With that ka-cha sound.

Under everyone’s astonished gaze, that bowl actually cracked so miraculously!

Although everyone doesn’t know what this thing is made of, this thing must be extremely precious, but Zhang Feng didn’t even wrinkle his brows every year…

This Description description?

Explain this thing, it seems to Zhang Feng, this thing is like the ordinary kind of utensil?

Speaking of this ice again, at this moment, under everyone’s gaze, after it shattered along the basin, it was displayed so perfectly in front of everyone’s eyes.

Except for something earth-yellow at the bottom of the bowl, there is nothing else, as if this thing was originally here.

Such a magical thing, and it is still at this time.

Everyone has an illusion that seems to be a dream, as if it is in the cold winter at this time.

At this time, Zhang Feng looked around and then beckoned.

In an instant, Cheng Chumo knew it, and he brought a small hammer in an extremely exaggerated manner, smashing the ice cubes into pieces as small as fingernails.

All the distressed people shook their heads and sighed.

Until now.

Cheng Chumo took a piece of crushed ice and greeted: “Everyone, everybody, this action is to prove whether this thing is really ice or not. Everyone is experienced and knowledgeable. In order to make it easier for every adult to feel it personally, the youngster has the courage to smash the ice!”

“But youngster guarantees that this ice, as long as you get started, you will know this is true or false .”

While speaking, Cheng Chumo hurriedly winked at Ma Zhou and the others. Only then did a few people react and step forward. All these crushed ice were distributed to the adults.

Subsequently, it was distributed to some onlookers.

In an instant, it caused quite a stir.


“This is really ice!”

“How did it do it?”

” My God! Dean Zhang is really miraculous. You can have the words at hand with such tricks and tricks. This is really my Great Tang gospel!”

“Dean Zhang, this ice , Can you sell it? I’m willing to pay a high price for the dean’s ice making technique!” All the merchants went crazy for a while.

Which one of these merchants is not a good player to go north and south?

But because of time, some goods cannot be stored for such a long time. Only in winter is the peak season for merchants’ long-distance commerce. However, since the opening of this waterway and the Cambodian country After the opening of the commerce and trade, the things in the sea that could only be eaten in the south were almost transported to Cháng’ān in the barrel storage method of President Zhang.

But the troubles and time consuming directly make the whole journey last more than doubled!

This is not a solution either.

Now the appearance of this ice, although it cannot guarantee the freshness of these things, but it can make it more convenient for him to store it, and it is unnecessary to pull that many water and walk so carefully.

This is the business opportunity that every businessman sees.

Today, everyone originally came here for phosphate fertilizer, but at this time, after seeing this thing, all the merchants were clamoring.

Zhang Feng looked at everyone with a smile, and then said: “You are not anxious, everyone is not anxious, this matter is easy to talk about! After the ceremony is over, this related matter, you ask the Chief-In of the Academy -Charge just contact!”



What the hell?

Everyone looked stagnant, but seeing that Cheng Chumo and the others smiled at everyone at this moment, but they didn’t look like good people at first glance.

But at this time I was asking for help. Although everyone felt disgusted, they still laughed and calmed down again.

At this time, Zhang Feng slowly picked up the bowl of ice water on the table and walked to Li Xiaogong and the Ministry of Works Ministry of Appointments and the others said with a smile: “Lord Li, you How about a taste of this ice?” Li Xiaogong’s face at this time was already full of laughter. Zhang Feng felt a little unfathomable mystery, but he couldn’t say anything.

Li Xiaogong The laughed one said: “Hehe, this thing is real, you don’t need to try it!”

Zhang Feng waved his hand and glanced at Cui Yingying, who was like taking a poop and said: “You still Give it a try, sirs, as well as Dean Ouyang and Dean Liu, you all come to taste this ice, although it can be used by merchants, it is also a high grade in summer when it is used for cooling off and relieving heat. If you put in some cane sugar, it can become a good product to relieve hunger and cool off!”

“But at this time, because of this geographical factor, when we look back, youngster alone will give some to the adults. How about tasting?”

Li Xiaogong and the others have already been filled with Zhang Feng’s stuff at this time.

Seeing what Zhang Feng said, everyone laughed and complimented Zhang Feng. After a while, Zhang Feng beckons with the hand asked Li Chengqian to bring two jars of fine wine and ten Several glasses, then let Li Chengqian Ma Zhou and the others break the ice cubes in the bowl and put them in the cup.

Some drinks were on the road.

There are two types of wine, one is the white wine brewed by Zhang Feng, and the other is the wine that everyone knows.

After Zhang Feng finished speaking with everyone, he clasped his fists loudly and said: “Everyone, what are the effects of this ice, and if these ice cubes are added to the wine, it will taste, please everyone. First Rank, you can only know the beauty of it!”


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