Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 428: Wall-dong, Eri Kisaki's furious counterattack!

Chapter 428: Wall-dong, Eri Kisaki's furious counterattack~!

More than ten minutes passed when Koji Shimizu returned to the hotel.

After contacting Conan with his mobile phone, Koji Shimizu ran into Eri Kisaki and Ran on the corridor on the third floor of the hotel.

Eri Kisaki did not contact him, but it was she who asked Ran to call Koji Shimizu.

When she saw Koji Shimizu coming, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ran, Aunt Eri, haven't you found her yet?"

Conan was used to being ignored, but even if he was ignored, he couldn't help but rush to say, "No, because my uncle was drunk, Mr. Saku brought me back in advance, and after that, my uncle, who was supposed to come back soon, suddenly disappeared."

"The phone can't be reached either, it's really worrying."

As Conan spoke, he unconsciously changed to a child's tone, and Koji Shimizu nodded and roughly figured out the situation.

He said, how could Conan lose Maori Kogoro even when he followed him? So that's what happened.

"Then, what did those drinkers say?" Shimizu Koji looked at Kisaki Eri, and Kisaki Eri folded her beautiful hands in front of her chest. When she saw him looking at her, she turned her eyes to the side.

She looked like you asked the wrong person.

Shimizu Koji didn't know whether he should be happy or embarrassed for a moment. He just felt a little funny in his heart, and then turned his eyes to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan picked up her phone and shook her head in a rather dull tone, saying, "Except for Mr. Saku's phone, no one else can get through. We are now planning to meet Mr. Saku at the front desk, and then go to other people's rooms to see the situation."

"Is Uncle Maori's phone also unreachable?"


Shimizu Koji nodded, and no longer spoke, but joined Xiaolan and the others and followed Kisaki Eri.

As they walked, the anxious Xiaolan and Conan walked in front, and Shimizu Koji had the opportunity to communicate with Kisaki Eri alone.


As soon as Shimizu Koji opened his mouth, he was glared at by Kisaki Eri, "Be serious, Xiaolan and the others are still here."

Uh, that means? Xiaolan is gone - well, he really just called her casually.

Kisaki Eri seemed to have sobered up a lot. After all, it was almost an hour ago, and Kisaki Eri herself didn't drink much, and ordinary beer would naturally not make Kisaki Eri fall down after a few glasses.

Shimizu Koji didn't make any more mistakes. After all, if he went too far, Xiaolan would suddenly turn around and she might not be in a hurry to find Maori Kogoro, but teach him a lesson with her iron fist.

Of course, it's not certain who will teach whom, but in that case, whether it's Conan or Kisaki Eri, they will definitely help Xiaolan instead of him.

"Aren't you in a hurry at all? At least, you should pretend. After all, you are also a well-known public figure. What if Uncle Maori really has a problem? Well, look at Xiaolan's expression."

Hearing this, Kisaki Eri's expression became very strange. She looked up at Shimizu Koji for a few times. Seeing that he looked serious and didn't seem to be joking, Kisaki Eri slowly withdrew her gaze, but the strangeness in her heart did not decrease but increased.

Shimizu Koji certainly didn't care about Maori Kogoro, but he didn't say anything to add insult to injury. Instead, he was considering her from her perspective.

And, the most important thing is that Shimizu Koji even took Xiaolan's feelings into consideration, and he was so outspoken.

What kind of identity is he talking to her with?

She gave Shimizu Koji a cold look, but before she knew it, Kisaki Eri couldn't help blushing. The aftereffects of the alcohol had not yet faded, and she just thought about it casually, and she couldn't control her learning.

She seemed to feel a little hot on her face, so she quickly quickened her pace and left Shimizu Koji.

But when the two of them were talking, when they turned around, Xiaolan and Conan had disappeared.

There was an elevator not far ahead, but when they turned left, there were stairs. Kisaki Eri took two steps and stopped.

"Let's take the stairs--"

Shimizu Koji followed, and before he finished speaking, the two heard the sound of the elevator car slowly climbing, and then they also heard a familiar voice coming from the elevator car.

