The other side.

Yuchi Gong and Qin Qiong parted ways as soon as they left Chang’an City.

One went to the Cháng’ān barracks to make high-profile deployment of troops, while Qin Qiong directly led the guards and Yuchi Gong’s guards, almost 500 Qingqi, and quickly headed towards Luozhou.

Kannai Road, there are three roads.

One of the biggest shortcuts is Tonghua Gate. After Tonghua Gate is the Longshou Canal, walk west along the Longshou Canal to Mt. Zhongnan. Once you enter the forest, everything is too late.

Mt. Zhongnan is shrouded in mist all day long, and the most important thing is that once you enter it, even the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses cannot be found, let alone other things.

So Qin Qiong didn’t do anything along the way. He didn’t even wear the necessary things. He didn’t wear armor or anything. He only wanted speed along the way.

After running two horses dead.

Finally, the only way to enter Mt. Zhongnan, Chanhekou, was hidden.

Even so, it took more than two hours.

On the other side, Yuchi Gong personally led a grandiose of a thousand people in order to eliminate the anti-thief, and grandiose wandered around Cháng’ān all around, not to mention the clues left by Hou Junji last night, I found them all.

This one.

The whole Chang’an City people were in an uproar.

Also resentful.

Who! ,

Who is it!

Dare to kill and set fire in Chang’an City? Build the Earth Palace?

And just now.

Li Chengqian also personally led the Cháng’ān garrison round with Yuchi Gong and went to the direction of Dragon King Town. In an instant, everyone seemed to understand something.

Looking at the Wuyangyang army, heading towards the town of King Dragon, everyone was shocked. ,

“My mother, is this Dragon King Town…is the den of the great anti-thief?”

All the people watched the army open in amazement and talked in horror at the city gate With.

In an instant, this voice caused everyone’s reaction, and everyone couldn’t help but talked at once.

“My God! Dragon King Town, I have heard of this town. Last time, an old monk said that this town is a taboo. Oh, now it’s really such a big one. The anti-thief, it’s really a little cowhide!”

“Caofu, this matter should have been done long ago, this time you guess you can catch the big fish?”

“It must be! The last time I went to Dragon King Town, I was forced out. I was just going to sharpen a knife, damn it.”


In an instant.

Everyone sucked in a cold breath.

Suddenly discovered that it seems that I have encountered such a thing before.

And it is exactly similar to this.

“The last time I went, it was the same…”

“Me too, the last time I went to buy some mountain products, I was also kicked out. This is simply Some…”

“Walk around, let’s take a look, stop here, go and take a look!”


As everyone clamored, everyone knew that the anti-thief of last night was hidden in the Dragon King Town.

But at this time, at the mouth of the Chanhe River at the foot of Mt. Zhongnan, a sedan chair slowly appeared. For a moment, the person hiding in the dark suddenly got a shock. Qin Qiong’s eyes were also slightly narrowed, looking at the sedan chair.

The sedan chair is an ordinary sedan chair, accompanied by only a dozen servants, servants, and a few people who are responsible for the cargo carriage.

It seems that this is a normal business man’s house, but at this time, at this point, who doesn’t know what happened to Chang’an City?

Now I can’t even see my personal hair along the way. Even if there is, I just pass by in a hurry. The flames of Chang’an City last night are clearly visible from ten miles away, especially Tonghua Gate. Outside here.

Although it is far away from Chang’an City.

But there are several dozen li around here and there is no one inhabited. If this team of merchants can go here, it is undoubtedly the only three way to go, that is Cháng’ān!

At this time.

People of Chang’an City, dare to leave the city?

Qin Qiong waved faintly, lying in the grass and said: “Go, go up and ask, what do these people do.”

At this time, everyone is out of the city. At that time, he changed into the clothes of ordinary people. At this time, the soldier called a few people and pretended to be a common people working in the mountains. Seeing someone coming, he hurriedly looked at everyone in amazement. ,

“Guys, look, there are people coming from the city!”

In an instant, all the Wuyangyang people disguised as soldiers of the old peasants surrounded.

And the servant with the sedan chair all around was on alert in an instant. The posture seemed to be instinctive, but for a general of sinister vision, only the servant’s reaction for a moment was enough. Can guess the tricks, this sedan must be very tricky!

But the person who was all around in the sedan chair recovered to his original appearance in an instant, but he still couldn’t escape Qin Qiong’s eyes.

Qin Qiong gestured, several people pretended to be surprised, and asked: “How many masters, but come from the city?”

People who are all around the sedan chair Upon seeing this, he instinctively stopped in front of the sedan chair, and did not leave at this time, slowly guarding.

“Who are you waiting for?”

A man in front of the sedan asked.

At this time, these old farmers hurriedly stepped forward and asked the man about the city.

Pretending to be really unaware of what happened in the city last night.

Slowly, the person in front of the sedan chair also relaxed his vigilance and said to everyone: “My Lord still has important things to do, please give me your way. The city went out of the major last night. Event, if you want to know, just go to the people in the city and ask, we are from Dragon King Town, and I don’t know what happened in the city.”

hearing this ,


In an instant, this group of old farmers was ready to step aside, but the posture of letting was a bit strange, and they were going to both sides.

It’s like Signal at this time.

When the sedan chair walked up to the Chanhe Bridge, the group of old farmers blocked the back passage in an instant, and in front of everyone, Qin Qiong appeared.

Qin Qiong looked at the sedan chair, lightly saying: “Duke of Chen, I haven’t seen you for a long time, how have you been?”

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