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“Wen Cai, Wen Cai, open the door and open the door!”

Ninth Uncle couldn’t help but start knocking on the door and shouting loudly.

“How could this damn guy sleep so dead? When he comes out, make sure to make him look good. ”

Ninth Uncle looked awkwardly at Hui Hui and the others who were waiting at the door with him.

If he is the only one, it is not impossible for him to climb through this door directly, but the problem is that he comes with himself, but the emperor of a country, asking an emperor to climb over the wall with himself, isn’t this a joker?

Although the strength of this emperor can easily climb through this door and enter the courtyard directly, as an emperor to climb over the wall, this is not possible.

Therefore, although the current Ninth Uncle said that he could go directly over the wall and enter, he had to knock on the door here, ready to wake up Wen Cai, who was sleeping there.

“It’s coming, don’t bark, don’t bark.”

A lazy voice came from behind this door.

“Master, why did you go out in the middle of the night again, you go out when you go out, isn’t it good to come in directly over the wall as usual?” Why did you come in through the gate this time? ”

A tone with a hint of incomprehension came out behind the door.

“Eh, Your Majesty, this guy has not been educated for a long time, so he looks like this, and I will definitely educate him well later.”

Ninth Uncle looked at Huan Hui’s expressionless appearance awkwardly, and quickly said.

At this moment, he estimated that in the eyes of this strange emperor, he must be a little undisciplined, after all, as a master, he could not manage his apprentice well, and let his apprentice complain, which was a bit of a failure in any aspect of his master.


As the door slowly opened, a guy who was obviously not awake appeared at the door.

“Master, don’t go out so late next time!”

Wen Cai said complainingly.


Ninth Uncle shouted loudly.

“Specially, this time we must educate well, this has made me lose such a big face, this is not educated, then you have to get it!”


Wen Cai, who was sleepy, was suddenly directly awakened, and he looked at his master’s gradually blackened face, and couldn’t help but feel a burst of confusion.

Why did his master suddenly get so angry?

But then he saw dozens of people behind his master, and he instantly felt confused.

Doesn’t he still know about his master? On weekdays, it is basically the otaku that foreigners say, and he is not good at being friends with others at all, after all, he always has a face, who would want to be friends with you?

So this was the first time he had seen his master bring so many people back in so many years, but then Wen Cai’s face was directly bitter.

After following his master for so many years, don’t you know his master’s personality? That is completely a little good face, now it is estimated that his master is eager to smoke him, but because of face, he has to stop, but he can already predict that in the next few days, he will definitely not have a good life.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, let’s go rest first.”

Hui Hui waved his hand at this familiar scene and said calmly.

Not to mention that after so many years, seeing this humble literary talent and the Ninth Uncle who wanted to save face once again really made him feel nostalgic.

And in the past, I saw it directly on TV, but this time I saw it directly in reality, which is really wonderful.

Coupled with the fact that the time is so late now, it is time to rest, although with his current strength, there is no need to rest at all, but how can the habits of so many years be so easy to change?

Moreover, he did not want to change his habit of resting, because only if he needed to rest like ordinary people would he feel that he had lost his humanity without becoming very powerful.

“Ahem, Wencai, hurry up and clean the remaining guest rooms, go quickly immediately!”

Ninth Uncle directly put on a face and ordered to the confused Wen Cai.

“Oooh, okay, okay.”

Wen Cai couldn’t help scratching his head and immediately responded.

Then he immediately ran back to Yizhuang and began to clean the guest rooms as quickly as he could in his life.

After all, he had just made his master angry, so for his master’s order, he now had the attitude that it must be completed, and it must be completed quickly, otherwise, he could predict that his life would really be sad.

“Your Majesty, let’s have a cup of tea first.”

Ninth Uncle looked at Wen Cai, who was cleaning the guest room, and then said respectfully to Huan Hui who was standing behind.

Taking advantage of the fact that Wen Cai is cleaning the guest room now, he can take this emperor to drink tea first, and when the tea is almost drunk, it is estimated that Wen Cai’s kid should also clean the guest room, and it is just right that this emperor and his guards can rest, just right.

“Let’s go, follow Xu to enjoy tea.”

Hui Hui smiled and said to the group behind him.


Feng Qingyang and the group said respectfully.

Since it is His Majesty’s order, they can obey it.

In fact, with their strength, it’s okay not to sleep at night, but now that this Dao Master has ordered his apprentices to clean the guest room, then they are embarrassed to refuse directly, right? Moreover, their Majesties also asked them to rest, and they could only obey their Majesty’s will.

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