"Mr. Maori, no, no, don't be so anxious~~"

"Ms. Ritsuko, it's okay, hiccup~, there's not many people here, hiccup~, Miss Ritsuko~~~, you smell really good."

"Then, Mr. Maori, do you think lawyer Kisaki is prettier, or am I prettier?"

"Of course it's you! Miss Ritsuko, you don't know, hiccup~, in fact, I'm really miserable, that ugly bitch has been separated from me for more than ten years, for so many years, not only have I had to raise my daughter hard, but no matter what I do, I have to be alone"

The elevator stopped, Kisaki Eri still had a cold face, clenched her fists and was in a daze, but Shimizu Koji was quick-witted and hugged her slender waist from behind, pulling Kisaki Eri and running back.

It just so happened that his own room was on the third floor, and after walking two steps, Shimizu Koji took Kisaki Eri into the room.

In fact, Shimizu Koji could still understand Maori Kogoro's seemingly affectionate words.

Those who want to have sex and the men who have had sex are the same, there is no truth in what they say, but judging from Kogoro Mori's skillful wording and tone, it must have happened more than once or twice.

Although Eri Kisaki has completely given up on Kogoro Mori, when faced with such a situation, even the best-tempered and indifferent people will explode.

Well, it may not be easy to understand from Eri Kisaki's perspective, but if the gender is changed, it is actually easy to understand.

Think about it, your wife, although in name only, is still your wife, and she is flirting with other men in the elevator, not only saying bad things about you, but also belittling you to nothing, and comparing you with that adulterer

Thinking from another perspective, Kōji Shimizu could only hold Eri Kisaki's arm tightly to prevent her from rushing out in anger.

The people in the elevator were swaying, and the sound was like a boat, sometimes far and sometimes near, but it was only separated by a door, and it was still very clear.

"Mr. Mori, ah, you, you can't bite there~!"

? ? ? Kōji Shimizu's eyes were straight all of a sudden, what's going on.

He couldn't help but be distracted for a moment, and at that moment, Hibiki Eri suddenly turned the doorknob.

But fortunately, Shimizu Koji was quick and pulled her in time.

And he hugged her tightly, and with a force, he directly pushed Hibiki Eri's delicate body against the wall with his backhand.

"Hmm, um."

Hibiki Eri groaned, and before she could speak, she was blocked by Shimizu Koji again.

"Eri, I know you are very angry, but don't be anxious."

Shimizu Koji felt a little embarrassed when he said this, what nonsense is he talking about.

He put his head against Hibiki Eri's forehead, covered her mouth with one hand, looked at the white and rosy, delicate and cold beautiful face, and rarely got along with her at a super close distance, with her delicate body in his arms, and bursts of fragrance came to his nose, but unfortunately it was not a good time.

Shimizu Koji naturally couldn't let Hibiki Eri, who was a little drunk, rush out at this moment, and it was hard to say what was going on in the corridor.

And Hibiki Eri's chest was heaving violently, and her breathing was also very rapid. Shimizu Koji could feel the warm breath in his palm.

Hibiki Eri struggled in vain, and the cold eyes that made people tremble swept across Shimizu Koji's face, and then looked at the corridor outside through the gap of the door.

Shimizu Koji saw that she stopped struggling and did not let go, but he also turned his head to look over.

Nothing serious happened in the corridor, or maybe it was too late for them to look over. They only saw Maori Kogoro drunkenly lying on Usui Ritsuko's shoulder, his old face was as red as his buttocks, and he muttered some messy words.

Usui Ritsuko actually did not dislike it at all, just smiled and responded, pulling Maori Kogoro all the way to the door of a room, then took out the key, opened the door, and closed the door in one go.

From a distance, it seemed that the man's laughter and the woman's screams at the moment of closing the door could still be heard.

Uncles are still good at playing. But that Usui Ritsuko, a drunk uncle, can do it.

Kouji Shimizu's inner world also became exciting.

And Hibiki Eri, her heart was shaking violently, and suddenly her eyes were fierce. While Koji Shimizu was not paying attention, she exerted force--


A pair of attractive red lips suddenly came up, and Koji Shimizu was shocked.

But in a flash, he was instantly immersed in the gentle land, and he turned from passive to active, launching a more aggressive offensive

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