Ye Cheng's narration is still going on, and with the PPT, the industry elites present can see the advantages of the Taibai architecture more intuitively.

In addition to the adaptive instruction set that shocked everyone at the beginning, he also talked about other advantages, such as lower cost, lower power consumption on average, and strong compatibility.

No matter how hard it is for the people below to believe it, but from Boss Zhiqi's mouth, there is no doubt at all.

This is not a press conference for those consumers at large.

The press conference for the general consumers can draw cakes and brag. Maybe many consumers will believe your evil and really buy it.

After all, the fan economy works everywhere.

But this press conference is aimed at professionals.

Drawing cakes or bragging will only affect the image in the hearts of others.

There is no fan economy here, only good and bad.

And Zhiqi's achievements in less than a year have already made people believe that what he said is true!

Ye Cheng narrated, and stopped as the PPT turned to the last page.

Next, it was the turn of the Q&A session.

After listening to his preaching, the following people will of course have various questions.

Especially how did his adaptive function come true.

This is what confuses them the most.

ARM was the most impatient of them all, and their chip architects were the first to raise their hands.

Ye Cheng was not at all worried about whether his competitors would ask any sharp questions, and he was the first to point out this person.

The architect himself is a native of China and can speak Chinese.

"Mr. Ye, I want to ask, how is your self-adaptation and how is it realized?"

This is obviously the core issue, and it also confuses the people below the most.

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "I believe everyone should know about compilers, right?"

"The compiler translates various programming languages ​​into machine code, so that our CPU can perform calculations directly."

"And our self-adaptation is actually adding a compiler-like technology to compile ultra-simplified instructions into a simplified instruction set or a complex instruction set, and make them perfectly connected and run."

The architect opened his eyes wide and was stunned for a long time, and finally said in front of so many people: "Is there such a technology?"

Ye Cheng laughed: "Technology is endless, only unexpected, nothing impossible to achieve, isn't there a saying, everything is possible."

"It's like once we didn't believe in going to the moon, but now it has come true."

"The future of human beings is still very long. My friends, it is just a microcosm now. When we realize controllable nuclear fusion, and even freely travel to and from the major planets in the solar system, and even galaxies, I hope that we humans will still be able to Can you say one more thing, 'Is there such a technology?'."

The people below couldn't help clapping their hands, excited by the brilliance of Ye Cheng's words.

Even Cook is the same.

At this time, he also said with emotion: "This populist, to some extent, is indeed worthy of his current position."

When human beings can realize galaxy travel, if they can say "there is still such a technology", presumably, that technology must be a technology that is still unimaginable for people today.

Ye Cheng's words undoubtedly contain an unparalleled imagination of the future technology of mankind.

The architect of ARM knew that he had said something stupid, but Ye Cheng's words gave him a step down.

He glanced at Ye Cheng gratefully, and couldn't help but be attracted by the 'compiler' at the chip level.

He suddenly wanted to resign from ARM, return to China, join Zhiqizhong, and see for himself what kind of technology Ye Cheng's so-called "compiler" is.

As for asking here, it is naturally impossible. Everyone knows that this must be Zhiqi's secret. People can say that a compiler-like technology is considered a big gesture of kindness. As for how to implement it in the chip, no one knows. will know.

But also because of this, his urge to return to China is getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, he thinks that he is working abroad, because Huaguo is now repeatedly suppressed by foreign countries, so that the work he was once proud of has been rejected by those friends in China. He poked his spine behind his back, which made him dare not mention to his domestic friends that he worked for ARM.

As for why he didn't go back before, although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he had always felt that it was basically impossible for domestic architecture companies to surpass foreign architecture companies, and working abroad allowed him to get in touch with more cutting-edge technologies and get to know more many peers.

But now, a powerful chip architecture company has emerged in China, can he also choose to go back, and then shine?

At the same time, in the future, I can also proudly say to my friends when I was young, is he working for Zhiqi now?

He sat back in his seat, and the white ARM executive next to him did not expect that the important architect in the ARM company next to him had quietly made a decision.

Obviously, there will be more and more people like him because Zhiqi becomes stronger.


Next, Ye Cheng continued to answer questions. On the premise of not disclosing business secrets, he perfectly answered the doubts of these people. at the helm.

In this way, after all the questions are asked, it also indicates that this press conference is coming to an end.

"Okay, look at the time, it's been an hour, it's getting late, so today's press conference on the Taibai structure is here for the time being."

Seeing that no one asked any more questions, Ye Cheng said so.

"Of course, before the end of the press conference, please allow me to make a simple advertisement. Zhiqi EDA software will update new functions after the release of the Taibai architecture. After the update, everyone is using our Taibai architecture for design. When the time comes, our EDA software will assist the designer in the design, and its functions include optimized circuits, design tips...etc."

"In general, when using our EDA software and Taibai architecture at the same time, it will be more convenient to design and reduce the time spent on design."

When the people below heard his 'simple advertisement', their eyes widened.

Good guy, probably in this world, only Zhiqi has the ability to do this kind of thing, right?

After all, other chip architecture companies do not have their own EDA software, and EDA software companies do not have their own chip architecture.

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