Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 175 His fate is determined

"This is the Yoshida family. I'm out now and not at home. If anything happens, please leave a message after the beep."

Listening to the automatic answer from the phone, Conan's face was equally serious. He was now standing in the phone booth downstairs of Ayumi's house, using a bow-tie voice changer to disguise his voice.

Genta and Mitsuhiko were temporarily thrown away by him, otherwise he would not dare to do so blatantly.

"I-I'm Tsukamoto, Mrs. Yoshida, aren't you at home now? Oh, you must have gone downstairs to the supermarket. I didn't pay attention to the time."

"However, I will arrive in about ten minutes. I will also transfer the five million yen my mother borrowed from you last time to you later. I'm sorry for taking so long. I'm really sorry."

Conan was stunned, staring blankly at the two Teidan high school students who suddenly appeared in front of him, especially Koji Shimizu who snatched the phone from his hand.

On the side, Tsukamoto Sumi, under the silent guidance of Shimizu Koji, finished these words in a gentle tone and hung up the phone.

"Qingshui, you——"

"Stay here obediently."

Koji Shimizu didn't use very harsh words, but his cold glance full of murderous intent was enough for Conan. The sudden coldness of Koji Shimizu was just like the look Gin gave him back then.

It was so scary that he shuddered subconsciously.

For Koji Shimizu, no matter how smart Conan is, he is only a first-grade elementary school student. In his opinion, what he just did is no different from committing suicide.

If the situation on Ayumi's side wasn't more pressing, Koji Shimizu would really want to teach this guy a lesson this time.

From the moment he heard Hui Yuan Ai talk about this matter, he was already a little angry.

It must have been the day before yesterday that I was almost beaten to death with a stick. Do you have such a short memory? !

He didn't come all the way to be this guy's nanny or bodyguard.


Yoshida family.

"Is what that woman just said true?"

Tian Tian Meixi searched the entire house, but didn't find much money at all. He was very angry, but the phone call came just in time.

And before, he also made sure by calling that no one in this house dared to pick the lock and break into the empty door.

This was the second time he committed a crime, so he was particularly skilled and more cruel and bold.

After hearing Tsukamoto Mumi's words on the phone, it was not difficult for him to deduce that the man of the house would probably not come back before get off work in the evening, and next, a woman with a huge sum of money would probably return to this room. Come here.

Tano Meixi stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. He glanced coldly at Ayumi who was shaking with fear and her mouth was sealed with tape.

Not caring about her answer, he just took out a stick from his arms, turned around and walked towards the door.

If it had been the last time, if he knew someone was coming, Tano Umeki would probably kill Ayumi without hesitation and then run away immediately.

But now he has reached a dead end. Anyway, even if he kills a few more people, he won't be sentenced to death. After finishing this one, he might not be caught, and he can continue to spend a lot of time.

Five million yen——, and a girl who sounded young and pretty.

Jie Jie Jie, Tian Tian Meixi smiled sinisterly in his heart.

And sure enough, ten minutes later, the phone next to the door rang, and he picked it up.

"I'm Tsukamoto, Mrs. Yoshida, are you home?"

Hearing the same voice as before, Tano Meixi didn't hesitate anymore, directly pressed the button to open the door, and then hung up the phone.

He opened the door and hid aside with his swinging stick. It would take some time to come up from downstairs, but he was patient.

And in the distance opposite him, Ayumi was tightly tied up and had no idea what was going on at the moment.

Therefore, she was extremely real in fear, both in her heart and on the surface, which also made Tian Tian Meixi's smile even more ferocious and terrifying.

At first he was shocked when he found out that this little girl was using that kind of black technology to tell the news. But fortunately, there were only a few elementary school students across from him at that time, and the little girl couldn't speak.


The door was pushed open, and those who walked into the room were Tsukamoto Sumi and Shimizu Koji.

