With the water passing through the waterwheel.

In an instant.

The already dry sink, in the horrified eyes of everyone, slowly rushed into a huge stream of water. When Mr. Yushan and the others just walked down the mountain, they saw the water, come Up!

It seems that all of this has been prepared for them.

This makes several people angry and angry.

But there is nothing to say at this time.

After all, this matter is no longer needed.

You can guess something by looking at Mr. Yushan’s sullen face.

But the water is running.


This matter is not over yet.

What about phosphate fertilizer?

Where is this thing?

Don’t everyone come here for phosphate fertilizer?

Although this waterwheel and this sink are enough to be tricky, but this is not what everyone wants to see.

For this phosphate fertilizer, everyone has been thinking about it. At this time, what else can you care about?

At this moment, I remembered it with the sound of various discussions.

Li Shimin and the others came slowly to the crowd of onlookers.

After all, their identities are quite special, and they are here today just to witness, but this is different for Li Xiaogong.

He was paying attention to the arrival of Li Shimin from the very beginning. At this time, seeing Li Shimin coming, Li Xiaogong hurriedly raised his arms and said: “Everyone, the hour has come, everyone please sit down. Next, our ceremony has officially started!”

While speaking, Li Xiaogong walked up to the high platform filled with bottles and cans, arched his hands and said: “old man Li Xiaogong is added as Ministry of Appointments High Official, today, on the order of His Imperial Majesty, came to supervise the start of the construction of the phosphate fertilizer plant. Today, the time has come and the sacrifice to heaven begins!”

With the sound of Li Xiaogong falling, a series of melodious and deep music The sound also sounded slowly at this time.

Li Xiaogong fired cannons in accordance with the ceremony, and then held a simple ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens. Anyway, it was to comfort God that he was breaking ground here today, in an attitude of serving the people, and so on.

This set of tedious things took a full hour.

At this time, it was right noon, and Li Chengqian and the others also changed their clothes early, put on masks, stood on the side and dozed stupidly, and not far away, a group of girls were Crazy to put the names of people they adore and like.

This makes Li Chengqian, Cheng Chumo and the others even more airy.

But because of the presence of Cui Yingying, all the eyes of the young official on the stage were focused on her.

This could not help making everyone even more speechless.

Suddenly, those cursing sounds and the howling of wolves from a group of men came and went one after another.

At this time, Zhang Feng was worthy of coming.

The arrival of Zhang Feng instantly made everyone boil again.


“Dean Zhang!”

“Mr. Chord is here!”

“Here! Here comes!”

“Zhang Feng!”

“Zhang Feng!”

“Zhang Feng!”

With a sound The voice of Li Xiaogong rang out. In an instant, everyone in the phosphate fertilizer factory couldn’t sit still. At this time, Li Xiaogong was finally sighed in relief. ,

He pointed to Zhang Feng and said: “Dean Zhang is here! Today, I will leave the rest of our affairs to Dean Zhang in person, okay?”

But , In response to him, there was a gust of wind.

Li Xiaogong doesn’t care either.

Today, he used everything in order to delay time, right? He finally waited until the Lord came, how could he continue?

Zhang Feng is a little depressed.

I would have known it later.

At this time, he was also dumbfounded. Just by listening to the voice, he knew how crazy the outside was. At this time, under the carriage, he seriously doubted whether someone would tear him alive.

However, Zhang Feng also had to get out of the car. ,

There are more people waiting for him at this time.

If you don’t get out of the car, that’s a strange thing, especially after learning that Mr. Yushan might be here to find fault, it will be even more headache.

You said you are old, why don’t we stay at home?

As for the sense of presence?

Come out for excitement?

I’m not afraid that you will burp here, so I won’t get used to your virtue.

But when I wanted to return, I still grinned, laughed off the carriage, and waved to the people on both sides as he walked.

When I was around Li Xiaogong and Mr. Yushan, I found Mr. Yushan just startled, and then I came to “Ah! Isn’t this Mr. Yushan? What wind did you blow?”

“Walk, let’s sit down!”

Mr. Yushan twitched his mouth, but he still politely responded.

But at this moment.

On the side of Mr. Yushan, Cui Yingying’s voice suddenly sounded: “Are you Zhang Feng?”

Zhang Feng was a little bored.

Seeing this woman, she almost fell to the ground.

Damn, this is another bringing calamity to the country and the people level!

But wanting to return, Zhang Feng also knows how many catties and how many taels he has, and hurriedly said: “I don’t know who the girl is?”

Li Xiaogong hurriedly said “Let me introduce, this is Mr. Yushan’s granddaughter, Cui Yingying, Miss Yingying, he is Zhang Feng.”

But after Li Xiaogong finished speaking, Cui Yingying was just faint. There was a sound, and then it was gone. Then, Zhang Feng was a little confused.

It’s hard to say anything.

But in the bottom of my heart, it was the evaluation of this woman that fell once again.

This kind of person is not a good master, so let’s stay away!

Moreover, we have a wife, and we are still three, we have to look steadily forward……

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