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“It doesn’t look like time has passed too long.”

Riding on his horse, Winhui looked at the cars on the side of the road and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

Those cars on the side of the road are a good example of all this.

You must know that he has been in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu for ten whole years!

Ten years in these ordinary worlds is enough time for anything to enter the aging period.

But what he saw was that the cars didn’t seem to be any different from when he left.

This made him start to guess.

Perhaps the time flow rate of the two worlds is not the same.

Although he didn’t know how long he had spent ten years in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu and experienced in this apocalyptic world, it was certain that not too long had passed.

“Forget it, since the time is not too large, let’s go to the camp when you left before.”

Hui looked at the surrounding scene, and directly began to walk in the direction of the camp according to the memory in his mind.

Although ten years have passed, those memories still remain in his mind for a long time, and Yinghui’s conjecture is that perhaps his realm is caused, and his realm has led to the development of his brain to a very high level, which has led him to have an impression in his mind about these detailed things, and will not be like ordinary people who will forget what happened yesterday today.

“Tread, tread.”

Just as Winhui was heading towards the camp, he suddenly heard a crowd of people, and according to the sound, it seemed to be coming towards him.

Just as he was thinking about who it was, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

“See Your Highness.”

A respectful voice sounded.

“General Zhang, get up.”

After seeing the guy in black armor, Winhui instantly knew who it was.

That was Zhang Handan, the leader of the 250,000-strong army that he had ordered them to guard here.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

Zhang Han said respectfully.

At the same time, his eyes looked at the army behind Hui Hui who could not see the end, and a light gate far away, and when there was still a steady stream of soldiers coming out of that door, his heart was extremely shocked.

Just now, when he was patrolling during the day, he suddenly felt a wave of vibrations, after sensing which direction this vibration came from? He immediately led a small group of men and horses to run in the direction that caused the vibration.

And if he guessed correctly, the place that emitted the direction of vibration may be emitted by zombies unique to this world.

In the face of the group of zombies who are not afraid of death, Zhang Han can be regarded as a braincase with a headache to death.

Because he knows how terrifying this zombie creature is, because just half a month ago, one of the soldiers was successfully broken through when he was attacked by a group of zombies, and the defense converted the soldier into a zombie.

Although the armor on the Daqin warriors is enough to arm to the teeth, after all, there is still a gap, and it is precisely because of this gap that the soldier was surrounded by the zombies to break through the defense and become a zombie who is not even a person.

Therefore, let them know that the fear of those zombies, although it is easy to slaughter, is still a terrifying existence.

But what he never expected was that after he arrived at the place where he sent out his true thoughts, the catalog eyes were indeed those familiar armors.

What surprised her even more was that there was a man in golden armor directly in front of the group of familiar armor.

And the man in the golden armor was the highness they thought about day and night.

Therefore, Zhang Han stepped forward respectfully immediately after seeing the person who made the movement and the object.

“Let’s go back to camp first.”

Huan Hui said to Zhang Handan.


Zhang Han said respectfully.


“So in other words, it’s only been more than 30 days since I left.”

Huan Hui sat on the main throne and listened to Zhang Handan’s report, and there was no thought in his heart.

I have experienced a whole decade in that world, ten years is more than 3600 days, but this world has only experienced 36 days.

That means that the flow rate of time is a hundredfold different.

Winhui thought lightly in his heart.

After figuring out the flow of time, Winfly no longer pays attention to this problem, but focuses on the world today.

“Rest for a moment, and launch an attack on the entire Europa continent tomorrow.”

After learning about the flow rate of time, Winhui no longer paid attention to the thing of time, which is not something he can currently fiddle with, and after learning the flow rate of time, he can only obey it, instead of thinking about how to control it.

So the current plan is to bring the entire continent of Europa into his hands at once.

Although people all over the world are basically digging for gold in the world like Xiaoao Jianghu, the sperm in this world is also very large, especially the continent of Europa has one of the largest gold savings points on the earth, so it is even more necessary to occupy it.

“Obey, Your Majesty.”

Zhang Han said respectfully.

He also just learned that His Highness had successfully created the Great Qin Empire in other worlds and had ascended the throne as emperor.

This made him feel very happy, at least the Great Qin Kingdom had finally been successfully created.

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