Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 412 Premonition

"Didi!! Didi!!"

The snow was still falling, but the originally quiet and orderly road became congested and noisy in just a moment.

"What are you doing?! Don't you have eyes?!"

"Bagaya Road!!"

Whether it was a private car, a large truck or a bus, they all came to a sudden stop, and the drivers in the car hurled foul language.

But the initiators of all this, Gin and Vodka, still walked unhurriedly in front of a row of cars parked fairly neatly.

In fact, Vodka still felt a little guilty. Big brother Gin was so pretentious that it was only natural because he was used to it, but he was really afraid that someone with no foresight would just step on the accelerator.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and the two of them quickly returned to the car.

Vodka opened the door and was about to let Gin get in the car, but Gin's eyes suddenly narrowed and he stopped.

After taking a hard drag on the cigarette, Vodka followed his eyes and saw the messy footprints on the ground.

"Brother, this, this is-?"

"Looks like the footprints of an imp."

Gin's words made Vodka sigh in relief. He said, "I've probably never seen a car like yours before, so I came here to take a look out of curiosity."

Ginjiu didn't answer, but nodded slightly, expressing his approval.

He is still very proud of his car. Although it is a little behind the times in terms of fuel consumption and so on, there are not many people in Japan who have cars like his.

A man's hobbies are nothing more than women, guns, and cars, and gin is not exempt from them. However, he is good at hiding his thoughts, and only vodka can understand him.

"Let's go to Abedo Hotel. I didn't expect that woman to be able to urge people."

"I think it was Sacco's idea. He probably wanted to cause us some trouble."

Vodka exploits every opportunity, no matter what it is, just put it on Shimizu Hiroshi's head and that's it.

Gin likes to hear this these days, and Vodka knows it clearly.

"Oh, sooner or later he will suffer."

Gin didn't deny it, walked directly to the other side, opened the passenger door and got in the car.

After a while, the car started to leave.

Cupido Hotel.

There is less than half an hour left before the official opening of the memorial service. In the previous period, Koji Shimizu also accompanied Belmode, and many so-called celebrities and business elites, whom Koji Shimizu would never bother with before. I got to know the character, of course, he just looked familiar, no one would be interested in him as a bodyguard.

Apart from--

Kenzo Masama, also known as Pisco, after Bermod saw off a wave of elites in suits and ties, he walked over alone with a glass of red wine and a gentle smile.

"Miss Chris, good evening."

"Good evening."

Belmode did not directly call Kenzo Masayama by name. Kenzo Masayama could get to know her because she was a big star.

"This is Kenzo Mayama, the chairman of Maotai Automobile."

After briefly introducing themselves, the two chatted and walked away from the crowd.

At this time, Pisco finally turned his attention to Koji Shimizu, who had been silently following Belmode.

"This should be the newcomer who has been in the limelight recently. I heard the boss mentioned you. You are a very good young man."

Kenzo Masuyama reached out and patted Shimizu Koji on the shoulder. He smiled kindly and looked like an ordinary old man from his neighbor's house. It would be difficult for a normal person to associate such an old man with something like a dark organization.

As for the chairman of some kind of car company, he was an old man surrounded by people wherever he went in the hall, but he was just a code-named member with some qualifications. From this, it was not difficult to get a glimpse of the strength of the organization.

Although Koji Shimizu said that he had joined for a while, he still kept a close eye on the information about most of the people within the organization. In fact, most of the members were basically like this, unless they met because of the mission. People may not know each other's existence until they die.

Internal confidentiality is also quite strict.


Koji Shimizu whispered his code name and stretched out his hand at the same time. Kenzo Mayama was stunned for a moment, and then he extended his hand to shake hands in a kind way.

Belmode saw all this and said nothing. Qingmizu Koji had the right to decide his own social circle. Even if this Pisco was not a good partner in her eyes, it had nothing to do with her.

And Shimizu Koji simply said hello and didn't hit the smiling person. Although Pisco was a bit suspicious of relying on his old age, it was really nothing compared to Gin, so he had a very good attitude.

"It seems like you can't trust me? Is it Gin's arrangement?"

"Well, it's not that I can't believe it. I just came to attend the memorial service and take care of the finishing work."

"Is that so? It's all your fault."



Belmod and Kenzo Mayama gently clinked their glasses and bid farewell politely.

In this situation, no matter who came, no one could see anything wrong, let alone think that these three friendly people, two men and one woman, all had guns on their bodies.

At this time, Shimizu Koji looked around and saw Reina Mizuna crowded among the reporters at a glance, but he had no idea of ​​saying hello. Everyone had their own work.

"Vermouth, you said before that Gin will be here soon."

"Well, according to the time, he should be here soon, but he won't be here. What's your plan? Do you need my help? But I'll tell you in advance that Gin is not easy to deal with, and members of the organization are not allowed to fight without permission."

Vermouth looked at Shimizu Koji leisurely, looking like she was just looking for trouble. Although she didn't add fuel to the fire, her intention to provoke was obvious.

"Do you really want me to fight him?"

"Well, young man, even if you fight him, the boss should understand."

Vermouth's beautiful eyes flashed, and her red lips were as eye-catching as flames. Even Shimizu Koji had to admit the value of the phrase "beauty is a disaster".

Women who are too smart are not easy to deal with.

Shaking his head lightly, Shimizu Koji turned his head and continued to look at the hall.

He had no intention of causing trouble for Gin for the time being, and he probably wouldn't have any intention of causing trouble for Gin in the future, because if things went well, Gin would be his right-hand man in the future, so how could they kill each other?

He just suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He always felt that something unexpected would happen.

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