Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 414 He has been upright throughout his life

Time passed by, and in the venue, the slide show of the memorial service continued.

There were no sensational words in Director Sakemaki's last words, and the atmosphere in the entire venue had always been very relaxed. However, Belmod's expression gradually became more solemn.

Because, as the slide show was about to end, the best time to take action was about to be missed, but Pisco had not taken action yet.

At this moment, even Shuiwu Reina, who was just here for a formality in the press box, felt that something was wrong, and things seemed to be getting serious.

"what's the situation?"

Koji Shimizu walked out of the darkness at some point. He leisurely held a glass of red wine and accurately returned to Belmod, who was surrounded by the crowd. It seemed that he had never left.

Belmod just turned his head and glanced, not noticing anything was wrong.

She shook her head and said nothing. She just cast her eyes far away in the direction of the swallowing heavy Yan.

However, until the slide show ended and the venue lights came on again, nothing unusual happened.

After swallowing his words, he is still living there.

Even Belmode couldn't help but change his face at this moment, because the organization was secretly behind the bribery incident of Shigehiko Tonko, and if the troubled congressman could not be eliminated in time, then it is very likely that he would Causes very serious damage to tissue.

"Where are the others?"

"I don't know. I just saw him walking that way before turning off the lights."

Koji Shimizu gestured with his eyes, and Belmode looked over, and saw that it was the safe passage to the venue.

This, could it be said that——

Suddenly, Belmod's heart skipped a beat and he ran away from the battlefield. Could it be that he had defected?

But there is no reason. Pisco has been working for the organization for almost half a century, and he is still running away when he is 80 years old. Belmode does not believe that Pisco can be so stupid.

But no matter what, things are now out of control.

"I asked Keir to come over and take a look."

"You go around the venue to see what's going on."

"how about you?"

"I'll stay here and continue to monitor."

The two of them communicated in very low voices. Belmode was very serious and Koji Shimizu was clear-minded, but he was also very serious on the surface.

"I know, just be careful."

"Nothing will happen to me-"

Belmod was quite confident in this point. Seeing this, Koji Shimizu said no more, turned around and walked towards the door of the venue.

Naturally, he couldn't go directly to the safe passage. His identity was Belmod's bodyguard, so it seemed very deliberate to go there, let alone find a body. Belmod's arrangement could be said to be simple and detailed, so that the people who came here seemed very deliberate. Playing soy sauce, Shui Wu Lian did not even bring a gun, but it was just right.

Five minutes later, with a high-pitched scream, the entire banquet hall became commotion.

And Koji Shimizu was indeed looking for someone seriously, but of course he was not looking for Pisco, but Conan, that little bastard.

His hard work paid off, and when the deadly screams sounded and the venue became a commotion, all these signals finally caused Conan to be possessed by some kind of fatal charm and suddenly jumped out from under the tablecloth.

Then, he felt a pain in the back of his neck, his eyes went dark, and he fainted.

Downstairs of the hotel, in a small reception room, Gin and Vodka were silently waiting for news. However, the phone rang, and when Vodka opened the text message, his originally relaxed and affectionate mood suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

Gin asked calmly.

Although Vodka's expression was a little exaggerated, Gin actually didn't think anything would happen in today's mission from the bottom of his heart. Even if the old guy Pisco was a little carried away, such a simple assassination mission shouldn't be too difficult. .

In fact, it is not impossible for someone else to carry out the execution, but Tunkou Shigehiko has been almost staying at home recently. This is a rare opportunity, and due to Tonkou Shigehiko's status as a parliamentarian, he can obtain this politician in public. Trustworthy, among them, only Pisco, who is the chairman of Fanshan Automobile, is the most suitable.

Gin spent a few seconds replaying the plan in his mind. He still didn't think there would be any problem. Vodka looked at the text messages on his phone and was extremely shocked. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: " Dead, dead?"

"Oh? So it looks like the mission is accomplished, Vodka, are you surprised?"

Gin said as he stood up from the sofa.

"No, no, no, big brother, yes, it's Pisco, Pisco is dead!"


Even Gin couldn't help but be shocked and lost his composure.

Quickly walking to Vodka, Gin grabbed the phone and looked at the text message sent by Belmod. Soon, his expression became deep and cold.


Vodka stood aside and did not dare to speak out, because he was not sure whether these words would fall on him.

"What should we do now, brother?"

Gin was silent for a while, then turned and walked towards the door, "Let's go."


Vodka was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had misunderstood. Gin just meant to leave the room.

He quickly followed.

Fortunately, there was a grand memorial service here today, so the two men in black didn't attract much attention when they walked to the hotel corridor.

Gin and Vodka turned around and walked to the staircase. They were on the first floor, and the banquet hall was on the second floor.

The staircase was a typical two-stage staircase, and then Gin and Vodka ran into Shimizu Koji who was carrying Conan down, and bumped into him.

"Sacco--, what are you doing?"

Gin frowned deeply and asked coldly.

And Shimizu Koji didn't expect it to be so coincidental. In order to avoid meeting anyone as much as possible, he took a long detour to the staircase far away from the banquet hall.

Vodka also stared at Shimizu Koji closely, but they didn't suspect anything, just couldn't understand what Shimizu Koji was doing at such an urgent moment?

And Shimizu Koji also calmly hung Conan upside down in his hand, trying not to let Gin and Vodka see Conan's face. Although these two rough guys probably wouldn't remember, it's always right to be careful.

"There was a riot at the venue, and the little guy was squeezed unconscious. If I hadn't intervened in time, he would have been trampled to death in the crowd."

It took Koji Shimizu less than half a minute to come up with such a reason, and there was no need to say more, because Conan's identity as a child was the biggest natural cover.

Moreover, this statement actually corresponds to his identity and personality.

Koji Shimizu estimated that he should give Gin the impression of being moody and caring about face, similar to the kind of adolescent boys who don't obey discipline and have reasons for doing anything. Gin has no way to deal with him for the time being.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do with the higher-ups, and you guys should do it when you have to clean up the mess."

There is nothing wrong with Koji Shimizu's words, and there is nothing wrong with this approach. After all, Koji Shimizu's mission is to monitor Pisco.

But it was very surprising to Gin and Vodka. Gin was obviously stunned for a moment, his eyes were still cold, and he snorted, "Woman's kindness."

"Of course I can't compare with a cruel guy like you."

Gin went upstairs without looking back, and Vodka didn't say anything, nor did he show his face to Shimizu Koji.

From these reactions, Vodka's heart should not be as cold as Gin's.

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