But unfortunately, Zhou Yuan did not wake up, but was still asleep.

Although the system is still transforming Heavenly Dao in this world, the transformation speed is so ridiculously slow that even Zhou Yuan himself has already fallen asleep more than once.

He didn't know how long he had been there now, but he always felt that the breath of assimilation absorbed by this system was becoming more and more familiar, and he could even see some fleeting pictures from it accidentally!

Through these pictures, he can almost determine what kind of world this is.

a perfect world!

This is the world where the eternally arbitrary Emperor of Heaven exists, and my own method of altering oneself is a super powerful technique created by this Emperor of Heaven!

There is only one thing that makes Zhou Yuan a little confused.

The Emperor of Heaven's Self-Transformation Method only has two million redemption points in the system, and the Emperor of Heaven Fist that was redeemed before was obviously slightly lower than his method of self-transformation, but it cost him a full billion. breaking point.

why is that!?

As if sensing Zhou Yuan's doubts, the system suddenly jumped out at this moment:

[Ding! His Transformation of Freedom method is originally just a cultivation method, which requires the host to deduce it on his own, while the Emperor of Heaven Fist is an offensive technique. Both sides have been deduced by the Chaos-level powerful person. "Of course there is an essential difference. 】

Listening to the systematic explanation, Zhou Yuan understood a lot.

This means that the Emperor of Heaven Fist is very powerful, at least much more powerful than the self-transformation method that I have not yet fully comprehended.

After all, he has not fully understood it even to this day.

It was an extremely powerful technique, but unfortunately, the system only gave him complete information, without any measures to assist him in understanding it.

As for the Emperor of Heaven Fist, I mastered it immediately after redeeming the first level, so there is naturally a price gap.

After understanding this, Zhou Yuan still had nothing to do.

The assimilation of the system has not yet been completed, and God knows when it will be completely assimilated.

But he didn't gain anything.

It is not difficult to see from the pictures that are revealed bit by bit as they continue to assimilate Heavenly Dao that they are indeed in a perfect world, and they are still in the small mountain village at the beginning.

But as the time in the consciousness space lengthened little by little, the pictures transmitted back also continued to move forward.

Shi Hao gradually became stronger with his extraordinary strength and Qi Luck, and even witnessed him coming to the Virtual God Realm!

Of course, Shi Hao had not yet entered the Virtual God Realm at this time, he just heard Willow God mention it.


Just when Zhou Yuan was recalling the origin of the title of the Emperor of Heaven who "loved to drink animal milk", the system in the consciousness space suddenly erupted with a strong sound, and then the surrounding environment changed rapidly, one after another. Pure Dao Rhyme surrounds the space of consciousness.


Zhou Yuan looked at the system in the sky with excitement. It seemed that after dormant for such a long time, the system had finally successfully integrated and assimilated the Heavenly Dao!

This means that I can finally wake up!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan couldn't help but burst into tears.

During these days, although I could not return to my body consciously, I could feel and see Nuwa and Houtu hiding with me. Maybe they also felt the Willow God in Xiaoshi Village, so they did not dare to enter the village easily. .

But even though he was hiding everywhere, he still got a lot of intelligence and news.

At least they also understand that this is a completely different place from the Great Primordial, and... there are many heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain the aura of heaven and earth.

While Zhou Yuan was sleeping, the two of them continued to collect various spiritual treasures from heaven, materials and earth.

Their idea is very simple, to obtain Karmic Merit and continuously improve their strength, so that when they return to the Great Primordial world, they can deal with Taoist Yang Mei and even Hongjun Dao Ancestor!


Suddenly, just when they were about to collect some more herbs, Zhou Yuan, who was lying in Houtu's arms, finally made some movement!

"Little guy, you're awake, you're finally awake!"!"

Houtu felt it at the first moment, and an expression of surprise instantly broke out on his face.

"Sister Nuwa, the little one is awake!"

While she was overjoyed, she did not forget to share the joy and excitement with Nuwa.

They had been active in the woods near the small stone village, so they naturally had no concept of time. They just saw Shi Hao, who was just a boy at first, slowly grow into a young man.

He even defeated a group of beings called medical beauties in this world.

Witnessing the growth of Shi Hao, the two women had a sense of imminent witnessing the rise of Human Race.

