Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 171 I like loli

The stairwell to the rooftop is a small square house, with the edge of the rooftop directly behind it. There is no room, and retreating is a dead end.

There is only some space on the two sides, but generally no one goes to the side because it is relatively narrow, unless there is a relationship between a man and a woman, and they go up to have a tryst.

In order to hide from the sun today, Shimizu Koji and Xiaolan Yuanzi were hiding from the sun on the side of the stairwell. They were a man and two women. Suddenly someone came up, and it was hard to go out now.

Of course it doesn't matter that Koji Shimizu doesn't care, but Xiaolan and Yuanzi still care.

Tsukamoto Sumi went up to the rooftop and found no one, so she walked silently to the edge of the rooftop opposite the stairwell. Facing the breeze, her short hair and skirt fluttered gently, and she looked into the distance alone. scenery.

"It's Miss Shumei."

Xiaolan saw the figure clearly and breathed a sigh of relief. Although her voice was very soft, Tsukamoto Sumi, as the former commander of the karate club, could naturally hear her.

Her body stiffened and she immediately turned around.

"Sister Shumei."

"Xiaolan, Sonoko, and Koji—no, Qingshui-kun."

"Senior, you can call me whatever you want."

Shimizu Koji smiled faintly and walked out from the stairwell with Sonoko and Xiaolan.

When Tsukamoto Sumi heard his words, she was stunned for a short time, then she smoothed her short hair on her forehead, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and nodded.

And when she looked at Koji Shimizu again, she became extra determined and serious for no reason, just like she had during the finals of the national karate competition, instead of the confusion and even confusion she had when she was alone just now.

"Kouji-kun, please date me."

? ?

Xiaolan's smile stiffened, no, she should be said to have become dumbfounded.

Yuanzi beside her, whose originally relaxed expression was now frozen.

As the person who was suddenly confessed, Koji Shimizu's brain was briefly stunned.

This is too unexpected. Even though he has been on the battlefield for a long time, he has never encountered anything like this.

Tsukamoto Sumi's eyes were extremely serious. After speaking, she turned around from the edge of the rooftop and walked to Koji Shimizu.

"Please date me, Koji-kun."

She extended her hand to Koji Shimizu, as if to shake hands, but no one confessed like this, and she used none of the things and words Tsukamoto Tamako prepared for her.

For Tsukamoto Sumi, liking is liking, nothing more.

Although she had never been in love, and she had never thought about it in the past, when this day came, she understood her heart very well.

Growing up, it was the first time she met a boy who made her heart beat. Tsukamoto Sumi knew that if she didn't take the initiative, she would probably miss this life.

As her father said, youth is not for regrets in the future.

But even if she knew these things and understood her own heart, Tsukamoto Tsumei still couldn't help but feel uneasy at this moment.

In other words, she actually didn't have high expectations for her sudden attack at this time and under such circumstances.

Of course, it's not that she has no confidence in herself. Just like Tsukamoto Tamako said, her character may not be the kind of girl that ordinary boys like.

But for appearance and figure, although Tsukamoto Sumi doesn't deliberately pay attention to these, her conditions are here, and she can definitely be regarded as first-rate.

Tsukamoto Sumi was just unsure about Shimizu Koji.

On the high school campus, dating, falling in love, and even... are relatively normal things, but Koji Shimizu always gives people the feeling of a different kind of distance from the flower of the high mountain.

And this is the main reason why Koji Shimizu's popularity can only be ranked second.

Recently, some bold girls get sick every day and run to the health room.

Facing Tsukamoto Sumi's serious and firm eyes, after the initial shock, Shimizu Koji changed his mind and did not hold her hand.

"Sorry, I can't agree."

The last thing he said was the same cold words he had said many times.

After hearing this, Tsukamoto Sumi smiled in relief and retracted her hand, "Can I ask why?"

This result was within her expectation. Although she was a little disappointed, she didn't feel too embarrassed even under the gazes of Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

"Senior, you are not my ideal type," Koji Shimizu paused. He thought this was a more euphemistic statement. He thought about it and then added firmly: "I like loli."

Maybe it was some kind of realization, maybe it was just an excuse, but Koji Shimizu subconsciously chose to refuse.

Even though he had been thinking about finding a girlfriend for the past two days, even Tsukamoto Sumi was one of the candidates he had carefully considered.

Therefore, he gave a unique reason, a gentler and more suitable reason, and it was also the first one he gave to Yuanzi.

"Then I'm sorry, I was presumptuous - eh!? Luoluo."

Not only Tsukamoto Sumi, who had started to apologize directly, stopped talking and opened her eyes wide in shock, but even Xiao Ran and Sonoko on the side also opened their mouths and looked shocked.

It's a pity that there are no crows flying in the sky, and the bright sunshine cannot melt the dead air for a moment.

You know, in their eyes, after this period of contact, Shimizu Koji is close to being linked to the "unworldly fireworks".

Although it may be an exaggeration to say this, it is true that even Sonoko has never dreamed a few times at night.

Xiaolan covered her mouth slightly, with a look of disbelief and fear.

Her eyes changed so fast that they almost caught up with the frequency of alternating current.

And Sonoko, who was beside her, was probably the one with the most shocking and complicated mood among the four people.

But if you have to pick out which emotion occupies the largest proportion in her heart now, it should be regret, quite regretful.

If she had met Shimizu Koji earlier, it would be better, but she can't grow back.

From getting to know Shimizu Koji and becoming friends with him to the recent period of time, Shimizu Koji's quiet transformation, in fact, Sonoko has seen it all.

After all, as the one who has a very pure and clear purpose among the three girls here, it is normal for her to observe carefully.

And just now, she inadvertently tested again.

Originally, Sonoko planned to test step by step, get close little by little, let Shimizu Koji get used to her existence, get used to her body - contact, and then -.

But now, I knew it was so simple! ! ! Ah! Why am I not a loli!

Sonoko was devastated, her eyes were wide open, she gradually lowered her head, and fell into this sudden period of depression and emotional injury.

"Qing, Qing, Koji-kun"

Tsukamoto Sumi wanted to say something several times but stopped, her eyes changed, sometimes shocked, sometimes touched, sometimes serious.

"You are wrong to do this"

But in the end her eyes were firm, Tsukamoto Sumi was sure that Shimizu Koji was not deliberately evading her.

Because there was no need for this, between the two of them.

Tsukamoto Sumi took another step forward and pulled up Shimizu Koji's hand. The distance between her and Shimizu Koji suddenly became only one step away, and they looked at each other very closely.

"Shimizu-kun, you are wrong to do this. You have this kind of idea. I have learned from the book that this is actually because you lack love in your heart. This is a mental illness, it will lead you to the abyss."

"Yes, yes, Koji."

"Shimizu-kun, Sister Sumi is right."

Xiaolan and Sonoko, who came to their senses on the side, quickly echoed.

It can't be said that Shimizu Koji was unexpected in the face of such a situation, but he did not expect that there was anything wrong with liking a "loli-type" girlfriend, and why they unanimously denied it?

In fact, if it were a few years later, Shimizu Koji's words might not have much impact, but in this era, not only liking loli is problematic, but liking loli-type is also problematic if it is exposed.

Looking at Tsukamoto Kazumi who suddenly attacked, Shimizu Koji just took a step back, and Tsukamoto Kazumi followed, her eyes were firm, as if she had a sense of mission again.

"Date with me, Koji-kun, I will make you understand, at least, I will help you correct such mistakes."

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