Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 191 This person is a sword! You are the devil!

After the Sanada Kai people saw the person clearly, they found that it was just Shimizu Koji, and they felt relieved.

He glanced at Koji Shimizu coldly, not paying attention to his fancy disguise and the ridiculous sword on his waist.

Times have changed.

He turned around and asked Ooka Hongye in a cold voice: "Miss Ooka, is this yours?"

At this time, Ooka Momiji was shocked when she saw the masked man Shimizu Koji appearing here. After taking a closer look, she even recognized the clothes on Shimizu Koji. It was noon, that is, she had just seen him not long ago. That boy.

She was startled when she heard Sanada Kairen's question. Although she was confused and surprised as to why Shimizu Koji appeared here, her mind was spinning, her expression remained unchanged, and she just nodded lightly.

Ooka Momiji's mind is delicate and sharp. As the queen of kata, her sensitivity to the art of language is naturally extraordinary.

Sanada Kaito's words wouldn't make people think much at first, because he said almost nothing, but Ooka Momiji heard it right away.

These people, indeed, as they said just now, were not here to take her life.

In fact, he was so afraid of her identity that even a stranger who suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation would care whether he had any contact with her.

It's weird, but it's obvious that the other party doesn't want a bloody conflict.

So even though she couldn't figure out where these people came from, her mood quickly calmed down, she became calm and calm, and her thoughts became more rational and clear.

When the Sanada Kai people saw Ooka Momiji nodding, they frowned. After thinking about it, they turned their heads and looked at Shimizu Koji. They waved their hands and asked the four younger brothers who had surrounded him to capture Shimizu Koji alive.



It was Kengo Kamo who interrupted him.

When the Sanada Kai people heard the sound, they stopped moving and looked at him in confusion. Kengo Kamo's eyes were strange and unpredictable, but he had no intention of explaining anything to him.

"you can see?"

After saying an inexplicable word, among the people present, except for Koji Shimizu, only Sanada Kai came to his senses and his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had been shocked by something.

Shimizu Koji did not answer his question because Kengo Kamo's eyes made him feel a little disgusted.

And his reaction was no longer important. Kengo Kamo was already convinced at this time that Koji Shimizu, who had been staring at his shikigami, was indeed a person with a 'spiritual eye'.

No, it cannot be said to be a human being. It should be said to be an extremely rare and precious material.

As the world moves closer to the track of science, nowadays, for most onmyoji, shikigami are almost extinct rare animals.

Many onmyojis could not have their own shikigami throughout their lives, but as time went by, some onmyojis with great imagination found another way and created the wonderful method of 'artificial shikigami'.

But naturally, that kind of wonderful method is not only unacceptable to the world, but even most onmyojis will never accept it.

But Kamo Kengo no longer cares, he has been removed from the Kamo family and is being hunted because of his shikigami.

"You can indeed see it."

Kengo Kamo licked his lips and slowly walked out of the crowd.

He waved his hand and motioned for the people on the side to get out of the way, but these guys didn't actually know who he was. It was only the Sanada Kai people who waved behind him that the four people surrounding Shimizu Koji moved away.

Qingmizu Koji was silent and said nothing. He didn't know what this guy who was supposed to be an Onmyoji was planning, but it was definitely not very good.

However, the shikigami next to this guy gave Koji Shimizu a very ordinary feeling. At least, he didn't feel any threat.

Masamune slowly unsheathed his sword, and the bright sword light caused Kengo Kamo to raise his eyebrows. His eyes were a little strange, and he seemed to want to laugh.

"Sorry, Sanada-san, I want this guy."

He first said something casually to the Sanada Kairen behind him, and continued to look at Shimizu Koji without caring about the other person's reaction.



No matter it was Ooka Momiji's words or Sanada Kairen's frown to stop him, there was no response.

"Boy, give you a chance to attack me."

Kengo Kamo sneered disdainfully and stood ten steps away from Koji Shimizu, crossing his arms.

But the moment he finished speaking, the winged girl beside him moved.

This was a shikigami connected to his mind, which brought up a sinister wind full of resentment and malice. For an instant, everyone present shuddered, and they all took a step back subconsciously.

The winged girl was extremely fast, carrying strong resentment and a red bloody aura.

Koji Shimizu's expression remained unchanged as he looked at the shikigami coming straight to his door, this little bird-man who looked like a little girl but had a pair of wings.

He was actually very curious about this shikigami's attack method and its effect.

Because existence in such a soul state should not be able to directly cause harm to physical existence.

But, he probably won't have this chance.

"Physical attacks are ineffective——"

The voice stopped suddenly, and Kengo Kamo's eyes widened with a smile of disdain on his face, dumbfounded in disbelief.

A knife, like a phantom flash of blue lightning.

Kamo Kengo's whole body could not stop trembling slightly, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

Qing Shuihao kept his expression unchanged and slowly sheathed his sword.

As a slight "click" broke the sudden silence in the villa, Kamo Kengo covered his chest in pain, and with a "go", a mouthful of blood spurted out.

His eyes were full of horror and disbelief. In fact, as Koji Shimizu knew, pure evil spirits and souls could not directly cause any harm to the physical world.

However, shikigami are different, especially Kamo Kengo. He used more than 20 country virgins and thousands of newly born baby birds to spend five years to blood-sacrifice this shikigami that should be called an evil spirit. god.

Although it is not as powerful as the previous shikigami in calling the wind and snow, its strong resentment and bloody aura are enough to break a person's mind and even corrode the souls of others.

"No, it's impossible, this is impossible! This is impossible! Even Japan's most powerful Onmyoji is impossible!"


Kengo Kamo's eyes gradually shed tears of blood. He had just come out of the mountain, and his great and magnificent evil life had just begun.

He pointed at Koji Shimizu, but before he could ask, he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

The winged girl came and went in a hurry. She was unprepared and dissipated into nothingness in an instant under a soul slash from Koji Shimizu.

That's right, Shimizu Koji's soul slash was also his biggest gain when he was in the castle last time. Just like he could condense the long sword in the soul state, he can do the same in the body state now.

Just now, it seemed that Koji Shimizu was slashing with an authentic sword, but in fact, it was two swords fused together. It should be called the Spirit·Iihe Slash!

At this time, the shikigami in mid-air dispersed, and everything that was supposed to end changed with the movement of Koji Shimizu raising his hand.

In mid-air, in the spiritual field of vision that ordinary people cannot see, in the hands of Koji Shimizu is a ball of pure soul energy left after the winged maiden dissipated.

The difference from before is that at this time, even this ball of soul energy is still spread with a slender rope, tied to his body just like the connection between the winged girl and Kamo Kengo before.

This is the connection between their souls, and it is the fundamental means for Kengo Kamo to drive this evil spirit. However, if it were a shikigami who signed a contract normally, this would not be the case.

Qingmizu Koji's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't move at all.

Opposite him, Kengo Kamo gradually became unsteady on his feet. He opened his mouth wide and his orifices were bleeding. Using his last strength, he raised his hand.

"You are the devil"

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