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“Oh, by the way, the ratio between worlds is 100 times, so you don’t need to worry that after you successfully refine it, your original world will directly be in the past few years or even decades.”

Yinghui suddenly remembered something and said to the Ninth Uncle and Shimoku, who were preparing to carry out their work.

After all, he also knew that if it was just a few zombies refined, it would be a matter of a few days, but what if the number reached one million?

Time will definitely not be so short, so his words also dispelled the last concerns of these two people.

“Immortal means, really wonderful.”

Ninth Uncle sighed after hearing this.

It is actually able to control the time flow rate of the world, and this method is no different from the legendary immortal gods.

“Being able to exist across the world, this method is no different from the legendary gentleman, and it is even a little stronger.”

The four eyes on the side pushed his glasses, skimmed his eyes and said lightly to his senior brother.

This is all directly cross-world, compared to the legendary immortal gods I am afraid that it has long surpassed, he is now completely grateful for the service that was a few days ago.

He even had an idea in his heart, since this emperor could travel through the world, would he one day be able to cross into the world with immortal gods? Even he can one day become a legendary immortal god-level existence, and it is not a dream to become an immortal ancestor!

“Don’t grind, hurry up and prepare what you need to prepare, you’ll be busy later.”

Ninth Uncle looked at his junior brother and said angrily with a burst of irritation at his tone of contempt for himself.

“Then I’ll leave first, I have other worlds to manage, so let’s get tired for a while.”

Hui Hui looked at the two guys who were stirring their mouths and said helplessly.

Then he directly summoned the light gate that passed through the world and stepped directly in.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty.”

The two who were looking at each other unfavorably, after hearing that Winhui was going to leave this world and go to other worlds for management, quickly stopped their contemptuous eyes and said respectfully.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of the existence of the awakened Qi Luck True Dragon, and there are the existence of the Great Qin Empire in other worlds, and the awakening of this legendary Qi Luck Golden Dragon is well deserved.”

Ninth Uncle couldn’t help but sigh.

This Great Qin Empire really joined the right, the two of them may be able to live some good lives with the merit of refining the zombie legion, and even the complete rise of the Maoshan Sect in the original world is not a dream at all.

“Come on!”

Ninth Uncle said to the four eyes on the side.


Then the Daqin soldiers who were stationed in this world began to gather towards the Kangaroo Continent one by one.

Of course, they also know what their majesty wants them to assemble in the Kangaroo Continent for, isn’t it just to turn into zombies, this is nothing for them, after becoming a zombie, they can still serve the empire.

They also know that the strength of themselves and others is a little weak in front of today’s big front. Therefore, for this kind of zombie that can greatly improve their strength, the registration between them is particularly intense.

“Zombie, it seems that this Majesty has come into contact with those on the demon side, presumably waiting for a few years, even decades, maybe one day I can see the Great Qin Empire promoted to a heavenly court-like country.”

The leader of the original dragon country in this technological world couldn’t help but sigh after learning that he needed to refine into zombies to improve the strength of his soldiers.

Since His Majesty has come into contact with zombies, when this creature will come into contact with the legendary immortal gods, I am afraid it will be soon.


At the same time, in another world, that is, the first world that Daqin really fought, Huan Hui sat on the throne and looked at the civil and military officials below and watched indifferently.

As the world lord of another world and the lord of the empire, this kind of convening of the conference from time to time is still necessary, the purpose is to be able to clearly know what kind of state the whole world, or the entire Daqin, is in, after all, this original ancient world has undergone some changes after connecting with a scientific and technological world, which needs his constant guidance.

“Your Majesty, everything in Daqin is in good condition at present, there is enough food, the people live and work in peace, and those criminal things have been greatly reduced.”

A civil official said respectfully.

“It’s just that there is a big problem, that is, the population of the current Great Republic of China is somewhat lacking, after all, the current Daqin has such a vast land in the whole world, just with such a small population, it is simply impossible to use it perfectly.”

An old man on the side said helplessly.

This kind of land area is large, but it is facing a situation of small population, even if it has not happened in the entire history of China, it has happened in today’s Daqin.

“Encourage fertility, the more you give birth, the more rewards you have, it doesn’t matter if you give birth to more, the empire will raise them, only they can give birth, then their children’s empire will raise adults.”

After listening to the problem of population shortage, Huan Hui thought for a while, and then directly ordered.

Anyway, the current Daqin has the resources of two worlds, raises some future children, and is still the pillar of the future of the empire, which he completely said is okay, so it is still necessary to encourage fertility.

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