That feeling can be called... Qi Luck!

Nuwa didn't say anything else, she directly released her storage magic weapon, and then she poured out the treasures of heaven, materials and earth all over the floor.

The scene in front of him frightened Zhou Yuan, who had just "woke up" and hadn't even moved a few times.

Although he did eat as soon as he woke up before, the situation here is obviously different from before!

That's right.

After the system assimilated the Heavenly Dao in this world, there were some changes in the way it swallowed the Grand Dao Karmic Merit.

Although it is still necessary to swallow the heavenly materials and earthly treasures to turn them into breakthrough points, and then spit out the Karmic Merit contained in the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, because there are so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in this world that they cannot be counted, the transformation into Number of breaking points.

Even in addition to the Grand Dao Karmic Merit, he can also choose to spit out another mysterious power.

Although Zhou Yuan didn't understand what this power was, he could feel that this power had something to do with the Chapter 10 Emperor Fist he had mastered and the other-transformation freedom method he practiced.

And what surprised him the most was that he was now able to transform into an external avatar with his own Grand Dao Karmic Merit!

Although the body of this gold-swallowing beast still cannot be transformed into a human form, it is already very good that he can reproduce his own body in the form of an external incarnation.

Unfortunately, Grand Dao Karmic Merit cannot maintain its incarnation for too long, and can only last for three days at most.

But even so, he was already very satisfied.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for him to condense his physical incarnation in front of Nuwa and Houtu. After all, they have to rely on them to collect the treasures of heaven and earth. "What should I do if Ichiju reveals his human form and they don't like it?"

As for what he is going to do with his external incarnation?

That's very simple. This world is the plane of the perfect world. If I can find some opportunities through external incarnations, or directly mix with Shi Hao, wouldn't I be able to gain a lot of opportunities?

Judging from the current point of time, Shi Hao should not have entered the Virtual God Realm yet.

Wouldn't it be just right for me to take advantage of this moment to get acquainted with Shi Hao in the Virtual God Realm?

But thinking about it, Zhou Wu should first devour the treasures of heaven and earth in front of him before talking about it.

From what he saw, these treasures of heaven, materials and earth probably wouldn't contribute much to breakthrough points.

After all, no matter how much Nuwa Houtu and the others collected, they were only active in this small area, and they only collected some treasure bones of monsters or spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

But now that I have collected them all, I have no objection to not wanting them.

Staggeringly, he stood up. This time, the system was making too much noise, which made Zhou Yuan really uncomfortable with his current body for a while.

After being in the consciousness space for so many years, the body of Tun Jinzeng, which he had developed a habit of, became a stranger again.

But after all, I had gotten used to it before. After moving my muscles and bones a little, I became familiar with it, and then I directly started to swallow those heavenly materials and earthly treasures into my mouth.

Seeing Zhou Yuan like this, Houtu and Nuwa were completely relieved.

It seems like nothing's wrong with the little guy, that's good!

"Sister Houtu, let's quickly refine these Karmic Merits and try to improve our cultivation!"

Nuwa took a deep breath and looked at the large piece of Karmic Merit golden cloud that Zhou Yuan spat out again and said slowly.

Houtu nodded. Both of them knew that they had to make themselves stronger as soon as possible, at least not to be so powerless when they went back.

While the two were refining the Karmic Merit spit out by Zhou Yuan, a young man sat cross-legged under a willow tree in Xiaoshi Village.

"Willow God, I feel that weird aura again, this time there are two auras!"

Shi Hao frowned. He really couldn't figure out why those two auras that even Willow God said were extremely dangerous have been near Xiaoshi Village all these years but have not made any move?

"Not only that, but there is also a slightly weaker aura, and there seems to be the rhythm of Grand Dao in it?"

Willow God's voice sounded slowly, but they didn't know the Grand Dao Karmic Merit. This was a difference in the cultivation system, but even so, Shi Hao, the son of this world's Qi Yun, was still able to profit from it.

"Willow God, I seem to have touched something extremely mysterious. Can I find my parents now?" Shi Hao still wanted to find his parents, but Willow God rejected his idea.

"You are still too weak now, but since you intend to become stronger, I can send you to the Virtual God Realm for training."

"Virtual God Realm?"

