“The Lord of the Wuqin Empire, Winhui!”

Hui Hui said flatly towards the will of the Heavenly Dao in the sky.

At the same time as this flatness, his eyes were full of disdain.

Then Yinghui said slowly towards the void heavily.

“The Great Qin Empire began at the end of Wei, and after more than ten years, the territory of Great Qin has expanded to more than 447 million square kilometers. The people in the land already have tens of billions! ”

Winlight slowly added up all the people and lands of the three worlds, and slowly walked towards the humane will in the void.

Anyway, the Great Qin Empire does have so much land and people, and they are all land and people from the earth, this is not a world, but it is also the Great Qin Empire.

What’s more, he has already opened up the passage to the world, as long as he can reach a post and can see, he can clearly see the vast land and sufficient people outside the passage.

So there’s nothing wrong with him telling it all one by one.

“I declare to heaven and earth today, as a witness to the throne! Humane consent is expected. ”

Winhui said seriously.

At the same time, after Yinghui finished speaking, something seemed to be awakening in the void.

“Boom !!!”

One sound after another spread throughout the world.

In this instant, a huge purple eye appeared in the sky.

“This is!”

Huan Hui’s eyes couldn’t help but shrink, and he instantly recognized the huge eyes in the sky.

The Emperor of the Dragon Emperor gave him a description of the awakening of the human will.

The description was no different from what he saw.

They are all huge purple eyes without emotion.

“I will lead the Terrans to rise in the heavens and realms!”

“Cherished wish, to establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a life for the people, to continue to study for the saints, and to open peace for all generations!!!”

Winfly’s firm words spread throughout the world.

At this moment, all the humans in the world watched the dialogue of His Majesty the Emperor in the live broadcast, as if they were infected one by one.

“Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, continue to study for the saints, and open peace for all generations!!!”

“Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, continue to study for the saints, and open peace for all generations!!!”

“Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, continue to study for the saints, and open peace for all generations!!!”

One after another exclamations were shouted out in the mouths of human beings all over the world.

Among them, there were some white-skinned and dark-skinned existences, but even they had to admit that the words of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, who conquered them, were so shocking and so great!


The eyes of the humane will in the sky looked indifferently at the firm words of Hui Hui below, as well as the qi luck wrapped around his body, and the qi luck true dragon that hovered in the entire void of the earth said lightly.

“Brush brush brush.”

The eyes manifested by the human will in the sky, after saying the exact words, golden lotuses instantly appeared in the heavens and the earth, directly towards the glow in the altar!

“Is this the power of merit?”

Huan Hui’s eyes couldn’t help shrinking, looking at the golden lotus turned into golden gas falling from the sky, and said in shock.

He knows the lotus flower that this golden gas turns into, which is the power of merit!

The power of this merit is comparable to the existence of a golden oil!

Whether it is to improve strength or shelter himself, it is something without any sequelae at all.

“Improve strength!”

When all the power of merit was incorporated into the body, Yinghui said directly fiercely.

He knew the role of this meritorious power, but he still directly chose to use it to improve his strength.

Because he clearly knew that in these heavens and realms, only strength was the most basic thing.

Even if he has merit, other guys don’t dare to do anything to her, but what is the use?

Instead of handing over your future life to others and daring to do it, it is better to directly use it to improve your strength!

After all, only one’s own strength is the most fundamental thing.

“When the founding ceremony is over, go directly to make a breakthrough.”

Hui Hui looked at the huge purple eyes that gradually disappeared in mid-air, and said to himself faintly.

After all, it is impossible for him to break through directly in the eyes of the people of the whole world???

Therefore, in order to transform all the power of this merit into strength, it is better to hold this founding ceremony first, and finally solve the problem of your own strength.

“Announce! The Great Qin Empire was established!!! ”

Hui Hui looked at the huge eyes that disappeared directly at this moment, and couldn’t help but exhale deeply and said seriously.


When Winhui finished speaking, he seemed to hear something.

In this instant, there was a golden light in the cyst, which directly entered Hui Hui’s body and then disappeared.

“Human Emperor Fruit Position.”

Winhui knew the origin of this thing as soon as that golden light entered his body.

This is the fruit position that represents the human emperor.

Now he is a righteous human emperor who has been recognized by the will of humanity.

This also means that in the future, no matter which world he goes to, as long as it is a world with human existence, then he will definitely not change the will of the Heavenly Dao as an outsider.

Because he is the human emperor recognized by the humane will of the human will!


“Seeking freshness”Seeking flowers”, “Asking for tips”, “Seeking collection”, “Asking for monthly passes”, “Seeking automatic subscription”

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