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A large cavalry legion operates on the territory of some unknown country.

Hui Hui looked at the zombies who heard the sound all the way and had been shot before they approached his army, and couldn’t help nodding slightly.

I thought that when I came to this Europa continent from that distant keel, the 50,000 army I was carrying could only leave here quickly, for fear that I would be besieged by those zombies and lose some soldiers.

But now the situation is different, he directly and honestly returned with a million-strong army, this time without scruples.

The zombies that followed had their heads exploded without even touching themselves.

This is really cool for him.

At the same time, the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom in the distance couldn’t help but jump out of the corner of his eye after looking at the mighty and oppressive army on the satellite surveillance.

The other side is this ???

According to his observations these days, the force wearing the ancient armor of his country has completely unified the continent of Europa.

And if he is not blind, he naturally knows the number of soldiers on the other side. There are more than three million of them, and there are modern legions and ancient cold weapon legions. It is not impossible for that kind of strength to once again start a world war in the world.

They all far exceed the number of soldiers in their own countries, more than they did decades before the Great Disarmament.

And then now what does he see? See, at least a million troops are moving towards the direction of the Dragon Kingdom.

And there are two million troops stationed on the continent of Europa.

This made his thoughts go in the worst direction.

That is, after this unknown mysterious force completely unified the Europa continent, and now sent such a huge number of millions of troops to the Dragon Country, does this mean that the unknown mysterious force will begin to invade the Dragon Country?

This result made the leader of the Dragon Kingdom can’t help but start thinking deeply, after all, all this is possible.

However, the leader of the Sichuan country on the other side of the ocean flashed a trace of certainty in his eyes after seeing the scene on the satellite map.

Sure enough, the original conjecture was correct, the soldiers on the Europa continent were indeed from the Dragon Country, and the Dragon Country was really cunning, and I didn’t expect that when the zombie virus broke out, I had already thought of taking this action, and this action was unexpectedly perfect.

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom couldn’t help but start to envy.

He could already predict that when the zombie virus ended, the leader of the Eastern Dragon Kingdom would probably go down in history for the merit of expanding the territory.

And there is also the kind that may go down in the annals of world history, because he knows that this move of the Dragon Kingdom, it should be said that occupying the Europa continent is only the first step, perhaps in the next trip, the Dragon Kingdom completely occupies all of Asia and the Europa continent.

Therefore, the leader of the hI country clearly knows that if the Sichuan country does not take some action, or does not attack the rest of the countries to receive their territory, then I am afraid that the cake of this world will be divided.

He didn’t want the people of Sichuan Country to scold him a few years later, but when there was such a good time, he, the leader of Sichuan Country, was so dense, he missed the time when the huge cake of Sichuan Country and the world was derailed.

“Minister, give me access to the states, I’m going to talk to them.”

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom ordered to the ruling minister on the side.

Although he is nominally the supreme chief of the country, there are many governors below him dividing the power of the supreme chief of the Sichuan country, so this kind of meeting to win the opinions of all the governors seems very common in the Sichuan country, after all, it is a federal system.

On the other side of the ocean, in the country of Sichuan, when the video calls from various states began to tell about his great grandeur, Yinghui had already led a million-strong army across the Three Kingdoms and reached the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.


“Take over all the cities.”

As soon as Hui Hui entered the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, he directly reached his territory, after all, the current Dragon Kingdom is essentially when the north and the south are completely separated, the north is the original leader of the Dragon Kingdom, and the south has become the territory of Daqin.

The Yangtze River Heavenly Danger completely cut off the connection between Daqin and the Dragon Kingdom, but both sides knew each other’s existence. After all, it’s just a river, and there is no way for the zombies to pass, but the soldiers of the assistants on both sides of the strait are all living existences, and they can naturally see the figures of the soldiers of the other side stationed there.

“Your Highness.”

Every time Hui Hui arrived at a place, the Daqin soldiers stationed there instantly became respectful after seeing the million-strong army led by Hui Hui.

In their eyes, it was their Highness who had returned, and the soldiers who had led the support had returned.

Soon, with unimpeded access, Winhui reached the first camp he had established from this world.


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