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“Oh, it turned out to be sent by that Chuan Country.”

Standing outside the interrogation room, Hui Hui couldn’t help but say thoughtfully as he listened to the words inside.

Originally, he also wanted to develop enough forces on this Europa continent to carry out unified actions against other continents.

But what he never expected was that at this time, that Chuan Country actually sent a guy to assassinate him.

“It looks like I’m taking advantage of something that has caused some people’s anger.”

Hui Hui looked at the land force on the map and couldn’t help but sneer.

Is it really time when the end has not broken out? Can he still be that unscrupulous international policeman? And want to assassinate yourself, hehe.

A hint of killing intent flashed in Yinghui’s eyes.

Since that Changguo had already set his sights on him, he was also going to give them some gifts.

Aren’t they afraid of themselves, then they themselves will come and surprise them!

Winhui left the interrogation room directly and walked in the direction of the vault.

He originally wanted to develop slowly, and wanted to digest the territory of the occupied area first, but since this Sichuan country provoked him, then he planned to start first.

Are you really a persimmon that everyone can pinch?

Soon it had reached the vault where the gold was stored.


As the door of the vault was slowly opened, in an instant Winglight entered a treasure trove full of gold.

“Summon, summon all!”

Hui Hui looked at the warehouse full of gold, and ordered to the system without blinking his eyes.

Every time the Daqin army occupied a place, it would carry out a frenzied search for the area, and as long as it was gold, it would gather towards the camp where he was.

So from the moment his Daqin army appeared on the Europa continent, and now basically half of the gold on the road is here.

What’s more, he descended into this world with a million-strong army of the world, and he only replenished a hundred thousand, which is only a small amount for the gold savings on the entire Europa continent.

Now that evil Changguo has withstood his anger, it is time to make them pay.

He’s going to go crazy and explode.

He wants to directly and completely unify the entire Europa continent in the shortest possible time, and finally directly attack the mainland of Sichuan Country directly with his western forces!

If you want to let yourself die, then you must be prepared to be killed.


“The whole army attacked!”

Standing on the high ground, Hui Hui looked at the 500,000 troops that appeared below and said a word flatly.


The voice of grandeur and shock sounded in this camp.

Even a few kilometers away, everyone in the other camp could hear the two words.

“It’s the voice of those demons.”

After listening to the voice of Daqin, some of the captives who were farming lowered their heads and said angrily.

“Battle war, war war!”

Compared to those angry prisoners, all the Daqin soldiers who were patrolling raised their weapons and roared loudly after hearing the voice from Huanhui’s camp.

They understand how large the number of voices that can be made, and they can understand what such a huge number is for.

That means that His Majesty is about to launch another attack. They were also soldiers of Daqin, and they naturally felt a sense of excitement.


The supreme leader of the Far Chuan Kingdom looked at the latest army on the Europa Continent and felt a pang of surprise.

“How come there is such a large army again?”

The supreme leader of the Sichuan Kingdom looked at the soldiers who were attacking ferociously on the satellite screen and said to himself in bewilderment.

“It looks like the Dragon Kingdom is really deep.”

The supreme leader of the Chuan Kingdom couldn’t help but say to himself helplessly.

In his opinion, these hundreds of thousands of troops that suddenly appeared on the battlefield of Europa must have come from the Dragon Kingdom again.

After all, only that dragon country can suddenly recruit hundreds of thousands of troops without making a sound, the number of people is there, and he is not surprised that it is several times more, but he is only surprised that these armies actually arrived directly from the distant dragon country to the battlefield of Europa, and this technology that can cover their satellites is surprised.

“It looks like it’s going to speed up training. Since the Dragon Kingdom has set its sights on the Europa battlefield, then I may only be able to aim at the bottom or the Black Continent. ”

The leader of the Chuan Kingdom said helplessly.

Now there are 2 million soldiers on the battlefield of Europa according to incomplete statistics, and now even the soldiers of his Sichuan country may not get any benefits, so it is better to target the continent below the native land of his own Sichuan country, as well as the black state.

In this new era, if he wants to make a profit, he can only walk ahead of everyone, this is a world that has been reshuffled, and what he needs to do now is to be able to divide enough interests in the cake of the world.

Unfortunately, what he didn’t know was the armor-clad soldiers who were killing on the battlefield of Europa, and the main reason why there were so many was because he sent to assassinate the so-called general who was guarding the continent of Europa.

After all, in the entire Europa continent, no matter how many general-level guys there are, right? As long as they are killed, then the speed of their attack will definitely be delayed, which will be extremely beneficial to themselves and the entire Sichuan Kingdom.

Unfortunately, what he never expected was that it was his behavior that stimulated Winhui, forcing Winhui to directly summon an army of 500,000 and accelerate the journey to occupy the continent of Europa.


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