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“If you want to refine zombies, with endless blood, can you supply the zombie legion out?!”

Winhui couldn’t help but ask as he looked at the four eyes.

While the Ninth Uncle was now discussing things in the town, Yinghui directly asked the zombie about the four-eyed Daoist who remained here.

Maoshan faction, an expert in the study of zombies, and the four eyes in front of him are still the kind that specializes in driving corpses, presumably the research on zombies is still ranked.

“Well, zombie words.”

Four eyes looked helplessly at the emperor who asked him questions and began to narrate.

“If you really have an endless supply of blood, if Your Majesty wants to create a zombie army, it is still possible, but once you create an entire zombie army, if you want to use them again and then destroy them, then there is really no way.”

Shimoku began to narrate the knowledge in his mind.

He now understands that His Majesty the Emperor asked him about zombies, and the idea of the zombie army is already what he wants to do, it is estimated that this emperor, after understanding the maximum role of the Maoshan faction, may have a great interest in the kind of zombies that have a body that is not bad and is not afraid of swords and fire.

After all, if an army of zombies is formed, it is probably the most terrifying existence in the world today, of course, the things they are afraid of are also huge, and they can only act at night and fear the sun during the day.

“It’s just that it’s very simple to make, but if you want to destroy it after use, then it’s not so simple, or even impossible.”

“After all, to make it, you only need to rely on your own grievances, coupled with the evil force in heaven and earth, you can create a formed zombie, and if you want to create a batch of existence, or even form an army, then the blood required is probably not a small amount, or even an astronomical amount.”

“Of course, the most important thing is that it can be manufactured, and it can be controlled, and even the control is extremely simple, only need to refine the zombies, a drop of the controller’s essence blood for those zombies to absorb After the zombies are formed, you can directly worship the person who put the blood!”

“But once you want to destroy them, those zombies will have a lot of resistance in their hearts, and even it is not impossible to rebel against their masters, they also have their own thoughts, if they want to be directly purified by the sun, they are estimated to directly riot!”

Shimoku began to directly tell some bad problems of the zombie.

He also knew what this emperor was thinking, that is, he wanted to use a zombie army to occupy the entire world, after all, if zombies who are not afraid of swords and guns form an army, it is really not a problem to sweep the whole world.

I am afraid that those ancestors who are the Yuan Infant realm, I am afraid that they will not be able to do anything in the face of a zombie legion, even if it is the ancestor in the forbidden land of his Maoshan Sect, the existence of a Yuan Infant realm, it is estimated that it will be directly damaged on the spot in the face of a formed zombie legion, you must know that their Maoshan faction is specialized in dealing with zombies and this kind of guy, but they can’t resist the pressure of a zombie legion.

However, he could conclude from watching the golden dragon of Qi Luck that he was in that country was already a strong existence to the extreme, and it could still be done if the soldiers of the empire occupied the entire world with that strong and horizontal peak.

If you use the zombie army, then the killing caused is not a small number, and it is even very likely that it will be karmic and make it painful.

So Shimoku is now trying to dispel Winhui’s reverie about the zombie army as much as possible, and if he can, the best thing is to cancel the idea of the zombie army directly.

“No problem, I just need to get the zombie easy to practice words, and the problem of control can be done.”

Winhui smiled slightly.

He can directly ignore those so-called disadvantages, what is he doing when he destroys the zombie army when he is idle?

Wouldn’t it be a good thing for such a powerful legion to fight the heavens and realms for him, why should it be destroyed?

He thought that maybe the emperors of this world also thought about using the zombie legion to occupy the world for them, but it is estimated that they also thought that although they occupied it, but the zombie legion left here, it is estimated that it will directly harm his descendants, as well as the entire country, so he gave up the problem of building the zombie legion.

But he is different, as long as he successfully builds a zombie army in this world, then in the future world, with the zombie army, he can directly sweep the whole world, maybe some worlds can target the zombie army, but he is not in addition to the zombie army, there are no other soldiers.

On the contrary, he has more soldiers than everyone imagined, as long as he has enough resources, his Daqin soldiers can also become countless billions!

So the zombie army, he built it!

No one can stop it, not even the will of heaven and earth, he said!

“You only need to create a zombie army for Xuan, you don’t have to worry about the rest of the things, even you don’t have to worry about the zombie army I created will endanger the entire Chinese land, after creating the zombie army, the blood sucked by the zombie army must be those overseas losers, or even only them!”

Hui Hui said affirmatively, and couldn’t help but comfort the four eyes.

“Well, okay.”

Four eyes said helplessly, he also knew that it was estimated that his thoughts could not resist this already decisive emperor, since he listened to his words, he still insisted on building a zombie army, I am afraid that he also has a way to end the whole thing!

After all, if he can become an emperor of the golden dragon of luck, then his luck is probably also extremely strong, and he must have some other opportunities to dare to ignore his words, and it is not convenient to worry about the follow-up problems of building a zombie army.

What can he do about this? He could only obey the emperor’s will.

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