“Wuzun Bi Xuan?”


Hearing the prompt tone of the system, the consciousness immediately checked, and the eyes couldn’t help but light up!

Martial Venerable Bi Xuan is actually a half-step Land God Immortal Realm cultivator!


Win Cloud knows.

Bi Xuan was known as [Wuzun], a peerless master in the depths of the desert steppe and a great general of the Eastern Turks.

Together with the first master of the Great Sui Dynasty, Ning Daoqi, the grandmaster of Goguryeo’s martial arts, and Fu Cailin, the grandmaster of the Yijian Dynasty, he is also known as the three grandmasters of martial arts.

The absolute study is ‘Yanyang Qigong’, crisscrossing the grassland for no reason, and its reputation has been famous for decades!

With such a powerful guard, Yingyun is much more secure in his heart!

As soon as Yingyun’s mind moved, Wuzun Bi Xuan appeared a hundred meters outside the big tent.

“Master! There is a person outside the tent who claims to be the Great Desert Martial Venerable Bi Xuan, saying that he is your subordinate! ”

After a while, Du Yunfei was outside the tent, shouting his report.

“Bring him in.”

Yingyun nodded and motioned to Du Yunfei.

“Wuzun? Bi Xuan?? ”

“Wouldn’t you?”

Hearing General Du Yunfei’s report, Huang Rong couldn’t help but show a look of surprise.

As the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, the five peerless powerhouses of the Great Song Dynasty, Huang Rong listened to her father count the powerhouses of these nine continents when she was very young!

This Martial Venerable Bi Xuan is one of them.

Bi Xuan.

It is the Great Sui Dynasty, the side of the Western Desert, the great general of the Eastern Turkic tribe, Yanyang Qigong is invincible across the steppe, and has already advanced to the realm of the Celestial Great Master, so far, his cultivation has not become a land god fairyland.

I’m afraid it’s also the peak of the Celestial Elephant Grand Master!

Such a peerless powerhouse.

How could it be Win Gongzi’s subordinates?

It should be someone with the same name and surname, right?

When Huang Rong thought so in her heart, a tall middle-aged man wearing a wild linen robe and a broad palm strode in.

“Subordinate Bi Xuan, see the lord!”

The middle-aged man walked in and hugged his fist respectfully at Yingyun.


The muscles of his arms bulged, his bronzed skin shone with a dazzling luster, and his legs were extraordinarily long, exuding an evil and intimidating momentum

The black hair is straight back in a bun, and the high straight nose makes people feel shocked at the first sight.

The aura emanating from the body is powerful.

The eyes are deep, giving people a deep sea, unfathomable feeling!

“It’s so tough, it’s consistent with what my father said, it should be right!”

“It’s just. . . Such a peerless powerhouse is actually a subordinate of Win Gongzi? This, incredible….”

Huang Rong was shocked in her heart, looking at Bi Xuan, and then at Yingyun, and the shock was incomparable.

“Well, no need to be polite!!”

Yingyun looked at Wuzun Bi Xuan, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and asked. “Bi Xuan, with your current cultivation, how about fighting against the Great Qin Sword Saint Ganie?”

“Lord, his subordinates have advanced to the half-step land god realm for five years, and have long heard the name of the sword saint Gai Nie, and they are eager to fight with one!”

“If the Sword Saint is also a half-step land god fairyland, fight with one, count five or five!”

“If Gai Nie is already a land immortal realm, his subordinates have no chance of victory!”

Hearing Yingyun ask, Bi Xuan respectfully hugged his fist.


Yingyun was shocked in his heart.

The half-step land immortal realm and the real land immortal realm are actually so far apart?

“Lord, the more cultivation is later, the strength between the realms is very different!”

Bi Xuan spoke in a deep voice.


“Bi Xuan, I order you to follow General Du Yunfei, lead a hundred thousand snow dragon horses, chase and kill Touman, cut off his head, hold a heavenly sacrifice ceremony in Wolf Juxu Mountain, and dominate the grassland!” At the same time, destroy the Yue Clan, Donghu, Yi Qi, and Su Shen, and establish the Snow Feather God Dynasty! ”

Yingyun looked at Bi Xuan and spoke in a deep voice.

This is what Wincloud intends to do.

One hundred thousand snow dragons rode to destroy the Xiongnu and dominate the grassland, allowing them to themselves, as time passed, slowly increased.

The increase is made every half month.

As long as the father does not know, it will continue to increase.

There is also Wuzun Bi Xuan.

Half a month can be increased to repair once!

Although, the higher the cultivation, the longer it will take to increase, but with the amplification effect of its own system, Wuzun Bi Xuan, becoming a land god fairyland, is just around the corner!

When the time comes.

There is a Wuzun Bi Xuan who has become a land immortal realm, and Du Yunfei leads more and more big snow dragon riders in the future, expanding outward and establishing the Snow Feather God Dynasty, there is no problem!

“Yes, Master!”

“Lord, your subordinates will not fail in their mission!”

Wu Zun Bi Xuan and Du Yunfei all answered in silence.

“Good, let’s go!”

Yingyun nodded to the two.

Du Yunfei and Wuzun Bi Xuan turned around and walked out of the big tent.


At this time.

It is a hundred miles away from the border pass of Suizhou City.

“Where did this Ruishi cavalry come from?”

“This is too strong!”

General Meng Tian stood between the ruins with 30,000 iron horses, looking devastated, and his face showed shock.

He commanded the army for more than twenty years.

Be aware of changes on the battlefield.

Looking at the situation, it was obvious that there was not the slightest resistance.

In the eyes of the world, the bloodthirsty and cunning Xiongnu elite actually looked like paper paste in the face of this silver-armored iron horse!

In Meng Tian’s heart, shock and worry coexisted.

Such a powerful and mighty elite knight.

If he invaded the Great Qin Dynasty, his 300,000 Golden Fire Cavalry could resist?


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