However, Zhang Feng didn’t seem to care, but he snorted with a smile: “You guys, you don’t usually study hard, but you are very active in playing basketball. How about? Has the tactics been discussed? “

He also has green onions, so he doesn’t object to these. After all, youngsters have to be bloody, even more how this is Great Tang. If there is no bloody, the fucking ones are not for people. Be a slave.

Yunping shook his head, saying that he didn’t.


Zhang Feng laughed, then twisted his wrist and squeezed his biceps: “Then I will be a good person once and help you teach these things. Guy.”

He rarely has the opportunity to exercise. He either studies everything or has something to do in the forge. I just met this opportunity today, so I can exercise by the way.

Unfortunately, these guys seem to have a bit of a wooden head, and they didn’t understand what Zhang Feng meant, and put on a simple and silly look.

Zhang Feng is a bit speechless. He glances at these unconscious students: “What are you waiting for? Train now, I will join you later.”

tone barely Everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at Zhang Feng with excitement, as if they couldn’t believe what the other party was saying.

Because in their hearts, the dean has always been the kind of aloof and remote, knowledgeable person, how can he unprecedented to play with himself today?

Is this a fucking illusion?

Isn’t the director taking the wrong medicine?

Or the dean pity himself?

“Dean, is what you said is true? You want to join us in the fight?”

Yun Ping couldn’t believe it, he wanted to confirm.

Zhang Feng was a little annoyed, and said with a smile. “Where is so much nonsense, get ready for training.”

Hearing this, everyone was ready to confirm their inner thoughts, jumping up and down, exclaiming constantly.

Because they know that the dean’s basketball skills are the highest in the hospital, and the few stinky youngsters on the opposite side are not very easy, even more how the dean’s identity, who dares to move?

Thinking of this, they were so excited that they practiced on the playground with basketballs one by one.

Zhang Feng is naturally unwilling to be left behind. Joining the team together, everyone was a little uncomfortable at first, because it was the first time they played with Zhang Feng. Slowly, they became one with everyone. .

At this moment, there was a provocative voice not far away.

“Hey, can you still fight? Are you planning to be a coward?”


The voice falls, Zhang Feng puts it down With basketball in hand, following the reputation, there are also a few short-sleeved students on the opposite side, holding basketballs, it seems that this is the team just now.

At this time, the students on the opposite side were also looking towards Zhang Feng, their triumphant expression suddenly collapsed, replaced by a miserable look.

“Dean, are you here? You are also playing, I still have things to leave.”

Zhiyuan looked at Zhang Feng with a look of embarrassment, a little incoherent , I don’t know what to say, I just want to slip early, if the dean knows that he is bullying his classmates, he doesn’t know what punishment he will suffer.


Zhang Feng stopped Zhiyuan who was about to leave, faintly smiled: “What are you afraid of? I’m here to play.”


Zhiyuan is a little confused.

The dean is not angry?

This surprised him a bit.

Seeing that the dean’s look is not like a fake, he laughed boldly: “Dean, are you going to give these guys a head start?”

“Where are so many Nonsense, play a ball and pester and chirp, see what you look like, do you look like a woman, just start.”

Zhang Feng waved his hand, not caring about his identity.

“Dean, since you said so, don’t blame our ruthless men.”

Zhiyuan is very confident, his team is one of the very very The best, even if the dean joins, it is not necessarily his opponent, and just now I bet against Yunping and others, so I can’t just leave like this.

“This is like a man.”

Zhang Feng nodded, took the opportunity to pat the basketball in his hand twice: “Let’s start.”

After that, The two teams stood on the center line, and the war started like this.

In the beginning, Zhiyuan’s team still had the upper hand, and couldn’t help being proud. However, after being scored by Zhang Feng with two three-pointers, Zhiyuan began to languish. He is not afraid of the identity of Dean Zhang Feng, but these guys on the opposite side are like being beaten up.

When the dean hadn’t joined in the last game, everyone was beaten up by himself and couldn’t lift his head. Now when the dean came, he seemed to have a different person, and he was stronger than a cow. , Can’t prevent it at all.

What he didn’t know was that all this was attributed to Zhang Feng, Yun Ping and the others had lost all thoughts in their hearts, but since Zhang Feng came, the fire in their hearts was re-burned. Seeing the dean dominating the stadium, they naturally did not want to lag behind and exhausted the best of their lives.

Finally, Zhiyuan couldn’t stand the cruel abuse of these guys. He put his hands on his knees and panted on the ground, begging for mercy: “Don’t fight, don’t fight.”

“Why? Did you admit defeat?”

Yun Ping looked at his opponent triumphantly and played with the basketball in his hand.

“Okay, I will admit defeat.”

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