Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 145 The unfettered wind that kills the heart and soul

Chapter 145 Heart Cutting Soul·Unfettered Wind

However, those things were temporarily forgotten by him. Floating on the top of the dark blue tower, Shimizu Koji looked back from a distance at the charred black stone tower about five hundred meters away.

Under the overcast night, the stone tower was still pitch black, and only a straight black shadow could be vaguely seen, like the sudden rise of the earth.

The surrounding forest was even more silent at this time, without any life at all. Maybe it had something to do with the cold weather in autumn and winter, but it still seemed too weird.

Especially, when Qingmizu Koji looked at the stone tower from a distance, the malice that was constantly radiating around was far beyond what was seen in the Imperial Pill supernatural incident last time, and was clearly transmitted to his soul.

Qingshui Koji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he slowly raised his right hand. In mid-air, a blue transparent long knife slowly took shape in his hand.

But at the same time, his figure also shrank slightly, because this was not a creation of the void, but a long knife condensed from his soul power.

After awakening the ability of the soul to leave the body, Koji Shimizu experimented a few times on his own and accidentally discovered such a secret.

Not only can he condense his soul power into a long sword, but his sword power is no longer restricted.

Yes, constraints.

When he first understood the meaning of the sword at the dojo of Michiko Tetsu's family, he felt that there seemed to be some restriction blocking his way forward.

That feeling was inexplicable, but when Koji Shimizu tested his soul ability, he unexpectedly discovered that not only could he use his sword power under the condition of his soul, but the feeling of being restricted completely disappeared.

Koji Shimizu probably guessed that the situation in reality should be limited by his body, or by the rules of this world.

And if he continues to learn the kendo knowledge of this world from Tetsumi Chiko and continues to understand the ultimate meaning of the wind, he may not be able to break through the bottleneck one day.

But not to mention the time it takes, I'm afraid it will never be as unrestricted as it is now.

Shimizu Koji flicked his wrist, and a faint flowing wind seemed to linger on the blue long sword.

Although the soul cannot affect the real world, in this state, Shimizu Koji has the confidence to face any supernatural power that may exist.

With a thought in his mind, he flew to the top of the charred stone tower in the next second.

The reason why Shimizu Koji was more cautious this time was because he was very sure that situations like Hideaki Hosaka's could only be rare.

If there are other situations where the soul does not actively dissipate for some reason, then generally——


Qingshui Haoer felt something and flew away from the top of the stone tower in an instant.

And in the next moment, a dozen white ghosts, or evil spirits, shot out of the sky and threw themselves into the air where Shimizu Koji was just now.

Each one of them could not see their faces clearly, and they no longer had the human shape, but they were exuding strong resentment and malice, and their aura was ferocious and terrifying, floating in the air like rootless duckweeds.

No need to think too much, these are the souls of the more than ten people who were burned alive. They have completely become slaves of resentment in the growing hatred.

Koji Shimizu is well-informed. Although he doesn't know the specific rules for the formation of evil spirits like this in this world, he has a general idea, so he is not surprised at all by this situation.

And with the appearance of more than a dozen white evil spirits, half of the night sky seemed to be illuminated at once.

Of course, only Shimizu Koji can see all this now.

Although they have no eyes, Shimizu Koji can also feel that the eyes of these evil spirits are all locked on him at the moment.

Everything was silent, there were no frightening screams or screams.

With just a "swish", more than a dozen pale evil spirits rushed towards Shimizu Koji.

Qingshui Koji's eyes were focused. There was no fear in his eyes, and he didn't need to accumulate any more strength. He raised his hand and struck out with his sword, which was a steel-cutting flash that was like blue lightning, leaving an afterimage of the sword energy in the air.

An evil spirit was directly cut off half of its body by Shimizu Koji, and then dissipated with the wind.

At the same time as he drew his sword, Shimizu Koji also rushed out from the tight surroundings of a bunch of evil spirits like a ghost.

It seems to be as invisible as the swift wind. Just one step forward, and it is as calm and unrestrained as passing through the crowd of thousands of troops.

After the sword was passed, the flowing wind intention on Qingmizu Koji's soul sword became more solid.

As soon as he turned around, there was another flash of sword light, and another evil spirit dispersed with the wind like a punctured balloon, turning into nothingness.

And this series of ruthless killings did not make these evil spirits retreat, but instead angered them even more.

However, after two consecutive sword-cutting flashes, a blue storm seemed to be building up on Youlan's soul sword.

And those enraged evil spirits just turned their heads and charged towards Koji Shimizu ferociously like they were screaming again.

But this time, Shimizu Koji swung his sword downward first, and more than a dozen evil spirits were blocked by a sudden appearance of a wind wall.

And almost at the same time, Qingshui Koji raised his sword with a cold eyebrow and without hesitation, and swung the third sword of Steel-cutting Flash towards the ghosts who had gathered together at the moment!

Blade surge!

A tornado of faint blue mad sword energy was slashed out by Koji Shimizu's sword. It rushed out of the weak wind wall with a speed and momentum that swept almost everything, and instantly shattered the dozen evil spirits gathered together. !

And as the last bit of pale white disappeared into the night, Qingshui Koji stood silently and independently in mid-air, and the soul sword in his hand slowly gradually dispersed.

He probably breathed a sigh of relief, but in his slightly absent-minded eyes, he seemed to still be recalling the blade tornado just now.

Even in the unrestricted state of his soul, Koji Shimizu found that the gap between himself and the wandering swordsman was still extremely wide.

With the same move, the opponent instantly created a sandstorm tornado in the desert that connected to the sky.

And it's hard to say whether he will be able to perform such sword moves with his physical body in the future.

After cleaning up these evil spirits, Shimizu Koji felt a little tired again. He could already think of how sleepy he would be tomorrow.

But he thought that the matter was over, so he turned around and took advantage of his soul state to float to the stone tower to find Conan, but suddenly, he flashed out of the way and appeared again where the evil spirits had gathered just now.

As soon as these white light bulbs disappeared, the entire sky became dark again, so that Koji Shimizu didn't see it at all for the first time. After these evil spirits dissipated, they still left a handful of finger-sized soul power in the air.

Facing this mass of soul power, Koji Shimizu felt the same as when he faced Hideaki Hosaka's soul turning into a butterfly.

This is pure soul power——

As soon as Shimizu Koji stretched out his hand, he took the almost transparent spiritual power ball in his hand, and like snowflakes that melted in his hand, the finger-sized spiritual power ball silently blended into the palm of Shimizu Koji's soul state as soon as he got it. .

"So, is this still possible?"

"Yes, as one of the sources of power of the great devil mentioned by that strange old man, since it can fight in the soul state, it can be absorbed."

Shimizu Koji's eyes shone slightly, and he felt that his soul was getting stronger. Although the effect was very weak and could hardly be felt, in an instant, most of the emptiness he felt just now disappeared.

And even though I don’t know what the use is for a while, even so, it’s enough.

Koji Shimizu knew very well that in this technology-dominated world, as long as he continued to become stronger in all aspects, even if the weird timeline here returned to normal in the future, he would already have the strength to resist various disasters and accidents.

Therefore, whether it is body or soul, as long as it can become stronger, it is enough.

In this way, he can live with more confidence in this world that is no longer ordinary.

Qingmizu Koji thought for a while in the air. It felt like it took a long time, and then he finally turned around and walked into the stone tower.

There was actually nothing in the stone tower, but at the bottom of the stone tower, Shimizu Koji found Conan who was thrown into the underground passage.

This was enough, Conan was still alive, and Koji Shimizu left with peace of mind.

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