Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 436 A Real Vacation

The facilities in a villa specially used for vacation are naturally very different from those of ordinary city villas. Whether it is lighting, decoration, beach scenery in the courtyard, or the huge sparkling swimming pool, there is a sense of leisure that makes people relax.

Coming here, it seems that you no longer have to worry about worldly money, work, and study, just enjoy the sun, waves, and beach.

However, the prerequisite for achieving this step is the money that many people cannot earn in their lifetime.

Following Yuanzi, several people walked into the villa. The first floor of the villa was very bright, and at the exit to the inner courtyard, Suzuki Ayako, wearing a summer light gauze skirt, stood beside a large table with a smile.

There were fruits, vegetable salads, and sandwiches on the table, which were simple but colorful.

"Good morning, Xiaolan, Koji-kun, and, little brother Conan."

"Good morning, Miss Ayako (sister)."

In fact, it was breakfast, but the time was already past ten o'clock, almost eleven o'clock.

Everyone was an acquaintance, a friend, or a young man in his twenties. After a simple greeting, they sat down and started to enjoy breakfast.

The breakfast was a great pleasure for both the host and the guests. Ayako did not say anything extra during the meal. To Shimizu Koji, it seemed that she was just entertaining Sonoko's classmates. She just smiled gently and said nothing.

As for Xiaolan and Conan, they had only met Suzuki Ayako a few times. They were acquaintances, but not friends. They were just Sonoko's friends.

Therefore, there seemed to be a natural barrier between them and Suzuki Ayako due to the age gap.

Suzuki Ayako seemed to realize this. After finishing breakfast, she chatted casually for a few words and then stood up and left the table.

"Then Sonoko, I'll go upstairs first. You should entertain Xiaolan and Koji-kun. Your brother Yuzo will probably be here around noon. I have to prepare a little."

Suzuki Ayako smiled faintly. She squinted her eyes so that people couldn't see her eyes clearly, but her gentle words and considerate actions were like a spring breeze blowing past everyone.

Xiaolan and Conan both showed great respect for Suzuki Ayako, and Sonoko nodded obediently and said, "Well, sister, don't worry."

However, when Suzuki Ayako went upstairs, Sonoko's face changed instantly.

"Ran, Ran! Koji, what do you mean, do you want to go to the beach?! The beach right now is the most comfortable time except before sunset. The sand is cool and soft, it's really comfortable!"

"Uh, that, Sonoko, can you please stop staring at me and talking like that."

Although this is the Suzuki family's territory, Shimizu Koji still couldn't help but remind them.

And Ran reacted faster than Sonoko, and blushed, and then she grabbed Sonoko, who didn't hide her envy at all, and pulled her aside to whisper.

"Sonoko, I'm telling you, you should be more restrained."

"Ah, Xiaolan, how can you ask me to be restrained? Because I have to prepare for my sister's engagement party, I haven't officially left the house for a week. In other words, I haven't seen a handsome guy for a week!!"

"Well, Sonoko, but Koji-kun already has a girlfriend."

"Oh, I know, it's Sister Sumei, but it won't hurt to look at her, I'll just look, I won't touch her."

If Shimizu Koji heard this, he would probably think it sounded familiar. He would just look, not move, he would rub, not

And Xiaolan took Sonoko away, and the two quickly reached an agreement, and happily went to the dressing room on the first floor to change clothes.

In the hall, Conan looked up and exchanged glances with Shimizu Koji, "Well, come to think of it, Sonoko likes you so much, why don't you consider it?"

"If you can't speak, you can just shut your mouth~, which eye of yours can tell that Sonoko likes me?"

Shimizu Koji didn't scold, but seemed a little indifferent, and Conan also became stubborn and refused to admit defeat, "I saw it with both eyes."

"Hehe, she just covets my beauty~"

Conan rolled his eyes speechlessly, but his eyes moved, and he still didn't want to give up and continued to test: "Shimizu, are you really not going to consider it? In fact, Sonoko is still a good one-"

"I say, Kudo Shinichi, your pettiness and revenge, do you have to be so obvious and serious? You just don't like Sonoko, do you really want to push her into the fire pit?"

So you also know that you are a fire pit! ? Conan was completely speechless this time.

Shimizu Koji glanced at the direction where Sonoko and Xiaolan left, but didn't see anyone, so he continued to say in a light tone: "Also, although Sonoko is easy-going, being the son-in-law of a big chaebol is not an easy thing~."

Shimizu Koji didn't want to say that he had provoked two "troublemakers". Although it seemed that he didn't know how to appreciate his blessings, for him, this kind of distress was indeed the fact.

Conan, who had no similar experience, naturally didn't understand. He pouted and lost the intention to continue to persuade Shimizu Koji. Anyway, he was just saying it casually.

Not long after, Sonoko and Xiaolan changed into a cool summer swimsuit. Xiaolan wore a conservative red swimsuit, but for some reason, she looked very sexy in a conservative swimsuit.

It made Conan's eyes go straight.

In comparison, Sonoko looked a little bit --, with a retro aesthetic.

It was a very ordinary turquoise upper and lower body lace-up swimsuit. Except for the beautiful pattern, there was nothing special. Oh, maybe it was because of her figure that she didn't look as good as Xiaolan.

However, when he saw Sonoko wearing a swimsuit, Shimizu Koji's thoughts diverged, and he couldn't help but think of Shiho who was still at home. To be honest, if it wasn't for Suzuki Ayako, he didn't want to come.

What can compare to the big Shiho who is fragrant and soft at home? Shiho's figure is at least not much worse than Xiaolan, and even better in some areas.

After a normal compliment to Sonoko and Xiaolan, Shimizu Koji and Conan quickly changed into the swimsuits they had prepared in advance.

It's called a swimsuit, but it's actually just a pair of shorts.

When Shimizu Koji walked out of the villa with his upper body naked, not only Sonoko and Xiaolan, but also Suzuki Ayako, who was standing by the window in the attic, all had a gentle smile on their faces.

The perfect muscle lines, as delicate as snow, and the skin shining with healthy radiance in the sun, even men can't help but want to touch it~.

"It's really good, I should ask Aunt Eri to come over too."

Conan glanced at Shimizu Koji when he heard it, and couldn't help but twitched his mouth. Then he turned his head to the side and began to spit bubbles in the sea water with a swimming ring.

Shimizu Koji was wearing a pair of beach shorts, standing in the waist-high sea water with his upper body naked, looking around, so comfortable.

Of course, it would be better if there was no Sonoko's blatant peeping eyes over there.

Shimizu Koji can't say that he can't accept Sonoko's simple lustful love, but he just doesn't have the blessing to enjoy it.

A female pervert is also a pervert!

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