"Yes, that place was built jointly by the gods in ancient times, and it can be called a treasure place.

There, the monks peel off the physical body, that is, enter the spiritual power and spiritual body, and experience in it. Not only can they obtain some treasures that can strengthen their spiritual power and spiritual body, they can even gain some strength in the Virtual God Realm. The improvement can eventually be fed back to the physical body. "

Listening to Willow God's narration, Shi Hao instantly became interested.

"Okay, I must become stronger by then and go find my parents again!" Shi Hao's eyes were firm, and this scene was heard by Zhou Yuan, who had condensed his body and soul.

"The system has a very serious problem."

[Ding! Host, please speak. 】

"."How do I enter this Void God Realm?"

This is a big problem. After all, I really don’t understand why something similar to an online game would appear here.

[Ding! If the host wants to enter, he can directly access the Virtual God Realm through the system. 】

Okay, it’s really an online game.

But it doesn't matter, his purpose is just to make friends with Shi Hao, he can't care about the rest.

Moreover, this time can be said to be the most suitable time to make friends with the Emperor of Heaven.

With the bonus of "favorite to drink animal milk", even the emperor of heaven, who is arbitrary and arbitrary for eternity, does not seem to have such a sense of distance...

Just when Zhou Yuan was thinking about this, Shi Hao, who was sitting cross-legged under the willow tree, instantly fell down like a puddle of mud. Willow God took out the wicker to protect his body.

"It's almost time, system, take me to the Virtual God Realm!"

[Ding! Connecting...]


As the sound of the system fell, Zhou Yuan felt that his eyes were hazy and solidified again, and the surroundings had completely changed.

Although the surrounding environment is still antique, the huge monument and the stone tablet placed in front of him, as expected, have a style of online games.

Since Huang Emperor of Heaven loves to eat animal milk the most, then he can have it himself

‘My favorite thing is Karmic Merit’!

Well, not bad, it feels very good.

Although he entered the Virtual God Realm, he was not sure whether the initial place he was in was the same as Shi Hao.

But Zhou Yuan’s thinking is also very clear.

Wouldn't it be enough to wait for Shi Hao to break the teleportation bluestone in the initial place?

But thinking of this, Zhou Yuan also wanted to know how many breakthrough points the high-level treasure bones on it could provide him.

Although Nuwa and Houtu had occasionally collected some precious bones from the heavenly materials and earthly treasures before, they did not know about the precious bones, so the preservation was not very complete.

"Congratulations to Shi Hao for breaking the initial tunnel, and you will be rewarded with a piece of Yuanshi's precious bone!"

A stone tablet suddenly appeared, and a line of words on it attracted Zhou (Zhao Hao) Yuan, and then he subconsciously looked at the nearby environment. Sure enough, he did not get along with Shi Hao.

in the same initial location.

But wouldn’t that be better!?

In the Virtual God Realm, at least in this initial place, everyone's strength is limited to the blood-moving realm, but Zhou Yuan was surprised to find that his own strength did not seem to be limited!

Maybe it’s because of direct access to the system?

No matter what, I am very strong now!

As a result, Zhou Yuan no longer hesitated, and directly shot out with a palm, instantly shattering the initial teleportation stone of the jade.

The same stone tablet, the same surprise, but the words on it have changed:

"Congratulations to Karmic Merit for breaking the initial tunnel and awarding Yuanshi a precious bone!"

At this time, the melon-eaters who were still watching the show in the Virtual God Realm were shocked.

Is this even possible!?

However, the surprise was followed by ecstasy, and everyone followed suit, but only a few people were truly successful.

Shi Hao's powerful physical strength and Zhou Yuan's unrestricted cultivation are not easy to replicate.

Now that Shi Hao has experienced this for the first time, he will probably provoke people from the Yu Clan and the four major families in the future, right?

I just wait for the plot of Shi Hao to suppress those people and then "blackmail" the four major families.

Then you will know where he is.

Before that, he wanted to explore this virtual god...011704218Feilu131410520]

As someone who has read the original work, this False God Realm can be regarded as an extremely mysterious place.

As for the true appearance of the Virtual God Realm, it is a fairyland cage. This even shocked Zhou Yuan himself.

It's a pity that I only have three days, but that's half enough!

In three days, watch me turn your virtual world upside down!

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