When several people heard that the complexion changed, Ouyang Kai held the sunglasses box sadly and said: “How can you give such a good thing to those people? How do they know this stuff? Value? Where do you know to cherish?”

Zhang Feng haha ​​said with a smile: “Isn’t this how many Elder Brothers I met today?”

while speaking Zhang Feng, handed an exquisite wooden box in his hand to Ouyang Kai. Ouyang Kai wiped the clothes under his arm with his hands like a treasure, and then cautiously received the box. He Zhongzheng has exactly similar sunglasses in his hand.

The two black Glazed Glass films in the frame look a little weird, but when He Zhongzheng and the adults just put them on, everyone thinks they are so magical, mainly because they are beautiful.

Ouyang Kai couldn’t wait to put on the sunglasses, and bursts of exclamation broke out in an instant. After a few people played for a while, Zhang Feng saw that the time was almost up, and then beckons with the hand said: Elder Brother, now I’m on the mountain, and all I can take out are these things. When I’m free, how about I give you more brother?”

While speaking, Zhang Feng changed his words:” Yesterday we discussed the matter, I thought about it. Just like what Youngster saw in the wild history before, it’s not as good as the others, and the old Qian’s sentence yesterday also benefited me a lot. 1″

Several people asked suspiciously: “Which sentence?”

“That sentence, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits!”

Zhang Feng sighed: “Before it was a little brother, I had a little bit of chicken intestines. In fact, from the age, or from the aptitude, I should respect the youngster as a few elders. It stands to reason that the youngster opened the Academy in Chang’an City. , I should immediately visit a few Elder Brothers, but the youngster neglected this matter. It’s a trivial matter to lose courtesy. The youngster is here, I will pay the Elder Brothers!”

while speaking , Zhang Feng bowed to several people.

Several people looked at each other and let go of the last bit of grievance in their hearts. Like a real brother, a few people stepped forward and took Zhang Feng’s hand and said, “They are all their own brothers, why bother? Why bother? What about? Don’t say these horrible things, let’s say that we are not really brothers anymore!”

Zhang Feng had to bow his head and desperately nodded.

Listen and compose again, Zhang Feng is afraid that he will spit it out overnight.

But in order to plan, Zhang Feng still resisted the nausea, holding Ouyang Kai with one hand, and sitting down with Zhongzheng with the other.

A few of them have understood clearly in the mind about Zhang Feng.

In Cháng’ān, apart from the Aolai Tavern, there is also another courtyard.

They didn’t know why Li Shimin would conceal the fact that they came to Zhang Feng at short intervals.

At this time, when they saw that Zhang Feng was so bold, it was exactly similar to the information he inquired about before, and this person had no intentions at all, and had many treasures, let alone Li Shimin, even if they were They all want Zhang Feng to cherish it.

At this time, Zhang Feng pulled a few people into his hands and said: “You guys should know about my previous stay in Cháng’ān. You should also look at my Academy. There are so many people raising it, although The youngster got something out of it, but it’s hard to support it alone! Although Old Li and the others are helping, the progress is too slow.”

“For example, the current basketball. There is this football and so on, if it is all promoted, oh, yes, and the Bone Strengthening Powder, you should know?”

“But you see what the final Bone Strengthening Powder looks like? In the end, apart from entering the pockets of the residents, what benefits did the people get? Nothing!”

The righteous indignation that Zhang Feng said was filled with indignation, and several people heard it again and again nodded.

At this time Zhang Feng continued: “So the youngster has been thinking about how to promote basketball during this period. This is a good thing for the country and the people. In the past two days, I met several Elders. Brother, the youngster’s mind has only become alive. Where is the fastest transmission of this thing? Academy!”

“Plus the Ministry of Works Ministry of Appointments Ministry of Rites, the three Peak departments of Great Tang, If it is also helpful, think about it as a rare opportunity to increase your reputation. If a few Elder Brothers help, youngster can guarantee that within a year, the official ranks of several Elder Brothers will go up, and it is still Authentic!”

Several people hearing this instantly turned their eyes red.

If you want to be promoted to the First Class, the Imperial Court at this time is harder than heavenly ascension, and it is still a big rank, it is simply a dream, plus at this time His Imperial Majesty deliberately targeted them At this time, they are simply impossible to move a single step. In addition, the officials of each grade are divided into high grade and low grade.

That is the difference between the positive Third Rank and the Third Rank, although it is only a word difference, but that night, there is a big difference, and only the higher the climb, the greater the influence in the family. , And the benefits will be more sufficient!

This is the cruelty of being a Great Family. He always only values ​​the interests of the family and what contributions you can make to the family. He never sees who you are.

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