Li Chengqian thought for a moment.

Seeing that Zhang Feng looked at Chang’an City in the distance in a daze. He wanted to scream, but opened his mouth and had to worship respectfully.

In the past, he met Zhang Feng almost by his first name. Although Zhang Feng didn’t have many rules in the Academy, he really regarded them as brothers, but only Li Chengqian knew about it.

This is not Zhang Feng’s randomness that’s all.

Zhang Feng doesn’t care about red tape, and is even more repulsive. Zhang Feng does not emphasize this matter in the Academy, but as the Crown Prince, how can Li Chengqian forget it?

The nonsense before was nonsense, but today’s things, Li Chengqian believes that he has really learned a lot of things, such as a brand new way of thinking, thinking about things, and a never-before-seen Although the’war’ with troops lined up and centered on the human heart seems to be nothing today, and even the people rarely find out what happened tonight, once there is a slight deviation in what happened tonight, the ending will be…

For him, Li Chengqian, and even many people who know what is happening today, this is simply a fatal attraction.

For example, Wei Shuyu Cheng Chumo and the others, they were longing to get involved, but Zhang Feng didn’t call them, instead they continued to build the waterwheel.

Li Chengqian knows that this is actually Zhang Feng’s cooking for him.

That’s why at this time, I will be so respectful. This is the kind of respect that comes from the bottom of my heart.

Although Zhang Feng didn’t say it, Li Chengqian could tell that Zhang Feng from the very beginning was letting him learn everything. At first, he was still a little bit reluctant and thought it was too much.

But slowly he discovered that what Zhang Feng meant was just deliberately trying to familiarize him with the truth, rather than making him have to compare with Cheng Chumo.

Just like last time, in this villa, Zhang Feng said about it when he was with Father Emperor.

The last time I woke him up.

Although he did have some insights last time, he was not so clear. Only this time can he see some things clearly.

For example, treat the battlefield as a fishing ground.


Although at this time, Li Chengqian still can’t understand whether this victory was a bit abrupt or not as vigorous as expected, but after learning about it and getting Zhang Feng’s answer to victory , Inevitably ecstasy in my heart.

Li Chengqian dare not delay.

Out of Zhang Feng’s villa, I was ready to go and pass the message to the Imperial Palace, but before he could go far, the doorman of Yu Shinan and the others blocked his way.

“It’s so late, where are you going?”

Ouyang Xun asked hurriedly as soon as he entered the door.

Li Chengqian hurriedly saluted everyone before saying: “Feng’zi just said that things in the city have settled down.”


Several people hearing this, can’t help but feel a little surprised.

Li Gang couldn’t help but asked in surprise: “You can’t help but say that, isn’t this city saying that tonight is extremely dangerous? Is it true that you really caught a big fish in the Earth Palace?”

Li Chengqian nodded, a bitter one said with a smile: “Yes, this person must be known to all Honored Teachers, he is Wang Junke, one of the five tiger generals of Wagang!”


Several people hearing this, their faces changed wildly.

Wang Junke?

Although several people are holding Zhang Feng’s textbook on psychology and repeatedly observing it tonight, it is still not clear that there is a record of this kind of thing in this textbook.

The teaching book of psychology is divided into three volumes, high, middle and low, two of which are citing countless classics to explain, and then only one booklet describes the doorway in psychology in detail.

But even so, a few people firmly believe that Chang’an City tonight is not destined to be what Zhang Feng thought it would be. Zhang Feng’s doing this is just a superfluous act.

An abandoned place that has been found.

How could the enemy be so stupid that he would take the bait again?

This is simply unreasonable!

But what about reality at this time?

Ouyang Xun walked around in the living room for a few steps and asked: “Who told you this, and was the news accurate?”

“It was a letter from my father. “

hearing this, Ouyang Xun closed his mouth completely.

This is a secret letter written by His Imperial Majesty himself, which means that this matter may be a foregone conclusion, but what they can’t figure out is this Wang Junke, why is it him?

This person’s resourcefulness is comparable to Guan Yu of the Three Kingdoms.

How can you be so reckless?

“Then Feng’zi, what did you say? After knowing this?” Ouyang Xun continued to ask.

Li Chengqian smiled bitterly: “He said that tonight’s things have passed, and he also told the students that it is reasonable and unexpected that all things must be thought about in this way before they can be done. To an unexpected ending, if we follow our previous inertial thinking tonight, we will fall into the enemy’s trap or passivity. This time Wang Jun can be caught. No matter what the reason is, this matter has already been considered. The work is over, so Feng’zi means, at least tonight, there will be no difference.”

Ouyang Xun and the others hearing this.

The complexion suddenly changed.

It is reasonable, unexpected…

This damn thing is really a ghost!


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