“According to the report from the spies, we are about to encounter the army called the Great Qin Force ahead.”

A general-level existence respectfully said to the white-haired witch in front of him.

“Well, prepare for the next war, I don’t want to see anyone escape, presumably you should know what the price of escape will be.”

The white-haired witch looked at the respectful guy in front of him, and said lightly, her tone was full of endless indifference.

She doesn’t have a good face for these damn dog men.


The respectful general on the side, after hearing the white-haired witch’s words, although he said that he wanted to cut this white-haired guy by a thousand cuts in his heart, but his mouth still chose to respond respectfully.

After all, as a colleague, he clearly knew what abilities this white-haired witch had, and it was no exaggeration to say that killing him was like killing a chicken.

This world itself is a world of the strong, so even if the white-haired witch is a woman, she can still get some due respect, of course, I don’t know what I think in my heart, anyway, on the surface, those guys are quite respectful to the white-haired witch.

Then the army led by Yinghui soon encountered the 100,000-strong army who came to snipe at them.

“I heard that you are the white-haired witch.”

Huan Hui naturally saw a white-haired woman a few kilometers away at a glance, if it was ordinary, he didn’t feel anything, but now in the army wearing the armor under the Jade Frontier God of War, plus a white-haired woman, in front of the group of generals, it was also extremely arrogant, which instantly reminded him of the white-haired witch who appeared in the plot.

Although she is also a pitiful person, but now he does not care whether the other side is pitiful or not, now even if the other party is beautiful and charming, but blocking his way, then they must accept the treatment they deserve, that is, death.

He will not be like other crossers, he can’t look away from some beautiful women, isn’t it a woman, what is the difference with men, at most it is just a small difference, besides, she is now in an enemy position.

“Commit an arrow!”

After asking, Hui Hui directly ordered the one million troops led by his command.

Now all he wants is to deliver a thunderous strike and sweep away all the guys who stand in his way.


After receiving Huan Hui’s order, the Daqin soldiers took out their bows and arrows from their backs, and then directly pulled the bows and arrows to completion, waiting for Hui Hui’s order.

“It’s not good, run away quickly!”

The white-haired witch who originally wanted to reply to Hui Hui’s words instantly relied on his strength to see the army in front of him directly pull the bow and arrow into a complete form.

Even if the white-haired witch is no matter how narcissistic she is, she will not think that she can resist so many bow and arrow shots.

“Well, run away?”

The generals next to the white-haired witch were stunned one by one after hearing the white-haired witch’s words.

Well, although they also wanted to run away after seeing the enemy’s enemies, which were almost ten times more than they were, but most of these 100,000 troops had families, wives and children, and they were soldiers under the Jade Frontier God of War naturally knew that if the demon chose to flee when he learned that they were fighting and just saw the number of enemies, I was afraid that their family would be directly pulled to feed the wolf.

That’s why they were so shocked by the white-haired witch’s words.

None of them, the generals who commanded the actions of the army, chose to escape, so why did this guy who had received the favor of the Jade Frontier God of War choose to escape.

Hui Hui looked at the white-haired witch who had been driving the war horse in front and fleeing to the rear, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Even if you run again, can you run beyond the shooting range of Daqin?


Winhui said softly.

“Brush brush brush…”

In an instant, dark clouds formed by bows and arrows appeared in the sky.

At this moment, after seeing the scene in the sky, the generals in the 100,000-strong army instantly understood why the white-haired witch had just said the word escape loudly.

“Hurry up and run !!!”

At this moment, these generals ignored the image of the past, driving their war horses one by one like bereaved dogs, desperately running around.

“It hurts, it hurts.”

But even if they ran again, how could they possibly outrun the bows and arrows of the Great Qin army?

When Daqin’s bow and arrow shot at this 100,000-strong army, it instantly pierced their bodies and shot them directly from their horses to the ground, making a hazy sound.

You must know that these Daqin armies have all practiced internal strength, although their strength is basically still in the acquired realm, but such a huge number of Daqin armies is basically at the peak of the day after tomorrow, only one step away from completely breaking through to the innate realm.

How many were the troops of Daqin?

At least ten million starts, how terrifying is the existence of tens of millions of innate realms?

No one knows, but from the million army led by Winhui, you can see the terrifying prototype of that ten million army.

At this moment, the soldiers in the million-strong army led by Winhui were like a squad of little supermen pulling their bows and arrows out and releasing them successfully, as if they didn’t know how tired they were.

I am afraid that in the worlds of mortals in the heavens and realms, this first construction of the Great Qin army is enough to defeat 70% of the enemies.

As long as the flesh and blood body is going through such a terrifying blow, I am afraid that it will be injured, not to mention the 100,000 troops sent by these Jade Frontier War Gods.

Therefore, these 100,000 troops were instantly wiped out under the attack launched by the Great Qin army.

Each soldier was at least filled with hundreds of bows and arrows, one by one, like a living hedgehog.


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