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“New World, I’m coming!”

Yinghui sat on the throne of the palace and said heavily.

Although he could be sure that the force value of the next world would not be too against the sky, he still felt a heavy feeling at this moment when he was about to cross.

“Is the army ready?”

Winhui asked as he looked at the generals standing neatly below.

He didn’t know what kind of world the world he would cross next, but the army turned unprepared and decided whether he would choose to develop indecently or directly carry the army to besiege after he arrived at the next world.

“Your Majesty, everything is ready.”

The generals in black armor said loudly.


After receiving a satisfactory answer, Winhui nodded.

“During my absence, please manage the whole world well, now you don’t need to worry about foreign enemies and other things, now you just need to focus all your energy on people’s livelihood, and fully develop the population and grow food.”

Hui Hui ordered to the guy who was originally the leader of the Dragon Kingdom on the side. Now he is the prime minister of Daqin, after all, with his ability, he is enough to become the prime minister.

As a large country with a population of several billion, the leader of this dragon country can be managed completely, so seeing that he still has the ability to manage, it is just during the period of his departure, the whole world can be handed over to him.

Now he doesn’t need to worry about diplomacy or anything like that, because there is no diplomacy at all, the whole world has become a country, what kind of diplomacy is talking?


The leader of the Origin Dragon Kingdom on the side nodded.

Let him manage the people’s livelihood, he is good at this thing, and he doesn’t have to play tai chi with other heads of state in the future, which is exactly what he wants.

“Whew, I’m coming to the new world!”

Winhui directly clicked on the crossing in the system interface, exhaled deeply, and said firmly.


In an instant, a door made of light was formed in the hall.

“Dear Aiqing, you are gone, you are waiting for Xuan’s call at any time.”

Winhui said to the generals.


The generals responded respectfully.

“It’s a world cross, it’s amazing.”

The prime minister on the other side looked at the crossing gate that appeared again, and couldn’t help but sigh at the magic.

When he first saw this door, it was in the ancient world that he accompanied Hui the night before, and it was in that world that he decided the belonging of the Dragon Kingdom.

Now he is extremely grateful for his original decision.

Because he really couldn’t imagine the end of confronting a world lord, let alone in his world, that world lord also occupied most of the world’s territory and mastered the same lethal weapons.

Fortunately, they are all people of the Chinese nation, so the result of the peace talks is still the best for him.

The moment he crossed the Crossing Gate, Winhui closed the Crossing Gate with a direct thought.

In this way, the glow disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

The people in this hall knew that their majesty had gone to another world.


“Have you heard?”

“In the Magic Capital Museum, the statue of Qin Shi Huang thousands of years ago has been resurrected!”

A businessman said thoughtfully to the person next to him.

“What sculpture? That’s the Terracotta Army. It is said that Qin Shi Huang originally refined it from the corpses of soldiers. ”

“And a few days ago, the Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang was in the magic capital, but basically everyone knew about it, after all, the people at that time were not blind.”

A rich man skimmed the guy who had just spoken and brought together the news he had received.

“Qin Shi Huang is resurrected!?”

Some people who did not know the truth exclaimed.

“Yes, Qin Shi Huang resurrected !!!”

The rich businessman nodded and said affirmatively.

“You said that if Qin Shi Huang is really resurrected, will he lead the army to directly destroy the foreigners who oppress us?”

A thin guy listened to everyone’s remarks, and couldn’t help but say with some Xiyi tone.

“Probably so.”

The Futai businessman listened to the thin fellow’s words and said unsurely.

“But if it’s true, maybe Qin Shi Huang will really lead an army to destroy those foreigners, after all, Qin Shi Huang is strictly speaking, he can also be regarded as our ancestors, we can be regarded as the descendants of Qin Shi Huang, those foreigners oppressed us, our ancestors should avenge us, right?”

The guy at the beginning said helplessly.

For today’s world, those foreigners who crisscross the heads of the people will probably go crazy if they really can’t help but consider that there are old people, children and wives to support in their families.

This will make the land of China their Chinese land, not the Chinese land of the group of foreigners!

The guy in the other corner, after listening to their words, couldn’t help but think.

“How does this plot sound so familiar? If I’m not mistaken, this should be the Dragon Emperor chapter of the mummy series. ”

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