Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 195 Blushing and Heartbeat

"Nothing, it's pretty good-looking. Do you want to attend the banquet later?" Shimizu Koji responded casually.

"Otherwise? Isn't this what you meant?"

Hui Yuan Ai rolled his eyes slightly when he heard this.

If Suzuki Ayako hadn't told her that Shimizu Koji would take her to a banquet that night, she wouldn't have wanted to wear such clothes.

And Qingmizu Koji nodded, and seemed to suddenly remember that this was the case.

Since he entrusted Haihara Ai to Suzuki Ayako, and since he had to attend the banquet that night, he thought it would be better to let Haihara Ai follow him around.

But what I didn't expect was that Suzuki Ayako would actually prepare an extra children's dress for Haibara Aiya.

Look at the silk, the craftsmanship, the tiny diamonds on the shoulder straps, the skirt on the chest, and the fluffy and elegant skirt.

It's not like Koji Shimizu has never seen dresses in luxury stores. Generally speaking, this kind of clothing is several times, or even dozens or hundreds of times, the price of ordinary luxury clothing.

But it’s hard to help but wear it. If you wear it only two or three times at most, the diamonds may fall off and the hem of the skirt may not be able to open.

Therefore, the protruding one was expensive and not durable, and he thought that he would not use it, so he never bought it at all.

However, at this time, Koji Shimizu had to admit that it was worth the money.

Although Haiyuan Ai is small, when she puts on this dress, her aura of contrasting cuteness and rationality, her certain charm is completely amplified, and she is firmly attracted to her. Attract the attention of others.

In fact, Suzuki Ayako felt the same way Shimizu Koji felt after Haibara Ai put on this dress.

Cute and elegant, petite but aloof.

A foul, even for a primary school student.

Qingshui Koji glanced at her a few more times, which made Haihara Ai feel uncomfortable and almost let out a cool "hum".

His eyes especially stayed on Haihara Ai's arm for a few seconds, but he didn't have any intention of touching it, it just felt a little inappropriate.

But if you ask Qingmizu Koji to say what's inappropriate, he can't tell.

However, when he looked away, Shimizu Koji saw a small coat thrown next to the sofa.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he picked it up and then handed it to Haiyuan Ai's eyes naturally.

"It's cold at night, so you'd better wear more clothes later."

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes suddenly froze. She could no longer pretend to watch TV.

She was still a little curious and was about to ask Shimizu Koji what he was doing in the afternoon, but she obviously couldn't care less at the moment.

She turned her head, her eyes a little surprised and confused, and looked at the indifferent Koji Shimizu.

"Hey~, can't you tell, you are still an old conservative?"

After looking at each other for a while, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly blinked, as if he saw something, and couldn't help but sneer.

Her mood suddenly improved a lot.

And the eyes seemed to be shining with confidence again, instead of the nervousness and unnaturalness that Koji Shimizu had recently manipulated.

Haihara Ai suddenly regained her confidence, because she discovered that Qingshui Koji was not as flawless as a cold stone.

This guy actually cares about strapless clothing.

Although Haiyuan Ai sneered on the surface, her earlobes were already slightly red.

It wasn't that she couldn't notice that Koji Shimizu cared about her. Even though Koji Qingmizu said she was some kind of sister, she never took it seriously in her heart.

She is Miyano Shiho, several years older than Shimizu Koji. Shimizu Koji may be able to really think of nothing else, but Haibara Ai cannot do that. She is very mature mentally.

After hearing Haihara Ai's words, Qingshui Koji frowned and gradually reacted and understood.

He really didn't think much about it at first, but when he said that, it seemed like that was what happened.

However, verbal exchanges with Haibara Ai have become a habit. Qingshui Koji just glanced at her fair and delicate shoulders calmly, and at the same time explained lightly: "Because you are just a primary school student."

"Oh, is it so?"

Hui Yuan Ai smiled slightly. It was rare that he didn't care about Qingshui Koji's words. He just turned his head and looked away without comment.

She was indeed a little happy that Shimizu Koji did this, but she didn't just take the coat.

"I will not be a bird in a cage, nor a beautiful vase placed on the table. This is not a declaration of freedom, but we are not anyone's collection. Even if you are your so-called sister, we are equal after all. ,Is it right?"

Haibara Ai paused, then turned his head and looked at Qingshui Koji again, his face turned slightly red, and continued: "However, it is indeed a bit cold at night, so I'd better put it on."

With that said, she reached out to grab the coat in Hiroshi Qingmizu's hand.

But at this time, Qingmizu Koji withdrew his hand.

"No, you are indeed quite beautiful like this."

Shimizu Koji's eyes were indifferent and he put the coat back to its original place.

Looking at Hui Yuan Ai who was a little dazed, he naturally stretched out his hand and took her little hand.

Shimizu Koji admitted that he was a little stingy just now.

And just like what Haiyuan Ai said, no one is anyone's collection, even if they really get together one day in the future.

In fact, it's nothing, just like the vest that Haihara Ai usually wears. Maybe it's just because Koji Shimizu cares about her differently now that he feels a little inappropriate.

But in fact, except for him, no one might look at Haibara Ai in other eyes. After all, the other insider, Conan, is not here either.

Most people just think that the little girl Haihara Ai is very cute and don't think much about it.

However, of course, Koji Shimizu has not mentioned it to Haibara Ai, and will not talk about it for the time being.

Otherwise, you will be called hentai.

He probably likes Miyano Shiho, but if he says it, Haibara Ai will most likely become angry and think that he likes Haibara Ai.

Is this the same?

It seems different, but it seems to be the same. Koji Qingmizu has gradually become confused.

In fact, the same goes for Haibara Ai. The so-called 'sister' has always been just the wishful thinking of Koji Shimizu. Her subconscious dependence and trust have long been unclear.

"Is your ankle feeling better?"

"Huh?" Haiyuan Ai woke up from his daze, and looked at each other quietly with Qingshui Koji, but unknowingly looked away again, and just nodded lightly.

"Well, it's okay."

"Touch me."

Qingshui Koji was serious, but Haihara Ai couldn't help but be startled.

The next moment, before she could react, Koji Shimizu had already grabbed her little feet.

Koji Shimizu caught her little feet, turned around and put them down, letting her feet rest on his lap.

His heart felt calm, and he really just wanted to check Haiyuan Ai to make sure there were no hidden injuries.

However, even though she didn't know how many times it was, Haiyuan Ai's feet were as white and tender as ever with a hint of coldness. This might be related to the fact that she hadn't worn socks just now.

Hui Yuan Ai came back to her senses and blushed, but she didn't struggle because Qing Shui Koji was indeed serious about what she said and her movements were gentle.

She looked at the side face of Shimizu Koji and the warm hands holding her little feet. Shimizu Koji's movements were very delicate, not missing a single bit, and he carefully explored her ankles.

Following Koji Shimizu's movements, she felt that her little face was getting hotter every second, and her heartbeat in her chest was pounding and accelerating uncontrollably.

"Well, it's indeed better. It's not serious at all. Be careful next time."

Qingshui Koji let go of his hand after touching it, but as if it was a habitual action, before he put it down, he subconsciously patted Haihara Ai's sole lightly.


Following a gentle "snap", Haiyuan Ai suddenly let out a soft, cat-like meow uncontrollably.

The moment the voice fell, Qingshui Koji looked up with strange eyes, and Haihara Ai immediately widened his eyes and covered his mouth.

“Well, it sounds pretty good.”

"Ahhh! Shut up!"

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