For this.

Li Shimin did not dare to assert himself.

After all, once something happens, it is a major event.

Crown Prince is a matter of great importance, and he also knows that if Crown Prince wants to go to the border, today’s Imperial court will definitely be hindered.

At this time, even he himself hesitated a bit, so he wanted to see what Ministers meant.

At this time.

Yuchi Gong also said everything about Kuche still in Longyou Road, almost all of which are the problems of lack of clothing, food, or lack of armaments.

But there is no mention of this new type of weapon. Once the matter is said, let’s not say whether these people understand whether or not to say it. These people will definitely be consumed by making these things. The money, materials, manpower and other things come to Impeach.

Li Shimin didn’t want to hear the voice either.

After all, this matter was personally ordered by His Imperial Majesty to supervise it.

Li Shimin actually knew what Yuchi Gong was about to say last night, hearing this, and pretending to be pondered then said: “Ministers, Kuche City, it’s about my Great Tang West Gate At this time, you also know the affairs of the Imperial court, which Minister can solve the problem of armaments?”


In an instant, it was still lively just now. The extraordinary sound of discussion disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the matter of the Imperial court, because of the appearance of the reward Good punish Evil list, is almost clear, and even Cháng’ān Government Treasury and State Treasury are almost clear.


At this time, His Imperial Majesty’s sentence of being heavily armed, instantly made these people who can only talk and talk, shut up.

Li Shimin ignored them and asked: “Yuchi Minister, can we distribute the cotton-padded clothes needed for military use this year?”

Yuchi Gong hearing this, sigh Said: “His Imperial Majesty, the minister has already negotiated with the two High Officials of Ministry of Works, but the answer is that it will take another month to have 50,000 thick cotton clothes.”

“However, this matter has just entered winter, and Kuche will be a little better, but this Liang Province, Ganzhou Sandbar and other places are under Vast Lotus Mountain. At this time, there is already heavy snow in these places. The temperature drops sharply, and if there is no winter clothing, it may change, and these state capitals are just behind the city of Kuche. If the rear is unstable, only the soldiers on the front line will be alarmed. This battle is dangerous!”

Li Shimin complexion sank, asked: “Why not report it earlier. Didn’t I remember that this matter should have been memorial report in June? Why is it that the winter moon is about to enter the twelfth lunar month, or is it so? “

“Duzhi, Ministry of War, Ministry of Works, can you give me an explanation later?”

Several High Official hearing this complexion changed and hurriedly explained.

But it was nothing more than June and July when there was a locust plague, and I had no intention of doing this. When the matter was over, I saw that all the mulberry trees were eaten up. At this time, the mulberry trees died. Natural silkworms have no food, and most of them are dead. Even if the Ministry of Works has the ability of Heavenspan, there is nothing it can do!

But His Imperial Majesty has been busy with other things and has no time to deal with this file. This has only been delayed until now.

At this time, the more Li Shimin listened, the more he felt that something was wrong. After all, he did receive such memoirs, but because of other things, he really forgot.

At this time, the more I listen to these people, the more angry Li Shimin will be.


“I am not here to listen to your complaints. Within three days, give me a solution and leave the matter to Zhangsun Wuji to deal with it.”

Zhangsun Wuji was a little speechless.

But still accepts the decree down.

Li Shimin knows that he will naturally have a way.

After finishing the processing at this time, Li Shimin said again: “Today, I want to put aside these important matters for the time being. Let me talk about Kuche, Shengzhou Fengzhou, and Tuli Khan. Do you all know it?”

“Then I don’t say much. You have seen this battle. Now even the battles on Longyou Road and Kuche are tight, not to mention Fengzhou. Shengzhou, this move is money!”

“So I decided to let Crown Prince go to Kuche to guard the border, on the one hand, to stabilize the military’s mind, on the other hand, to investigate how serious the matter is. How do you think?”

When Li Shimin said this, all Ministers were in an uproar in an instant.

They had heard about the Crown Prince’s defense before, and they had also heard of it before, but what happened some time ago, and what Tuli suddenly did, they all think His Imperial Majesty is natural Isn’t it going to be the Crown Prince’s sidelines?

After all, at this time, although it will prevent riots due to lack of food and winter supplies, it will definitely cause a sensation, especially the combination of India and Turkic.

At this time, the army’s dissatisfaction, coupled with the sudden appearance of Crown Prince, is bound to make the war in the border town extremely sophistic.

Going at this time…

It is simply unreasonable.

In an instant, all Civilian Court Officials broke out again with protests and opposition.

“His Imperial Majesty, this matter is absolutely impossible. His Imperial Majesty!”

“His Imperial Majesty, Crown Prince can improve morale, but at this time, we must not push To boost morale, on the contrary, Great Tang will fall into a passive position, His Imperial Majesty!”

“Think twice about His Imperial Majesty!”



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