The cavalry dismounts to battle?

Li Wangyou was bewildered by the scene before him. The bloodshot brain that was originally prepared to charge with blood quickly calmed down.

Immediately, he thought of the battle of Tang Mie Syr-Tardush in history.

In the fifteenth year of Zhenguan, Li Er ordered the High Official Li Ji of the Military Department, and led a 150,000 army to Mobei.

In order not to delay the war, Li Ji led six thousand Great Tang cavalry and Turkic cavalry to chase the Syr-Tardush army to Nuozhenshui, where the Battle of Nuozhenshui broke out.

As a result, the 200,000 Syr-Tardush cavalrymen, as if they had taken the wrong script, dismounted all of their horses on the Mongolian grasslands and formed a battle with six thousand Tang cavalry as infantry.

The 200,000 Syr-Tardush dismounted cavalrymen were beaten by six thousand Tang cavalry, and they were defeated like a mountain. Beheaded more than 3,000 levels, captured 50,000, the rest fled to Mobei, the road caught up with heavy snow, Syr-Tardush was eight-nine of the ten people and animals killed by freezing.

In the last 200,000 army, only more than 20,000 people fled back.

This war also achieved Li Ji’s unworldly merits.

When Li Wangyou was studying history books, he felt that Syr-Tardush’s brain must have been kicked by a donkey.

How stupid is it that the cavalry of the nomads of the steppe dismounts in battle and turns the cavalry into infantry?

However, Syr-Tardushs dismounted cavalry formation was the traditional battle formation of the Syr-Tardush Khanate.

At the beginning, the East Turkic was very powerful, levied excessively, and levied excessive taxes. The people of Tiele were miserable.

In the second year of Zhenguan, Yi Nan led his tribe, and the military force resisted the Turkic.

Illig Qaghan sent troops to suppress the Tie Le people, but didn’t expect, but the Turkic cavalry was defeated by the Tie Le people and returned. It was precisely because the Yi Nan defeated the Turkic people and their prestige rose so much that the Tie Le tribes elected Yi Nan as a khan and established the Syr-Tardush Khanate.

The way for the Tiele people to defeat Turkic cavalry is to dismount the cavalry!

“All were defeated with only one person, but they didnt ride it. They led five people together, one horse, four front fights, the command said: Victory means riding and fighting, losing loser will die, no family will pay for it. Warriors.”

Syr-Tardushs method of tactics is to use five men in a team, one of whom is responsible for the management of five horses, and the remaining four fight on foot.

If you win, you will chase on horseback, and if you lose, you will retreat on horseback.

For the Syr-Tardush cavalry, horses are just vehicles, not battle strength.

For the grassland people, this is not uncommon.

But such a dismounted cavalry formation defeated the Turkic cavalry like the sun at high noon. Whether it is Eastern Turkic or Western Turkic cavalry, Syr-Tardush is this move, and will win every battle, which makes the Syr-Tardush people superstitious about the dismounted cavalry formation.

It wasn’t until the fifteenth year of Zhenguan that Syr-Tardush’s dismounted cavalry was educated by the Great Tang cavalry, and this strange tactic died.

Li Wangyou recalled the history of the Tang Dynasty, and immediately understood why the Syr-Tardush cavalry had to dismount and form a formation, while Adi and other Tiele people dismounted in order to be able to do the same.

Isn’t this special lady’s brain sick?

You must know that cavalry is the most invincible army in the cold weapon era.

With the battle strength plus one hundred cavalry, its crazy to jump off the horse and become an infantryman.

He immediately jumped off the sand boat, grabbed Ah Di, and shouted: “Da Lang, wait! Don’t fight like this! This is simply to die! Quickly mount, I can defeat them !”

Adi and the others are already ready to charge, he has been burned by the flames of vengeance almost irrational, how can he listen to Li Wangyou’s words.

“Li Wangyou, let go!” Ah Die pulled Li Wangyou aside, and explained: “We Tie Le people have been fighting like this! Horse war can’t break through the battlefield at all, hehe, Turkic People are defeated by our Tiele people in this way.”

“Dalang, listen to me! You rushed over like this, it is pure death!”

“Today I I didn’t plan to go back alive, either they died, or I waited to die! Our Huert man, there is no fear of death!” Ah Di didn’t listen to him at all.

Li Wangyou was so anxious that Face is red, so he opened his hands and stopped Ah Shi.

“Shit! People are dead, who will avenge Yaruo? Dalang, you believing or not me? Listen to me, I promise we can beat them! If you don’t listen to me, then Just step over me!”

He roared this, but he made Ah Di slightly startled and looked at each other with the Tie Le people, not knowing how to answer.

The Tielites are not afraid of death, but more than two hundred people in the tribe have been slaughtered. Of course they want to avenge this bloody hatred. If you don’t care to fight with the other side, they will die, but let the enemy go away freely, but it is not reconciled in any way.

And Li Wangyou, who was “picked” back from the grassland by them, was thin, but his ability made everyone admire.

Whether it is a sand boat that can run without animal power or boiling salt in water, Ah Di and the others are amazed, and even many people treat Li Wangyou as a Spiritual God.

A Die hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and asked: “Li Wangyou, let me tell you, is there any way to defeat those bastards?”

Li Wangyou’s eyes flashed , Pointed to the steed behind everyone, and uttered two words: “Riding and shooting!”

“Riding and shooting?” Ah Di did not understand what Li Wangyou meant.

“Yes, just riding and shooting!” Li Wangyou is very sure and nodded.

In his opinion, the dismounting of cavalry like Syr-Tardush is completely turning the cart before the horse. It is no wonder that the Syr-Tardush Khanate did not exist for long before being beaten by the Tang Army.

And the Turkic people are even weaker, even the Tielite cavalry can’t break through the dismounted cavalry formation, it is a joke, no wonder the Turkic people will be driven to the west by the Great Tang cavalry.

Although Li Wangyou has never experienced a battlefield, let alone a soldier, as a fan of the pseudo army in later generations, he also knows that the peak and strongest cavalry in history is the Mongolian in the era of Genghis Khan. Cavalry.

The tactics of Mongolian cavalry are divided into Mongolian light cavalry and Mongolian heavy cavalry.

The Mongolian light cavalry, known for their good cavalry and shooting skills, is a nightmare for infantry.

With a hundred men as a formation, walking outside the infantry phalanx, shooting arrows to kill the infantry in formation. Before the two armies rushed into the battle, the Mongolian Qingqi could shoot and kill the enemy in large numbers at a long distance, causing chaos.

Following the Mongolian heavy cavalry will quickly assault, with Mount Tai overwhelming, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to defeat the enemy.

The Mongolian iron cavalry relied on such tactics to conquer 2/3 of the Eurasian continent with this small citizen family with a population of less than 2,000,000.

In Li Wangyou’s opinion, the Tielites of the Huert tribe are also good at riding and shooting, but they didn’t find the right tactics that’s all.

As the two sides talked, the five-six hundred-meter Syr-Tardush soldier on the opposite side seemed to be a little impatient, and began to slowly advance the battle line against them with the sound of drums.

Li Wangyou knows that he can no longer hesitate at this time, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out.

“Dalang, don’t have to say any more! Tell them, listen to me! Now everyone is on the horse, just follow my sand boat to charge!”

Li Wangyou said After that, he ran back to the sand boat, and Ah Tie hesitated a little, and finally clenched the teeth, and shouted a few words to the side Tie Le, everyone obeyed Li Wangyou’s orders and turned on their horses again…

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