Zhang Feng suddenly thought of Cui Yingying, but he was not sure, and couldn’t help asking: “I don’t know and where did you come from this time?”

Zhu Kerer stared at Zhang Feng’s eyes a little strangely: “Does my cousin really don’t know about me?”

Zhang Feng spread out his hands with a wry smile.

Seeing this, Zhu Ke’er had a little disappointment in her eyes, but she still said: “16 years ago, the mother married Henan Road from Phoenix Lingyuan, and then moved with Sir Father to the boundary of Shandong Province. Although I have never returned to Phoenix Ridge much, my mother and uncle often have correspondence, and our marriage was officially settled five years ago when my uncle and aunt went to Shandong Province.”

Zhang Feng basically didn’t pay much attention to the following words. At this time, all he thought of was the place Zhu Keer just mentioned, Shandong Province!

At this time, Zhang Feng had a bad feeling, and the picture of Cui Yingying appeared in his mind for an instant.

Is this Cui Yingying the best friend Zhu Keer just mentioned?

Is this fucking a bit too coincidental?

Zhang Feng is a bit speechless.

The previous matter has not been resolved, how can such a situation suddenly appear.

And the most terrible thing is…

Is this a bit too coincidental, and he finally figured out why at this time, this Cui Yingying just met him So overbearing, he originally thought it was someone Yu Yuer knew, and felt that Yuer was wronged, so he came to him to ask for justice.

But also at that time, after he told Cui Yingying about Phoenix, he also felt a little skeptical, but he never thought about it. At this time, I saw Zhu Kerr. Said, Zhang Feng instantly seeped a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, this damn, wouldn’t it be such a coincidence?

However, at this time, Zhang Feng heard a name he never wanted to hear.

Zhu Kerer glanced at Zhang Feng with some surprise, then looked at the door, and stood up surprised: “Yingying, did you come back with your cousin?”


This is definitely the last name Zhang Feng wants to hear. If you hear it on the street, Zhang Feng will definitely turn around and leave, and never dare to have a relationship with this woman.

However, all this is in vain.

The less Zhang Feng dared to think about it, something happened at this time.

Where did Zhang Feng know that he would encounter such a thing in his own home…

However, at this moment, Zhang Feng felt an ice cold aura, Watching him, Zhang Feng knew without thinking that this was definitely Cui Yingying at the door.

Zhu Kerer also saw the appearance of the two people at this time, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she still resisted the doubts in her heart, pulled Cui Yingying to sit down, and then asked: “Ying Ying, can you talk about you…”

“Keer! This thief is definitely not what you said, your gentle and elegant cousin, you must not be swayed by his appearance. Deceived, this thief has a honey-sucking sword, and hides evil intentions. He still, he is still in front of that many people in public, even in front of my grandfather, and the Institute of Great Culture Imperial College of Supreme Learning, as well as hundreds of people…”

. Cui Yingying recounted all the evil things Zhang Feng did to him in the phosphate fertilizer factory. At this time, Zhang Feng could only listen with his head bowed.

And Zhu Keer also looked at the two with weird faces.

Some want to laugh, but at this time Chen Qun can’t tolerate him. He can only listen patiently to Cui Yingying’s words, then look at Zhang Feng and say a little funny: “Cousin, you are ……”

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Feng hurriedly said: “Don’t ask me about this, you have to ask her, that many people, is there anyone who asks people like this? This is absolutely It’s here to smash the place, if it weren’t for her to be a woman, today I…”

“What happened to you today? Don’t you want to kill me today?”

Cui Yingying Fight back instantly.

Zhang Feng immediately raised his hand to surrender.

It is definitely not a wise move to make a profit with such a woman, and what if you really win at this time?

Zhang Feng shrugged silently, lit a cigarette, and slowly smoked, no longer paid attention to the eloquent Cui Yingying, he suddenly felt that this woman’s name It’s really not wrong, it’s really like a bird, chirp chirp twitter twitter is non-stop, and it’s still a person, just like that chirp chirp twitter twitter, Zhang Feng feels a little admired!

What a damn thing is an individual talent!

After one hour, Cui Yingying finally disappeared. At this time, Zhang Feng glared at Zhang Feng and said: “Zhang Da Noble Son, what do you want to do today?”

Zhang Feng also laughed angrily at this time.

Looking at Cui Yingying: “Then I don’t know what Ms. Cui plans to do?”

“Or Ms. Cui, how do you plan to deal with Zhang Feng?”

This Suddenly Cui Yingying stopped asking.

Zui Yingying really didn’t think about how.

After all, I learned from Zhu Kerer that Zhang Feng’s life experience is also quite miserable. Since childhood, he basically lived a life of worry-free clothing and food.

But this is something almost every wealthy Young Master has. Even his Cui Family has a lot of stubborn Young Masters, but a disaster last year destroyed all of his things. , If this is put on other stubborn children, it will definitely be devastated or something.

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