Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Yu Shinan and the others on the mountain, have not slept, are watching every move of Chang’an City.

The person who confided to them was naturally Du Gou.

Zhang Feng is naturally not sleepy.

He is also a little excited and looking forward to this wonderful battle. Although he is not happy, Zhang Feng is still looking forward to the end of such an opponent.

Although I don’t know what will happen if I fail tonight.

But Zhang Feng’s instinct told him that the formulation tonight will not fail!

After all, he has played countless times in simulating battlefield games. He often watches countless novels, movies, and military stories. For Zhang Feng, these scenes are the first. I personally participated this time, but the kind of pride made Zhang Feng a little impatient to know what kind of organization this big fish will involve tonight.

In Zhang Feng’s memory, the old Tang books, the New Tang books, and various versions of Great Tang novels, movies and TV, have never seen the slightest record of this matter.

At this time, Zhang Feng was a little confused.

This World, did it really return to the Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago, or crossed to a parallel world similar to Great Tang.


It’s this time.

Li Chengqian’s voice instantly refreshed Zhang Feng.

Yi Gulu got up from the recliner, glanced at the direction of Chang’an City, and then at the moon in the night sky at this time, and hurriedly asked Gao Kan to open the door.

Li Chengqian hurriedly boarded the balcony on the second floor and hurriedly said: “Feng’zi, something has happened!”

“What’s the matter?”

“The big fish is on the bait!”


Zhang Feng hearing this, instantly stretched out his hand with excitement: “What about things?”

Li Chengqian hurriedly handed the things in his hands to Zhang Feng, saying: “I was thinking about who it would be before, but I absolutely didn’t expect that it would be this person!”

Zhang Feng also Some can’t wait to get up.

But when he saw the content on the note, he couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

asked in astonishment: “Is your news accurate?”

Li Chengqian’s face is nodded solemnly: “If there is nothing wrong with the person who comes, the news must be accurate. !”

Zhang Feng hearing this, sucked in a cold breath: “My God, how could it be him?!!!”

Wang Junke.

This person, Zhang Feng, is familiar.

As long as you have seen the Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties, you are familiar with this person.

Wang Junke, one of the Five Tigers of Wagang.

After Li Shimin ascended the throne, this person seldom appeared. I don’t know why. The ending of the Wagang people in Tangshu and Shiji are all vague, and there is even a gap. Period, no one knows what happened.


At this time, if the name hadn’t appeared in front of Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng would have almost forgotten this place.


Zhang Feng hesitantly asked again: “Is this person Wang Junke, one of the five tiger generals of Wagang?”

Li Chengqian nodded.

“If the news is correct, it is this person, and if it is someone else, it will not spread the news like this.”

Now Zhang Feng is more determined.

Is it because of this blank period of history?

But it shouldn’t be.

Shan Family brother, he died in battle a long time ago. Almost all of the brothers in Wagang went to have a happy life.

At this time…

If they rebel, who can stop it?

I’m still making a fart tonight.

If it is really about Shang Wagang, Zhang Feng will leave without saying a word. The point is that today’s matter is strange.

The people in Wagang are almost dead, and the Divine Predictor is dead. At this time, no one in Wagang has such wisdom. The key is that this person treats him and the Imperial court. He is familiar with things, and this person will definitely not be from Wagang.


Wang Junke…

Zhang Feng couldn’t help but his expression became serious.

I thought about a lot about the ending of Wagang. According to historical records, Wagang was basically in the last stop at this time, most of them were killed and injured, plus Li Jiancheng became Crown. When Prince, Li Yuan and Wagang had been targeting Wagang and Egg Wagang’s forces, so when Li Shimin ascended the throne, there would be nothing left of Wagang’s people.

This time.

The people of Wagang appeared again. ,

How many mean?

Is someone cheating?


Zhang Feng also has some doubts.

I couldn’t help but think about tonight’s things again.

asked: “Go and ask, what is going on in this matter? Did Wang Jun go to destroy this place, or did he bring people there himself, or did he act alone? “

Li Chengqian asked in surprise: “This matter is important?”

Zhang Feng nodded: “I’m just curious that a generation of five tiger generals in Wagang can actually fall like this, really I don’t know what to say.”

Li Chengqian complexion stiffened, briefly told Zhang Feng about the battle of Wagang and Tongguan.

Zhang Feng hearing this, it just came out.

But Zhang Feng was looking at the direction of Chang’an City at this time. After a while, he sighed: “Go back and tell them, let’s get a good night’s sleep!”

“en? ???”

Li Chengqian hearing this was shocked.

Hurry up: “Why?”

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