
The sound of uniform footsteps immediately sounded at the gate of Yunyin Village.

Accompanied by this neat and uniform footing sound is the silent zombie.

Then the zombie army that was pressed down on the black pressure slowly walked towards the surrounded Yunyin Village in front.

“Attack, attack, attack, all for me to attack!”

The ninja of Yunyin Village immediately roared loudly after watching the strange people who surrounded them launch actions towards them.

At the same time, the mood of the various ninjas who were defending in Yunyin Village was infinitely sad.

That’s right, they also saw clearly who the leader who came to invade their Yunyin Village was. It was the god of the ninja world who suppressed an era, the first Hokage of Konoha Village.

The question is that the legendary being, isn’t all already dead? And they have all been dead for decades, if they are not dead, give them ten dares, and they dare not disrespect Konoha Village in the past ninja war.

However, the reality was in front of them, the legendary existence was resurrected, and directly brought with it, at least hundreds of thousands of starting troops surrounded their Yunyin Village, and then the Lord Lei Ying, whom they respected the most, was also the strongest existence in their Yunyin Village, so simply killed by that legendary existence.

But now, they are not in the mood to mourn for the three generations of thunder shadows who died, what they have to do now is to be able to survive under the attack of the other party is the first choice, they don’t think they can fight, with the army led by the original Hokage, but even if they can’t fight, they have to try!

Because, they want to live.


A Daqin zombie looked at the living humans in front of him and roared loudly directly.

“Thunder !!!”

Thousands of ninjas from Yunyin Village gathered directly together and performed their best thunder technique.


After the ninjas of Yunyin Village used the thunder shield, substantial thunder and lightning were instantly generated in the area where they gathered, and this thunder and lightning formed a protective shield that surrounded the ninjas of Yunyin Village.


In the forefront, the Daqin zombies were instantly blasted into coal when they touched the thunder technique that those Yunyin Villages gathered together to perform.

No way, zombies are a dark kind of creature, born afraid of fire and thunder, although their strength is basically the same as the enemy drawn by the cloud in front of them, they are in the middle patience between lower patience and middle patience, but the guys in Yunyin Village are best at thunder and thunder.

“They all seem to be physical beings!”

Some ninjas in Yunyin Village found that the Daqin zombies opposite them did not use ninjutsu, but after rushing forward as always, they instantly understood that their enemies should only use physical skills.

Even if they understand that they have discovered each other’s weaknesses, the ninjas of their Yunyin Village are just like this, the number of opponents is dozens of times stronger than them, which is a loss no matter how they fight, but at least after they discover each other’s weaknesses, they have a glimmer of hope.


After understanding that their enemies, the Daqin Zombie Legion, were a group of beings who basically only had physical skills, the ninjas of Yunyin Village became excited as if they had beaten chicken blood, and one by one, they consumed the chakra in their bodies as if they didn’t want money.

At the same time, between the thousand hand pillars behind the zombie legion, after looking at the zombies that were gradually being destroyed, he instantly understood what the weakness of this group of zombies that His Majesty called immortal was.

“It turns out that they are afraid of thunder.”

The Thousand Hand Pillar looked at the zombie that instantly turned into coal after encountering Lei Duan, and stroked his chin and said.

He still knows how much power Lei Dun can cause, and decades ago he often dealt with these guys who used Lei Duan, so he still knew exactly how powerful Lei Dun could produce.

Therefore, when he saw the power of those thunder dun after touching these Vajra zombies, he instantly understood that the original weakness of these zombies was actually afraid of thunder.

“Forget it, let me solve these guys first.”

Thousand Hand Pillar shook his head slightly.

It’s good that these guys are now led by themselves, and later he will lead these guys to attack the other three hidden villages, but he can’t consume too many soldiers here, although he understands that the battle in the next three villages is nothing more than the same steps, that is, he directly stepped forward and really thousands of hands plus the tree realm descended to solve most of the combat power, so that is to say, basically as long as he makes a move, then the other villages are basically no different from the fall.

But there are still basic steps, this is to destroy the enemy guy who is stronger, and then the rest is left to these zombies.

“The Flower Tree Realm has arrived!”

The Thousand Hand Pillar instantly slammed into the ground.


In an instant, a huge vine directly emerged from the younger brother of Kung Fu, entangled all the ninjas of Yunyin Village who were releasing thunder.


The ninjas of Yunyin Village, who were entangled in huge vines, instantly roared in despair after seeing the vines entangled on their bodies.


And those zombies that did not have the threat of these Yunyin Village thunder escapes instantly burst out their true power.

Zhengfen rushed forward and directly bit the ninjas of Yunyin Village, which were entangled in vines, into their throats and sucked their blood.


Those ninjas of Yunyin Village who had been diluted with blood struggled for a while and then directly lost their breath and fell to the ground.

Subsequently, the zombie legions directly attacked the village of Yunyin Village!



In an instant, all corners of the entire Yunyin Village let out a desperate roar.

The roar of despair did not dissipate for a long time in the sky above Yunyin Village.

This Cloud Shadow Village, which dominated the entire ninja world, ushered in destruction.


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