especially in terms of EDA software, chip architecture, we have to wait until next month to take it out."

"That's fine, let's help you promote the EDA software first." Academician Shen said with a smile: "We have also tried your company's EDA software these days, and we are still a little unskilled at the beginning, but it is still very easy to use. It has a lot of features, much better than what we were used to."

"That's good." Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Use it more, you will find better ones."

"Ham, look at you, if you have such a good thing, don't take it out earlier, otherwise, the United States will dare to say anything to sanction our chip design?"

Ye Cheng touched his nose. He couldn't admit that he wanted to occupy the domestic market easily, right?

So he said: "I also said at the meeting that I wanted to drive away those foreign companies."

"I know, I don't blame you." Academician Shen hummed and said, "When the time comes, Americans will be dumbfounded again when they see your company's EDA software."

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "They are dumbfounded, but we are happy."

Academician Shen laughed heartily: "That's right! Let's be happy! Well, I won't tell you more, we will help you promote your software."

"Okay, then I would like to thank the academicians." Ye Cheng said with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Last night, when he learned that the United States was planning to sanction Huaguo's chip design in an all-round way, he really woke up from his dream with a smile.

Because he was really sleeping at the time, Xiaobai remembered that Ye Cheng mentioned this incident, so he controlled the drone to fly over Ye Cheng's head, woke him up, and then told him this thing.

At that time, Ye Cheng was dreaming, and in the dream, he heard Xiaobai's voice beside him saying: "The United States has sanctioned China's EDA software and chip architecture!"

So he woke up laughing, only to find out that this matter was so fucking true, so he laughed so hard that he almost didn't fall asleep all night.

The United States has banned all EDA software, requiring foreign EDA software companies to immediately withdraw the software authorizations of all chip design companies in China.

And all foreign chip architectures, especially those major mainstream architectures, have also stopped licensing to Huaguo.

Of course, this suspension of authorization does not affect the chips that have been authorized before.

But now, domestic chip design companies are wailing, and countless practitioners have poured into the Internet, expressing their innocence and pity. The United States lifts sanctions.

This kind of thing is not impossible. The government may indeed consider this matter and choose to compromise with the United States.

Of course, this is based on the premise that no alternative EDA software can be found in China.

But now, their company's EDA software has been born, and the building is about to collapse. Naturally, the government will not compromise with the United States, and will vigorously promote Zhiqi's EDA software.

Those practitioners have no choice. Even if they don't believe in domestic EDA software, they can only make a choice. If they don't choose, they will lose their jobs. They have to choose.

It takes a certain amount of time to learn new software, but when they find that this new software is actually easier to use than foreign EDA software, they will naturally know what is called "true fragrance".

"Well, since academician Shen and the government have started to help me promote it, then I have to cooperate."

He called Xu Xin and discussed the matter with her

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