Zhang Feng is actually very busy.

Furthermore, Zhang Feng has been extremely busy during these three days.

First, he has to fix the equipment for popping cotton, but also to fix the cotton rolling, and cotton molding, etc. All these things require him to teach these people by himself.

This busy schedule is three days.

At this time, Zhang Feng and Cowhide are discussing how to pour Rubber on the cloth along the way.

When Cowhide and the guys were about to join this turbulent and mysterious thing, they discovered that Cheng Chumo was stealing things!

This one.

The entire Villa is extremely quiet.

Everyone look at Zhang Feng, then look at Cheng Chumo Ma Zhou and the others.

He has a strange look on his face.

At this time, Cheng Chumo also slowly discovered the weirdness of the crowd and the harboring malicious intentions on Zhang Feng’s face. His expression couldn’t help but change: “What a coincidence, Feng’zi.”

Zhang Feng also didn’t expect that Chen Tieniu and the others stole into the house, but the moment he saw him, Zhang Feng wanted to understand a lot of things.

The first thing that comes to mind is the old lady and the few people present that night.

Without these masters, how could Du Dabing dare to make Iron Ox so crazy?

Even more how, and also pulling Ma Zhou and the others, this is simply compared with the rebellion.

“I said, are you guys?”

Zhang Feng is a bit speechless, I want to fight, but I can’t fight.

Don’t fight, if you learn this way, then you will have it in the future?

Since Zhang Feng didn’t bother to fight, he waved his hand and said: “You’re all OK, Lord told me just now. Otherwise, the nursing yard in the courtyard would have already I’m unloading it for you!”

“Go, Iron Ox, you guys come in, Ma Zhou, after you get your things away, you guys will come back quickly, I have important things to leave to you Go ahead!”


Cheng Chumo and Du Gou Zhangsun Chong looked at each other, a little confused.

They really didn’t expect, Zhang Feng would actually cover them, but this should also explain that Zhang Feng and others should have big things to be announced, after all…

Cowhide yellow, but it’s the first time to follow Zhang Feng to a mansion!

Without a word, several people followed Zhang Feng into the study.

As soon as he walked in, Zhang Feng greeted a few people to calm down, except for the cowhide. In the center of the study, there was a big iron pot. Inside the pot was a pot of rubber that had already solidified.

Everyone was a little confused.

I don’t know why Zhang Feng let the cowhide make rubber here, but how can it be a mortal thing that Zhang Feng valued so much?

Zhang Feng patted Cheng Chumo on the shoulder and said: “Iron Ox, Lord just called you to come?”

hearing this, Cheng Chumo shrank his neck: “How did you know?”

“If I don’t even know this, I don’t need to be called Zhang Feng!” Zhang Feng was speechless.

Then he will continue to say: “Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?”

Seeing that there is nowhere to hide, Cheng Chumo had to brace oneself to make up a story. Forcibly said Li Yuan’s curiosity, for the sake of the people of Great Tang and so on. ,

Of course, Du Gou, Zhangsun Chong and the others can’t do without the added oil and vinegar.

Zhang Feng was stunned for a while amidst the continuous mellow lies of several people.

However, there was no doubt.

On the contrary, he stretched out his hand with excitement: “Since Lord said so cowhide, then according to his character, this money must be prepared for me? Come on, take it quickly. Come out, I’m also worrying about the money and where it comes from.”

Now, it’s Cheng Chumo’s turn to be dumbfounded.

Cheng Chumo glanced at a few people. Seeing that they were very confused, he hurriedly asked: “What is the money?”

Zhang Feng was also dumbfounded.

“Isn’t it the order money for this batch of 100,000 cotton-padded clothes from the military? Why, Lord didn’t tell you this?”

Cheng Chumo finally knows, after all What’s the matter, he shook his head hurriedly and said: “No, no one really mentioned this matter, but…”

Zhang Feng frowned in disappointment at first, but in the cowhide With a yell from Huang, Zhang Feng also put the matter down, grabbed Cheng Chumo’s hand, and pointed to the cowhide zodiac: “Iron Ox, now I have a difficult task to give to you. As for other things, you Let it go first.”

Here it is!

It’s really here!

I knew, this guy, his mother is a master who never suffers!

Cheng Chumo wants to cry without tears.

But still resisting stammering and asking: “What, say it, as long as we can do it, as long as the Four Great Confucian asks us to do it, we will definitely do it!”

“Hey! It scared you guys, in fact, there is nothing else, you did it!”:

Zhang Feng was taken aback, then grinned.

However, when everyone saw Zhang Feng’s smile, all of them felt bad in an instant.

Zhang Feng doesn’t care about this, each minding their own business said: “I don’t mean anything else, you guys have also seen it, since this phosphate fertilizer plant was built, it seems that you just left it idle. Next, I want you to cooperate with Cowhide Huang. Within half a month… “


Zhangsun Chong, looking at the person with horror The cowhide zodiac of making Rubber: “Feng’zi, feelings, are you asking us to make Rubber?”


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