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“Europa Continent, it’s time to solve it.”

Huan Hui sat on the dragon chair and couldn’t help but knock on the handle on the dragon chair and said lightly.

The Sakura Country has already sent a hundred thousand troops, and among those 100,000 troops are countless tanks and bullets in short supply, and even hundreds of missiles, if this can’t be beaten, the entire semi-crippled Sakura Country, does he suspect that the combat effectiveness of the Great Qin army has weakened a lot.

Now that there are people on the side of the Yokou to clean up, so he has to set his sights on the Europa continent, according to his depictions of those sects in the current Daqin realm, he can know that there are so-called paladins on the Europa continent, as well as so-called priests, and vampire werewolves and the like.

Of course, there are no elves and goblins and the like, otherwise it would be a Western fantasy world.

It just so happened that Winhui also wanted to know how powerful those so-called paladins and priests could be.

As far as he knows, the strength of those guys depends on the gift of their gods, and now that their gods have left this world and heaven does not exist, how much will their strength be weakened?

Just about the leasing issues of the northern eastern boundary, you can find those countries to settle the account.

As for the Sichuan country on the other side of the ocean, he also has to go to them to settle the account, but compared to the Sichuan country on the other side of the ocean, the Europa continent closest to them, it is still a priority to solve this.

“Xuanxian order!”

“Send an army of 3 million to the west! At the same time, those guys from the cultivation world who submitted to Daqin followed the army to the west! ”

Winhui ordered directly.


The generals in the hall responded respectfully.

Isn’t it the Western Expedition? Many of them are generals and have not experienced it, and many have already experienced two Western Expeditions for generals.

Therefore, they did not have the slightest opinion on this Western Expedition War.

Anyway, in their impression, the countries on the western continent of Europa are simply unable to compete with them, a weak group, the population is still extremely rare, a continent is divided into so many countries, it is simply impossible to gather effective military forces, it is really not a threat to their Daqin.


At the same time, the royal families of various countries on the Europa continent finally gathered together and chose how to fight against the next Daqin attack.

“How about we bring all those guys together again for a crusade?!”

The king of a certain country, he looked at the silent brothers and couldn’t help but think.

Their military strength on the continent of Europa, they all have a number in their hearts, even if all countries will get together, they will not be able to compete with the Eastern Great Qin Empire, since this is the case, then it is better to organize the Red Cross Army to carry out a crusade again, I believe that with the combat effectiveness of those paladin guys, they should be able to resist the fierce Great Qin.

Anyway, they think they can’t beat the combination of paladin and priest, so since they can’t fight, then let the guys on the mysterious side of the Europa continent directly fight it.

Anyway, for those church guys, if they wait for Daqin to call, their church will not want to exist, I believe they will feel the seriousness of the matter more than the royal families of these countries.

“Yes, let them go on another crusade, we can provide some help.”

The current king of the Eagle Empire looked at the words of this cousin who had just spoken, and couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

That group of church guys, if they knew that when Daqin called, they would not be able to carry out missionary work, and they would also force the people on the Europa continent not to trust their gods, believing that they were more anxious than anyone else.

Therefore, for this sect that believes in God, it just so happens that they have a powerful legion of paladins and priests who heal all injuries, and I believe that the combination of this paladin and priest should be able to fight against Daqin.

“That’s right.”

The kings of the countries gathered together listened to their words and agreed one after another.

Anyway, in this case, those church guys organize a crusade, they will not lose anything, but it is very beneficial for their country, what reason do they have not to agree?


“Daqin, hehe!”

“I will go on a crusade on the orders of the Lord to destroy those infidels, to sprinkle the light of the Lord throughout the East, and to let the East full of heretics understand the tolerance of my Lord!”

After hearing the words of the king of the eagle kingdom, even though the white-haired church pope knew that the king of the eagle empire might be using them, he couldn’t help but roar angrily.

If they can’t believe in their great Lord after those Great Qin fights, then they don’t recommend using all the strength of the church to organize a crusade war!

By the way, let the guys of the eastern land full of pagans understand that their Lord is invincible!

“Very well, His Highness, the royal families of all our countries have decided to conduct a fundraising campaign for the entire church to help them in the next war of struggle, after all, those eastern regions full of pagans need the great Lord to baptize them.”

The king of the Eagle Empire smiled and said to the gray-haired church pope in front of him.

He knew that his purpose had been achieved this time, and he succeeded in convincing the old pope of the church.

The War of the Crusades will soon reappear in this world.

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