“Go and release the Monkey King.”

Hui Hui handed the Fang Tian Painting in his hand to a general behind him, and said lightly to the foreign guy holding the golden hoop stick.

It’s just a Jade Frontier God of War, even if his prototype is Yang Jian, but in this world, the strength of this Jade Frontier God of War is simply terrifying.

It’s just a guy in the early realm of heaven and man, you must know that he is in the late stage of shattering the void, if he fights a person in the early stage of the heaven and man realm, then he still needs to exert all his strength, then the strength of his body can be said to be cultivated to the pig’s body.

Not to mention the strength between them, the combat experience between the thousand hand pillars is extremely rich, after all, the good evil is also over, the peerless ruthless person of the entire Warring States era, but this Jade Frontier war god has been completely enjoying himself for so many years, and his combat experience is probably fed to the dog.

Therefore, in the face of this kind of existence guy, he really has no pressure at all.

Just like a human stepping on an ant, will he care what the ant thinks? Will you use all your strength when stepping on dead ants?

The foreign guy who was awakened by Huanhui’s words finally came to his senses, swallowed his saliva, picked up the golden hoop rod, and ran towards the Monkey King who turned into a stone statue on the other side.

After all, that Jade Frontier God of War can fight with Sun Wukong, and also sealed Sun Wukong, although there is a little trajectory, good villains can also fight with Sun Wukong.

But this kind of existence was directly destroyed by this emperor of Daqin, how could this make his heart not wave?

This is indeed a little more powerful for a guy who was born in a peaceful world and grew up in a peaceful world.

The silent monk watched as the stone hanging in the heart of the otherworldly young man who was holding a golden hoop rod and running towards his body finally fell.

His body, which had been sealed for 500 years, finally ushered in liberation.

As for the other two guys, Lu Yan was in a state of shock, and as for what was going on in his heart, he didn’t know.

The only great enemy in his life was the destroyed Jade Frontier God of War.

Now that guy has been destroyed by the emperor in golden armor in front of him, which means that the regrets of his life are gone.

While everyone was thinking about it in this plot, the foreign guy holding the golden hoop rod gently knocked the golden hoop rod at the Monkey King who turned into a stone statue.

“Jade Frontier God of War!”

Sun Wukong, who finally broke the seal a moment later, finally said the first words of his birth.


Then the starlight transformed by the silent monk directly rushed into Sun Wukong’s forehead.


Destroyed by the guy in golden armor he just ignored?

But the memory in his mind told him that it was true, that it was the memory of a doppelganger that he had turned into without a hair.

He is not ignorant of the number of gifts, but after he has the ability to do this, the thing about the number of gifts was directly forgotten by her.

However, after learning the true strength of this Great Qin Emperor in his memory, even he couldn’t help but feel afraid of it, so those gifts that he forgot were recalled at this moment, and directly used against the emperor in golden armor.

“Sun Wukong, forget it, you go and live your life.”

Winhui looked at the hairy humanoid monkey in front of him and instantly lost interest.


According to the memory in his mind, Sun Wukong used the military salute he saw along the way and said respectfully.

“Forget it, go directly to the Heavenly Court to find the Jade Emperor.”

Hui Hui shook his head directly and said lightly.


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