“Let’s go, go back to your world.”

Yinghui directly summoned a gate of passage above the city wall, and said to the Thousand Hand Pillar who had already surrendered on the side.

“Wait, what do you say???”

The Thousand Hand Pillar, who was about to enter the gate of passage, was suddenly stunned.

If his ears are not deaf, the other party seems to be talking about his world, then it means that this is another world???

“Haha. You heard it right, go to your world. ”

Winhui instantly understood the reason why the Thousand Hand Pillar was so shocked.

“This is another world, another world in the true sense, and I am the lord of the empire of this world, and I am also the lord of the world.”

Hui Hui said lightly, but in this light game, it is full of endless domineering.

“Let’s go, I’ll explain it to you when I’m free, now go to your world first.”

Yinghui said directly to the Thousand Hand Pillar.

“Okay then.”

Qianshouzhu had a muddy mess in his mind, and after hearing Hui Hui’s words, after thinking for a while, he couldn’t help but nod.

Although he said that he was very curious about this topic, and even extremely curious, his sense of longing for his granddaughter prevailed over everything.

After so many years, he really wanted to know what had become of his good granddaughter, he vaguely remembered that his good granddaughter was still a toddler when he died, and now he doesn’t know what his good granddaughter has become after decades.


Then, between Winki and Senjuju, they walked directly into the passage gate, leaving this world and coming to the world of Naruto again.



Tsunade looked at the familiar figure in front of him and was instantly stunned.

That figure was exactly the same as he remembered, and it hadn’t even changed.

“Haha, Tsunade.”

Senjukuma looked at Tsunade, who had tears in the corners of his eyes, scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

“Grandpa, I miss you so much!”

Tsunade’s tears broke down instantly.

“Okay, stop crying, sit down and talk slowly.”

Tsunade looked at Tsunade whose tears had come out, and instantly shook his hand and said.

He was the most uncomfortable person to see girls crying, so he stopped it the moment Tsunade was about to cry, otherwise he might collapse when he looked at a girl who cried into tears later.


Tsunade looked at the guy next to his grandfather and was instantly stunned.

If she is not mistaken, that guy is the emperor of this Great Qin, right?

How could it be with her grandfather?

Especially just now, not long ago, it seems that the top Buddha transformation technique seems to have been made by her grandfather, right?

That means that her grandfather fought with this emperor of Daqin, but what is the situation now? Why does this look seem to be that there has never been a battle at all.

“Yes, yes, sit down and say slowly, don’t cry.”

Thousand Hand Pillar said quickly. He also couldn’t see his granddaughter crying, he hadn’t seen her for so many years, and his granddaughter cried between this meeting, and his guilt broke through the sky.


“So that means grandpa, you have become a subordinate of this Great Qin Emperor???”

Tsunade looked at his grandfather in disbelief, stunned at his words.

“Well, that’s right, it’s like this.”

Senjukuma scratched his head and replied.


Tsunade instantly slapped the table and made a loud noise.

“But he destroyed Konoha Village! How can you be his subordinate?! ”

Tsunade yelled at the Senju pillar on the side.

He didn’t understand why his grandfather chose to become the other party’s subordinate, could it be that the other party’s hatred of destroying the village was just revealed?!

“For peace in the true sense of the word.”

There was a rare silence between the Senju Pillars, and he replied heavily to his granddaughter Tsunade.

He admits that he is indeed resentful of the other party’s destruction of the village, but if the result of destroying the village is that true peace can be ushered in, then he is willing to let this hatred be erased.

“Well, forget it, you go and teach those of your apprentices and grandchildren, this mother-in-law will let me talk to her properly.”

Winhui waved his hand at the Thousand Hand Pillar and said.


After hearing Yinghui’s words, the Thousand Hand Pillars couldn’t help but stiffen, and then immediately exited the room, and then followed the instructions of the soldiers along the way to the place where the ape flying sun chop worked.

Eiki looked at the hateful Tsunade in front of him and began to say lightly.

“Don’t resent your grandfather, because your grandfather is a person who really wants to implement peace, and I believe you also understand what it is like in Konoha Village, led by Sarutobi Hinata.”

“Obviously won a war, but also have to pay reparations, this is not mental retardation???”

“Besides, you must know what is going on with the demise of your Senju clan, and it is really not worth it for the sake of Konoha Village, which has become a thing of the past.”

Tsunade said as he looked at Tsunade in front of him.

“So think about it.”

Yinghui slowly got up and said lightly to Tsunade.

Then Huan Hui left the room directly and walked outside.

“Oh, by the way, you’re going to sleep tonight.”

Just as Winhui walked to the door, he remembered something, and said lightly to the silent Tsunade.

He then left the room without hesitation.

“Nani!!! Bastard, what do you say ?! ”

A loud voice came from the house where Tsunade was.


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