Yuchi Gong hearing this, instantly his face turned black.

Cheng Yaojin was still clever and grabbed Yuchi Gong.

Actually, he is the same as Yuchi Gong, he is very anxious, but this thing is not something that can be delivered in a hurry, but this product, the more anxious you are, the less anxious he will be.

This is the saddest thing.

The most important thing is that you are in a hurry. What if you show up?

At this time, I can only wait for the Retired Emperor.

Seeing Yuchi Gong calm down, Li Yuan shook his head, and said with some discomfort: “Feng’zi will naturally remember this matter, although the old man knows that you are all anxious for your family members. It’s comforting, but I can…”


Zhang Feng hearing this, I just remembered.

He has only seen Old Li’s Madam and his youngest son. As for the others, he has never seen him.

At this time, after hearing what Lord said, Zhang Feng realized that something was wrong and hurriedly asked: “Lord, do you mean Lao Yu’s family members are all in Kuche?”

Yuchi Gong also did not react.

However, Cheng Yaojin reaction came over.

Sighed: “It’s not Ye Di, this old youngster’s original partner, Madam, and an old uncle are all in Kuche, and many of our warehouses are also there. Can you say he is in no hurry? “

At this time, Zhang Feng was finally confused by the news of the’real hammer’.

Don’t laugh anymore.

He groaned for a while: “In this way, we can’t be anxious about this matter. After this set of procedures, just such things, Alkinnon!”

while speaking, Zhang Feng beckons with the hand, and then pointed to Wei Zheng and Cheng Yaojin: “From now on, except for academic and related details, I will not intervene. From now on, I will give them full authority. , If you have anything to do, just find them directly, and from now on, the blueprint of this thing will be shared with them, and it’s best to teach this thing to anyone they bring in tomorrow, how about it?”


What a fucking comfort!

The Retired Emperor is still great.

A simple sentence put Zhang Feng on.

Li Yuan also thought it was a bit magical, but Zhang Feng is such a good talker today?

But they didn’t know that Zhang Feng actually didn’t want to care about this mess for a long time. This thing is just a barrel of explosives, and whoever gets it is bad luck.

In case this thing falls into the wrong hands, hehe.

He wants to live a few more years.

Moreover, the manufacture of arms has always been a business of pinning your head to the waistband. Once His Imperial Majesty is happy, you can be appointed as a knight, if you can’t get a setback, or If this thing fails on the battlefield, then you have to lose your head.

Even if someone protects you, those civil servants, Impeach will kill you.

This kind of thing has happened countless times in history. Zhang Feng remembers it clearly, so as soon as Li Yuan came to him today, he understood the meaning of old fogey.

Then I’ll give it to you.

Why don’t you worry about making money for nothing, how good is this?

At this time.

Zhang Feng was put down by Li Yuan.

Li Yuan and Wei Zheng and the others flocked to Alkinnon, shaking Alkinnon’s whole body with excitement.

The Old Scholar lit a cigarette, patted Zhang Feng on the shoulder, handed the cigarette to him, and motioned Zhang Feng to follow him with his eyes.

Zhang Feng was taken aback.

This is the first time he has seen Old Scholar look so cautious.

Originally Yu Shinan wanted to follow, but was blocked by Li Gang. The five people looked at Zhang Feng somewhat responsibly, and after looking at Li Yuan and the others, they returned to the villa again.

Zhang Feng followed Old Scholar to the edge of the gray building.

At this time, the gray building is extremely quiet, except for the floating dust tied to the thin bamboo pole at the old door, which dances with the wind, only the cock crowing and the dog calling Piggy hum sound.

The two sit on the edge of the stream outside the Ash Building.

Looking at the loach in the Juanjuan flowing water, and the rice eel, Old Scholar said: “Look at it, it’s so beautiful here!”

“Before, old man I have always wanted to have such a comfortable environment, where everyone is no longer divided into ranks, and everyone will no longer have to worry about stomach problems. Everyone is only for one goal, that is, to become better and to change. It’s better.”

“The harmony here gives me an illusion like in a dream.”

While speaking, Old Scholar once again solemnly looked at Zhang Feng and said: “Feng’zi, the old man doesn’t know what your intentions are for running this Academy, nor do you know if you are running this Academy, whether it is right or wrong? Tell me, what are your plans in the future?”

“If you want to be a Great Confucian, why did you get this military science and this murderous beast?”

“The old man has witnessed a war with his own eyes. It’s nothing to say that it’s an infinite hell. Have you ever seen that kind of scene?”

Zhang Feng hearing this, took a deep breath and said: “I haven’t seen it.”


“Then why did you make this and other things? Don’t you know that in the days of the common people, after your phosphate fertilizer comes out, you can really step into the door of peace and well-being, but why do you Do you want to get this thing out at this critical moment?”

Zhang Feng did not avoid the eyes of Old Scholar, and said firmly: “Because, I only want to protect the people I care about!”


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