“Zuo Lengchan come out! Do you know what you’re doing right now? You’re looking for your own death! Yue Buqun stood outside the door of the Martial Arts Training Hall and shouted loudly inside.

“Hehe, Yue Buqun, this hypocrite still wants to lure me out.” Zuo Lengchan, who was sitting on the main seat, said coldly.

Although he knew that he was definitely useless here, as long as the other party ordered a strong attack, at most, he would lose a few soldiers when he just entered the palace, but the result of this was that he Zuo Lengchan and the entire Songshan faction disappeared into the martial arts.

Therefore, he Zuo Lengchan just had to wait for an opportunity, since Yue Buqun, a hypocrite, could obtain the appreciation of the lord of Daqin, who was rumored to be able to occupy the entire Daming new force, and directly became a general with heavy troops.

So why can’t he? He asked himself that he was no worse than Yue Buqun, so he had to wait here, as long as a guy who could speak conveyed its meaning, he could survive and ascend to a high position.

As for going head-to-head with these soldiers, Zuo Lengchan didn’t think about this problem, not to mention whether he could fight or not, in terms of these numerical problems, his Songshan faction was completely dozens of times less than the other party.

“Strong attack, leave no one!” Yue Buqun looked at Lian Wutang, who had not received a response for a long time, and directly ordered several captains on the side.

Since this Zuo Lengchan is so ignorant, then don’t blame him for being ruthless, on a Song mountain, when he puts the same mistake, he will definitely not make a second mistake, so for Zuo Lengchan’s behavior, he Yue Buqun directly chose the hardest method.

“No.” Several of the surrounding captains immediately threw up their hands after receiving Yue Buqun’s order.

“Archer ready!” I don’t know which captain directly opened his mouth and ordered.

“Boom!” Among the soldiers who surrounded the entire martial arts hall, one soldier after another walked out one after another, and gathered together at the main entrance of the martial arts hall.

“Sure enough, when the imperial court army gathers, the so-called martial arts is a joke.” Yue Buqun looked at the group of archers at the entrance of the Lianwu Hall with trepidation, and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

He thought to himself that if he was facing these bows and arrows, he would probably only be able to use the internal force in his body to form a stoma-like object to protect himself. But how long can the protective shield formed by internal forces last?

Under that endless bow and arrow, he Yue Buqun may only be able to protect himself with a protective shield for a few breaths, but after this short breath of time, he Yue Buqun will probably be shot directly into a hedgehog.

“Fortunately, my original choice was wise enough!” Yue Buqun couldn’t help but sigh and said happily.

“Ready, release!” A captain looked at the so-called martial arts hall in front of him with sharp eyes, and ordered directly.

“Stop, stop, stop it all!” Just as the archers were preparing to attack, suddenly there was a shout.

The archer, who was preparing to release his bow and arrow, looked suspiciously at the person next to him who shouted.

“Don’t move!” Ling Hu Chong looked at those archers and said directly angrily.

However, the archer who was preparing to release the bow and arrow did not look at Ling Hu Chong, and directly looked at Yue Buqun.

This guy who told them not to do it was the apprentice of General Yue who led them in battle this time. Therefore, for this situation, they could only ask General Yue Buqun Yue as a master.

“Chong’er! Give me back, do you know what you’re doing?! Yue Buqun said to Ling Hu Chong with a solemn face.

Yue Buqun, he really couldn’t figure out what he was doing now, this apprentice who was at most a little naughty on weekdays? Does he know what he is doing now, will it affect him and his master and the Huashan Sect?

“Soldiers, continue to attack!” Yue Buqun said to the archers with an apologetic tone.

“Tie!” After all the archers got Yue Buqun’s words, they once again directly pulled the bows and arrows into an oval shape.

“Stop! I tell you all to stop! Ling Hu Chong saw that his words did not have the slightest effect, but these soldiers were still preparing to attack, which made Hu Chong suddenly angry.

“Stop!” Ling Hu Chong directly used light skills, instantly came to the side of the nearest archer, and directly slapped his palm.

At the same time, the soldiers who were preparing to launch an attack did not notice this temporary attack that belonged to their own people, so the soldiers who were preparing to launch an attack were directly severely injured by Ling Hu Chong’s palm.

After all, Ling Hu Chong’s attack was launched in anger. The soldier who was attacked did not have any defense against this sudden attack, so the casualties were extremely serious.

“Boom.” After hearing the movement here, and witnessing this act with their own eyes, the archers who were about to shoot aimed their bows and arrows directly at Ling Hu Chong, who was still preparing to attack.


While Yue Buqun looked at this scene, his mind seemed to sound like a muffled thunder.

“Scoundrel!” Yue Buqun directly rioted, and the light skill was directly used by him to the extreme, and instantly came to Ling Hu Chong’s side.

“Snap!” Yue Buqun’s attack slapped directly on Ling Hu Chong’s back.

“Boom.” Ling Hu Chong was directly knocked to the ground by Yue Buqun in an instant.

“Master?!” Ling Hu Chong lay on the ground and looked at Yue Buqun with puzzled eyes.

Ling Hu Chong didn’t understand why his master wanted to beat him?




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