At the same time, General Daming, who was on the border of Liaodong and the territory of the Golden Family, looked solemnly at the intelligence in his hand and the shallow order.

“Your Majesty, you really want to do this.”

The two generals who fought against the invasion of the Liaodong border and the Golden Family could only say helplessly in the end.

After all, they knew how their position came about, and they also knew what the consequences would be if the entire Central Plains changed dynasty once again.

They have seen many scenes of people living in this border, so if they can, such a thing must not happen again in the interior of the Daming territory.

“Pass the order down, support the Central Plains!” The defense generals of the two border lands could only give orders helplessly.

Then the mighty army of hundreds of thousands withdrew directly from these two places that defended the border, leaving empty cities one after another.

At the same time, just after the army stationed on the border of the former Yuan Dynasty left, a merchant dressed like a Han drove a herd of sheep and cattle towards the empty city and began to slowly approach.

“Well, what’s going on? Why is it so quiet this time? Liu Shouheng looked at the empty scene on the city wall, and couldn’t help but feel a trace of doubt.

It stands to reason that every time he comes, there will be many Daming soldiers stationed on the city wall, watching every guy leaving and entering.

Why is there no one this time? It’s like an empty city.


Liu Shouheng pushed open the unclosed city gate and made a creaking sound.

“No one, what’s going on? Could it be that this group of Han people want to come to play, and the so-called empty city plan cannot be achieved? Liu Shouheng looked at the equally empty scene inside, and suddenly felt puzzled.

If there is just no one on the wall, then it is understandable, in case they all happen to go down to eat, or there is something wrong, but now the whole city is empty, like a dead city.

This city, but all the residents in a military fortress are all Daming soldiers, all are soldiers, this is actually all empty all of a sudden, does that mean that all the Daming soldiers in the entire city are gone?

In order to test this idea, Liu Shouheng directly ignored the sheep and cattle that came and ran towards every corner of the city.


“Haha, it seems that this group of Han soldiers all left for some reason, leaving this empty city, hahaha, the time has come!”

Liu Shouheng returned to the city gate and laughed loudly directly.

“No, I have to quickly report this news to the Great Khan, let the Great Khan decide, presumably the fertile Central Plains land will eventually belong to our steppe peoples!” Liu Shouheng casually closed the door directly, drove the sheep and cattle again, and returned to the grassland.

These flocks and cattle were precious, and if it were not for his better spying information, he would not have given him so many flocks and cattle.

From what Liu Shouheng said just now, it can be inferred that he came from a solid grassland ethnic group, dressed as this Han merchant, and every time he sent cattle and sheep through this city, the purpose was to probe the intelligence of this city, so that in the future, the grassland peoples could once again reign in the entire Central Plains.



“Are you sure what you said is true?!”

Da Khan directly couldn’t help but pat the table, looking at the guy who came to report in disbelief.

“Qiyu Great Khan, everything I said below is true, those Han people don’t know what’s going on, they all evacuated and left an empty city.” Liu Shouheng knelt in front of the Great Khan and said respectfully, telling all what he had seen and heard.

“You step down first, I’ll make my own decisions.” Da Khan waved his hand and signaled Liu Shouheng to retreat.


Liu Shouheng retreated excitedly. In his opinion, the Great Khan was about to launch another attack on the Central Plains land, and once again recapture the fertile land that once belonged to them.

“It seems that that thing is true.” Da Khan looked at Liu Shouheng, who had withdrawn, and couldn’t help but mutter.

As early as before, he had news that there was a rebellion in the southernmost part of the Daming Dynasty, and a province had already been conquered, and the rebel army was very powerful, and the Daming court could not help them.

When he heard this news, the first reaction of the Great Khan was fake, as being able to fight with them for so long, and they were only able to hide in the grassland, it was enough to prove that the Daming Imperial Court still had some strength, how could they not help this suddenly appeared rebel?

But now he had just received the news that the soldiers in the city defending their border had all retreated, and after thinking of the news he had received earlier, the Great Khan probably already knew in his heart why it was an empty city.

I am afraid that those soldiers who defended themselves and others went to support the battlefield in the Central Plains.

“Pass on my orders, all the steppe men prepare your horses, bring your weapons, and assemble all in the grass in front of the group!”

The Great Khan ordered directly to the guards outside his tent.

The Great Khan decided that he would lead the wolf people of the steppe to occupy the entire Central Plains again, and when the Daming court and the unknown rebel were defeated, he would go to harvest the fruit, and he would regain the light of his ancestors!

Once again, rebuild the steppe dynasty that belongs to the steppe peoples!

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