“Well, that’s right.”

Huan Hui came to the sky above the original Land of Rain, which is now a city in Daqin, and nodded lightly and said.

In his senses, in the city below, there were many Great Grandmaster realm existences.

You must know that in this ninja world, the Great Master is also the so-called shadow.

Although there are many shadow-level powerhouses in this world, there are not many.

He was now below here, and he sensed the existence of six or seven shadow levels, and there was no doubt that it was a member of the original Xiao Organization of the Land of Rain.


“Guys, tell me how we should develop now.”

Payne, the leader of the Xiao Organization, couldn’t help rubbing his headache and said helplessly.

At the same time, they felt a pang of resentment towards the Great Qin Chong who ruled the entire world, and Payne felt a pang of resentment towards the Great Qin Chong who ruled the entire world.

It was he who sabotaged his carefully prepared plan, causing all his current plans to be of no use at all.

After all, even if he captured all the tailed beasts now, what was the use?

Facing the Thousand Hand Pillar that could treat the strongest tailed beast’s Nine Tails as a pet, he believed that even the strongest Tailed Beast would not be of the slightest use in the face of the Thousand Hand Pillar.

What’s more, there is a well-deserved ninja world lord above the head between the thousand hand pillars, so is it useful for him to collect tailed beasts?

Even if he didn’t have to think about it, he knew that it was useless, and now he felt extremely confused about the future of the Xiao Organization, so he gathered all the members of the Xiao Organization in this novel inn to discuss the future development of the organization.

“There is no need to develop, you go to Yin Cao Di Mansion to develop your dreams.”

As soon as the plain words came out from behind these Xiao organization members.


The several members of the Xiao organization who were in the meeting were instantly shocked, to know that they were all shadow-level existences, and they didn’t get this strange voice, what does this mean, this means that the guy can kill them at any time!

Then the members of the Xiao organization saw a handsome man with long black hair and a black robe slowly walking over.

However, the members of this group of Xiao organizations will not let their guard down because of this, although the aura that this strange body has in their induction is just an ordinary person, but they can approach them silently, how can it be an ordinary person?

They can’t detect his strength, then there is only one possibility, that is, the strength of their much stronger existence!

“Introduce yourself, the Lord of Lower Great Qin.”

Huan Hui calmly looked at the guys in the Xiao Organization and said lightly.


Payne, the leader of the Xiao Organization, couldn’t help but shrink his pupils after hearing Hui Hui’s words, and shouted loudly.

Does he think that this Great Qin Emperor is here to greet them, or even 99.9% is unfavorable to them, what is the difference between this 99.9% and 100%?

Therefore, there is an existence whose strength is the strongest in the ninja world, come to trouble them, is there any other option not to escape?

“Brush brush brush.”

At the moment when Winhui’s words fell, the rest of the members of the small organization instantly mobilized the Chakra in their bodies to run around.

“Run what? What’s the use of running again? ”

Hui Hui looked at the guys who were running away, shook his head lightly, and said with disdain.

A group of guys with only great masters in strength want to escape in front of themselves, if this makes them escape, then their own strength is simply obtained for nothing.

“Give me back!!!

A bright light flashed in Huanhui’s eyes, and then under his control, the members of the Xiao Organization who were fleeing suddenly seemed to be pulled by something mysterious and stopped in mid-air.

“Damn it!”

Payne, Fei Duan and even the powerful existences among the members of the Xiao Organization, sensing the invisible existence that pulled him and the others back, instantly cursed.

They knew that if they did not take advantage of this limited time to escape, I am afraid that what awaited them would be endless darkness.

“Give me death!”

Huan Hui’s eyes instantly became flat, and he waved his hand directly and said.

Then the members of the Xiao Organization, who were pulled in the air, died inexplicably in an instant.


Along with the death of these powerful beings, one by one, they fell directly from mid-air to the ground, and then lost all sound.

“The authority of this human emperor is really useful.”

Yinghui sensed those dead guys, and instantly became interested in the authority of this human emperor.

In the territory of the human emperor, the existence of the human emperor fruit position can control everything in the territory, and when the human emperor is extremely powerful, he can even control the time and space in the territory.

In the territory of the human emperor, the words of the human emperor are the rules, such as the effect of following the words and following the law.

With all the members of the Xiao Organization dying, the entire ninja world ushered in a real sense of peace under the iron horse of Daqin and in the sphere of influence of Hui Hui!


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