“I didn’t expect that I could actually see this scene of the army!” Ran Ruo stood on the roof of the headquarters and looked at the neat troops gathered not far away, and couldn’t help but be shocked.

The entire 300,000-strong army was densely packed, and it could be said that all of Ran Ruo’s vision was filled.

“General Zhang, you led an army of 100,000 to fight south!” Huan Hui stood in front of the army and said to Zhang Handan.

“Fight until the sea! If you encounter living people, control them! Huan Hui thought for a moment and said to Zhang Handan.

Since the whole world is basically occupied by the zombie virus, his goal should also be expanded a little, and it is time to target the countries below Kyushu Country, not to target the territory of Kyushu Country.

“No!” Zhang Han said with a serious face.

“General Sun, you also led an army of 100,000 to attack the north, fighting until the Yangtze River!” Winhui looked at a general on the other side and said.

For this General Sun, there is actually no bright spot, and the reason why Yinghui promoted him to this position of general. Speaking of which, this guy also took advantage of time, this is the first soldier to be summoned, so he broke and promoted him to general.

But leading an army of 100,000 people to attack all the way forward, he can still complete this.

According to Ran Ruo’s words, the main government of Kyushu Kingdom shifted its focus directly to the north and west. With the Yangtze River as the boundary, after all, due to the relatively large number of people in the provinces south of the Yangtze River, the result is that the number of zombies is extremely large, and Kyushu Country is also directly ruthless, abandoning all the areas south of the Yangtze River.

Of course, this does not mean that the area north of the Yangtze River is completely safe, the zombies in the area north of the Yangtze River are also countless, it can only be said that the area south of the Yangtze River has lost the most, so the government of the Nine Heavens Dynasty after considering for a long time, a man decided to abandon the area south of the Yangtze River, concentrate on cleaning up the zombies in the area north of the Yangtze River, as for the zombies south of the Yangtze River, wait until they pass through the Yangtze River.

In order to prevent southern zombies from invading the north, the bridges across the Yangtze River were all blown up!

Therefore, Winhui also hit the target directly to the Yangtze River for the time being.

“No!” The guy called General Sun said solemnly.

“Leave five thousand to defend Jiang City.” Winhui said to a general beside him.

Jiang City is also temporarily defined as the existence of the headquarters, and the existing materials in Jiang City are enough for him to treat it like this.

“No!” One of the generals who heard Huanhui’s words nodded solemnly.

He knows his mission, defend the logistics! This is the task that His Highness sent him, after all, the food and drink of a total of 300,000 troops are in Jiang City, if something happens, then he really can’t die.

“Expedition!” Winhui pulled out the bronze sword at his waist and pointed it in the air and roared.

“No!” Zhang Wei and General Sun on the side said.

Immediately afterwards, he led an army of 100,000 to the south, hitting the sea, and the other led an army of 100,000 to the Yangtze River.

As for Yinghui, he decided to go to the west, passing through the Asang country, bypassing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and launching an attack on those countries in the west!

Winhui knows that although the zombie virus has broken out in this world, for the whole world, this is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity, an opportunity for careerists.

There are not a few countries that have perished in this zombie crisis, as long as a strong guy appears, occupying those countries that have been destroyed by zombies, then who belongs to the country he occupies?

That, of course, depends on whose fist is hard!

The surviving soldiers in this country are directly sent to defend the top leaders of those living countries, and as for those lost territories, no one really stands up and no one thinks about recovering them.

Then Winhui said that these territories they had temporarily abandoned, and he led them to receive them for the time being.



“Miscellaneous ones, eat an axe!” A muscular man wielded the axe in his hand and directly beheaded the zombie in front of him!

“Wow, I didn’t expect the zombies in the Asang Kingdom to be so huge!” In the center of the army, Hui Hui looked at the army and the zombies in front of him and said with a frown.

For the country of Asan, the perception of people all over the world is that the class between rich and unrich is too large, the rich are too rich, and the rich are really no money. And so the world’s largest slum was born.

When Yinghui led the army to prepare to detour through the country of Asan, he thought that he would encounter zombies converted from the slums of the country of Asan.

Those slums in the country of Asan are infected with one slum that is basically this area. So Winhui was mentally prepared when he was preparing for a detour, but he didn’t expect that he also underestimated the zombies in the country of Asan.

“Kill kill kill!” Although the number of zombies on the border of Asan Country is very large, under the situation that the zombies cannot be broken against the soldiers of Daqin, and the soldiers of Daqin are still the same as chopping vegetables.

When the army led by Yinghui encountered the zombies of the Asang Kingdom, after fighting for a while, the zombies of the Asang Kingdom were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It can be said that zombies and Daqin’s soldiers are equivalent to first-level assassins versus tank warriors with six gods.

So this battle is not so much a battle as a massacre, except that the object of the slaughter is a group of walking dead zombies!

“Huhhuhu…” After the soldiers of Daqin cut off the head of the last zombie who came to the zombie, they all couldn’t help but gasp.

“Rest for a moment!” Hui Hui instructed several adjutant generals. Then layers of orders were transmitted, and the 100,000-strong army sat in place and rested.


“The new book sets sail”, “asking for flowers”, “asking for rewards”, “asking for collections”, “asking for monthly passes”

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