Before entering the room, Shimizu Koji checked the situation out of his body very quickly. He was relieved when he made sure that Ayumi was fine and that the other party was just ambushing her with a ridiculous swing stick.

Otherwise, if the other party has a gun, he will not follow him rashly.

Tian Tian Meixi, who was hiding behind the entrance hall, saw two people coming in, a man and a woman, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He originally wanted to turn around immediately and take Ayumi as a hostage, but after taking a closer look, he was a little confused by the school uniforms worn by Koji Shimizu and Tsukamoto Sumi.

But he didn't know that from the moment Qingmizu Koji stepped into this room, all his actions were no longer decided by him.

His fate has been determined.

"Strange, is Mrs. Yoshida busy cooking? That's so polite."

"Haoji, you go and help first. The slippers at the door are so messy, I'll clean them up."

"Well, then leave it to my sister."

Playing the role of brother and sister, Koji Shimizu dealt with it casually, as if he was not aware of the abnormality in the room, and walked out of the entrance hall unsuspectingly.

Hiding behind the wall at the entrance entrance, Tian Tian Meixi was a little nervous, and he didn't dare to peek anymore, because he wanted to--a fatal blow!

Smiling ferociously, Ayumi on the opposite side was trembling all over. When she heard the footsteps walking out of the entrance hall, Tano Meixi's eyes suddenly widened, she turned around and raised her hand to give him a hard blow!

"The intensity is good."

Shimizu Hiroshi didn't even raise his eyes. He was arranging the tie of his school uniform on his chest with one hand, paying attention to his appearance like a visiting guest.

But the other hand, like a vise, tightly clamped Tian Tian Meixi's right wrist in mid-air.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "bang", and the swing stick in Tanano Meixi's hand fell directly to the ground, rolling towards Xiao Ayumi's position.


Tano Meixi screamed in pain, and Shimizu Koji also let go of his hand, as if throwing away garbage.

Tian Tian Meixi was like a collapsed pile of mud, curled up on the wooden floor, covering his right hand, twisting and rolling in pain.

"What to do with him?"

After Sumi Tsukamoto caught up, she just glanced lightly and asked Shimizu Koji for instructions.

Shimizu Koji was slightly stunned. Looking at her serious eyes, he had a feeling that if he said to kill this guy now, Tsukamoto Sumi would not object.

He would even perform the surgery himself, even under the watchful eyes of Ayumi, a primary school student.

Koji Qingmizu couldn't help but feel a strange warmth in his heart, but mostly he just couldn't help but laugh.

"Just leave it to the police later."


Tsukamoto Sumi glanced at Tano Umeki who was still gasping for air on the ground and panting in pain with a ferocious expression. She frowned and kicked Tano Umiki on the back of the neck from behind, knocking him unconscious. passed.

Koji Shimizu did change his slippers, but she didn't.

Of course, from beginning to end, she was standing behind Tanano Meixi. The scenery under her skirt was something that only Koji Shimizu had the honor to see so far.

"Ooooh! Uh-huh!"

Ayumi's big eyes were watery, and she was squirming excitedly.

Shimizu Koji didn't care about the situation of Tanochai, whether he would be kicked to death by Tsukamoto Sumimi. He just walked forward with a smile, bent down, stretched out his hand, and helped Ayumi take off the tape on her face.

"Brother Hao Er! Wuwuwuwu!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it's okay." Koji Shimizu touched her little head and began to help her untie the ropes on her hands and feet.

Ayumi couldn't help but sob twice more, but fortunately she didn't burst into tears in excitement.

And just after Shimizu Koji helped her untie the rope, the door creaked loudly at the entrance, and there was another burst of light footsteps.

Hui Yuan Ai clasped her hands behind her back and did not change her shoes. After hearing what was going on in the room, she walked in with peace of mind.

She came by taxi and didn't even meet Conan.

Just after seeing Shimizu Koji's car downstairs, she walked up with confidence.

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