Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 141 I want to get up with you

Everyone was quickly taken to visit the interior of the castle, and as soon as they entered the spacious first-floor hall, a huge painting hanging on the opposite wall attracted everyone's attention.

"That is Mr. Zhenzhao. Look, the noble young master just now looks almost the same as him. This is the fundamental reason why we can directly confirm the identity of the noble young master who has been studying abroad."

"Oh——, it does look very similar."

Dr. A Li was looking at the portrait and sighing with emotion. Suddenly, there was a sound of rolling chains next to him.

Everyone looked around, and Tabata Katsuo had already taken the lead in saying hello, "Madam."

An old woman with white hair and age spots on her face slid slowly in front of them in a wheelchair.

"Is my daughter back?"

Her eyesight didn't seem to be very good, she was wearing a pair of reading glasses, her voice was hoarse and weak, and she looked gloomy and dying soon.

"Uh, no, madam, these are friends of Master Aman. This is Dr. Ali, a scientist."

The eldest lady, who was still squinting her eyes, heard this, her thin body stiffened, she slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes fell on Dr. A Li.

And her calm examination succeeded in making the broad-minded Dr. Ali feel a little inexplicably frightened.

"Aman's friend is actually a scientist——, then I would like to ask you to help us solve the mystery he buried in this castle."

"Eh?! Puzzle!?"

The young detective team suddenly exclaimed, and even though it was the second time Dr. Ali heard it, he couldn't help but look confused at this time.

But after saying these words, the eldest lady turned around and pushed the wheelchair away slowly. When Tabata Katsuo saw this, he also took the initiative to explain to everyone again.

"It is said to be the last words left by the great master before his death. I remember this sentence - I put everything I have there, go find it! If you find it, it all belongs to you!"

For a moment, his words immediately cleared up everyone's doubts.

But just when Conan fell into deep thought, Koji Shimizu bent down and whispered to Haibara Ai beside him:

"You sleep with me tonight."

In an instant, before Haibara Ai could react, Conan's eyes widened and he looked at Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai with dumbfounded eyes.

"You, you-?!"

Haiyuan Ai came back to his senses, and for a moment, Xiafei's cheeks were flushed. He quickly shook off Qingshui Koji's hand, and his eyes became very unbelievable.

——What nonsense are you talking about? !

As for Koji Shimizu, the only thing he didn't expect was that Conan's ears were so good that he heard what he said.

He didn't really have any bad thoughts. He could have continued to explain to Haibara Ai, but this guy Conan——

While Shimizu Koji was thinking about how to deal with Conan, Haibara Ai seemed to notice something from his expression. Although the blush on his face did not dissipate so quickly, he gradually regained his composure and reason.

She turned her eyes directly and stared at Conan, who looked like he had discovered the Big Bang.

Her thoughts were spinning so fast that even Shimizu Koji couldn't keep up.

"Why, are you only allowed to be intimate with your sister Xiaolan? Are we not allowed to create some sparks of love?"

Hui Yuan Ai flipped up her hair, confident and elegant, even with a hint of disdain and a hint of arrogance?

Even though her face was red.

? ? ? ? ?

But this time, it was Koji Shimizu's turn to be confused again.

He admitted that part of what he said just now was indeed intentional, and he wanted to tease Haibara Ai.


He felt that if it really didn't work, he could sew Conan's mouth shut, or threaten him with his Lanai-chan, but after Haibara Ai's words came out, Conan's mouth was already open to the point where he couldn't close it.

But when Qingmizu Koji's eyes returned to Haihara Ai, she stood closer to him, and even took the initiative to hold his hand again in front of Conan.

"Do you have any other opinions?" Haiyuan Ai's voice already had a chill in it.

Conan came back to his senses and shook his head like a rattle, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Shimizu Koji now had an indescribable depth to it.

Conan subconsciously took two steps, got behind Ayumi, and blocked half of her body.

And Qingmizu Koji saw all this in his eyes. His eyes were a little confused and puzzled at first, but soon became serious.

He discovered that his mind was not big.

However, now is not the time to settle matters with Conan.

After taking a look at the people who had already walked up the stairs and were about to go upstairs to visit the room, Qingshui Koji took Haihara Ai's hand, and the two turned around and left the group and walked out of the gate of the castle.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

As soon as they went out, the hands held by the two people separated instantly.

The blush on Hui Yuan Ai's little face faded away, and her snow-white cheeks looked like the bright moon at night, showing off the cold light.

Qingmizu Koji frowned, his expression was full of confusion and a bit solemn.

He has never doubted his own charm, but he will never take what Haihara Ai just said seriously.

When Haibara Ai saw that Shimizu Koji didn't intend to explain first, he couldn't help but wrinkled his nose and snorted coldly.

It was obviously Koji Shimizu who was caught off guard and did this.

However, now that she had calmed down a little, she glanced at no one around her, turned her head, and spoke softly: "You don't think he hasn't noticed our relationship all this time, do you?"

Qingmizu Koji understood something immediately after hearing this. It's not that he didn't notice it, it's just that he didn't care about it very much.

But speaking of it now, it was indeed a problem. Ever since he knew Haibara Ai's identity, he had been subconsciously treating her as one of his own, but in Conan's eyes, the two of them seemed to be isolated in a small group.

Over time, the seeds of distrust will gradually take root and germinate.

Although Conan is the one who can't live without the two of them the most, Shimizu Koji has treated him as a friend with a special relationship for so long.

He really hadn't considered Conan's feelings before, because he had always been used to being able to come and go freely by himself, but speaking of it, it was indeed a bit unkind.

At least, as a friend in Conan's eyes, he was obviously the one who came first, but since he met Haibara Ai, he did feel a bit like surrendering to the enemy.

Qingshui Koji's thoughts changed, and his eyes met with Haihara Ai's again. He had a vague feeling that she hadn't finished speaking yet.

"that's it?"

"that's it."

Hui Yuarai crossed his arms and looked very calm. As soon as he changed his voice, he said directly: "It's your turn now."

Of course she wouldn't say that she just thought about her sister's life after she came back.

According to the results of her discussion with Shimizu Koji, Mingmei's identity will be the maid hired by Shimizu Koji, and she will live with Shimizu Koji.

So there is no doubt that she will go to Shimizu Koji's house every day. Instead of accidentally exposing her sister, it is better to trick Conan into a fool now.

As for why she didn’t continue to tell Koji Shimizu——

Don't ask, it's just petty to ask.

It's your turn! It was obviously you who said such misleading words first!

"There's something strange about this old castle."

"Hmm, keep going, I can see it too."

"The people here are a little weird too."

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned when he heard this. After thinking for a while, he continued to nod, "Huh? What else?"

"Also, I only believe in you. I didn't sleep well last night, and I might have slept very soundly at night."

Qingshui Koji's tone was very calm and he was talking seriously. His sincere and clear eyes also intersected with Haihara Ai's curious eyes in mid-air.

Haihara Ai's ice-blue eyes seemed to open a little wider, and the figure of Koji Qingshui was only reflected in the pupils.

Some faint pink soon appeared on her fair cheeks, and she immediately looked away.


Hui Yuan Ai pursed her lips slightly and responded in a low voice without asking any further questions.

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