“Let’s go to the restaurant in front of us to eat first.”

After riding his war horse for a day, Huan Hui felt a little hungry in his belly when it was close to night, and happened to come across the restaurant built in the wilderness in front of him and immediately said.

As for the restaurants that appear in the folklore of deserted places will be opened by monsters and so on, he is not afraid at all now.

You must know that his current identity is completely different from that of ordinary people, as a contemporary human emperor, in terms of personality, he can be on an equal footing with the so-called Jade Emperor of this world.

In terms of force, he may also be able to hang the Jade Emperor of this world.

And if it is really those demons and monsters, then the net fame luck and luck golden dragon that he has can completely deter them, and it is not impossible to even kill them.

Or if it was opened by some gangster specifically to slaughter ordinary people who appeared in the wilderness like him, then Winhui could only tell them that there were hundreds of thousands of troops behind him, and they were all fully armed kind of troops.

Therefore, no matter from any point of view, Winhui is not afraid of the so-called danger at all.


As Winhui pushed open the door made of solid wood, and after making a noise, Winhui saw ordinary people drinking food to their heart’s content in the restaurant.

“Oh, the military master is here!”

The owner of the restaurant immediately stepped forward and said respectfully when he saw Hui Hui in armor and dozens of generals also wearing armor followed behind him.

In his opinion, this person must be the subordinate of the Jade Frontier War God.

As for why he was not familiar with those guys this time, he didn’t think about it.

After all, the soldiers under the Jade Frontier God of War know how many ghosts, so isn’t it normal to come to his small shop to change a few soldiers?

Hui Hui looked at the respectful restaurant owner in front of him and directly faced him with an indifferent face.

“Give me all your good dishes.”

Huan Hui looked at the respectful restaurant owner in front of him and said lightly.

“Obey orders.”

The owner of the restaurant immediately said respectfully after hearing Hui Hui’s words, and then quietly retreated.

At the same time, a guy who was obviously a foreigner on the other side of the ninth floor looked at them with a look of amazement after seeing Hui Hui and his group enter the restaurant.

Why is this guy in armor completely different from what he saw at noon?

The soldiers in armor that he saw at noon, no matter who they saw, they were all directly open to kill, but now how did this group of guys become honest?

“Looking at the armor they are wearing, it seems that they are not from a force, which means that this group of guys is not the same as what they saw at noon.”

The foreign guy couldn’t help but think to himself.

After all, the scene he saw at noon shattered all his cognition for more than twenty years.

There are actually people who dare to directly slaughter the entire village in broad daylight, even those gangsters in their own Sichuan country only dare to move those who are left behind, but no guy dares to slaughter the entire village recklessly.

So when he saw this group of guys in armor now, there was no radical move, and then he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

“Don’t look, those guys are not the subordinates of the Jade Frontier God of War.”

A plate of guys who were drinking, glanced at the otherworldly guy in front of him and said lightly.

“Those guys are strange forces.”

Lu Yan, who was drinking, looked at Huan Hui and the others who were drinking and eating, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

He actually felt a sense of threat in the group of people in armor, and he had a hunch that if he challenged them, he would definitely be injured in the end.

Similarly, he can also confirm that this group of guys are not the subordinates of the Jade Frontier God of War, after all, even the armor is different, you must know that the armor represents a military uniform under the Jade Frontier God of War, and even this is different, how can it be a force?

Besides, the things in the hands of this otherworldly guy in front of him have not yet been exposed, so it is obvious that they did not cover up in order to obtain this golden hoop rod.

“What is the Jade Frontier God of War?”

Obviously, the foreign guy listened to the words of the guy drinking in front of him and said suspiciously.

“Oh, let me tell you.”

Lu Yan couldn’t help but take a sip of wine and began to lightly recount the legend of the God of War in the Jade Frontier.

After listening to each other’s words, a trace of a picture flashed in his mind.

“So it is.”

The foreign guy couldn’t help nodding and suddenly realized.

“Okay, let’s go, you pay for it.”

Lu Yan took a sip of wine and said lightly to the otherworldly guy.


After hearing this, the foreign guy depressedly handed the banknote in his arms to the restaurant owner on the side.

At the same time, Huan Hui, who was eating and drinking wine on the side, instantly understood who he had encountered after listening to the words from the other side.

Feelings: He came out for dinner this night, and he could actually meet the protagonist.


Hui Hui couldn’t help but shake his head and sighed.

That place of the Jade Frontier God of War he will definitely go, after all, that place has his favorite royal palace, besides, the whole world he must also fight down, so how can he not go to that place that is also part of the world?

It’s just a matter of time, and it just so happens that this guy who is drinking knows the landmarks of that place, so he can’t let this group of guys go.

At the same time, the owner of the restaurant took the banknotes given by the foreign guys to the soldiers under the Jade Frontier God of War who happened to enter the restaurant, and after taking a look, the soldiers under the Jade Frontier God of War in armor on the other side immediately frowned and came to the place of the foreign guys.

At the same time, he also saw a stick in the foreign guy’s hand, and the sense of doubt in his heart became even stronger.

“Hand it over.”

The soldiers under the Jade Frontier God of War frowned at the foreign guy and said.

But after understanding what this stick represents, how could the foreign guy hand over this golden hoop stick?

“Bring it!”

The armor-clad Jade Frontier God of War’s subordinates directly ordered, he thought that his tone just now was already very polite, but since this strange guy didn’t listen, then don’t blame him for being cruel.


After a period of snatching, the subordinates of the Jade Frontier God of War directly burst into anger, and directly pulled out their swords to meet Lu Yan, who was drinking wine, and the foreign guys.



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