I saw Li Yuan tightly frowns, as if to evoke some kind of sadness. He picked up the wine glass on the table, covered it with a mouthful, looked at everyone and said: “Since the preparations have been made soon When it’s finished, let’s hold it as scheduled. Don’t worry, I will preside over it.”

The ceremony and the water and land meeting are to save his two sons. Even if no one asks, he will Will participate.

Li Shimin seems to be able to feel Li Yuan’s feelings, nodded by the feelings: “Yes, I will also participate by then. All the officials will withdraw if there is nothing to do.”

When the voice fell, the officials finally let go of the big stone in their hearts, and left one after another.

Only Li Shimin and Li Yuan remain in the entire bedroom.

Li Yuan pick up wine cup and take a sip, then looked towards Li Shimin and whispered: “Erlang, this water and land conference is bothering you.”

“Father Emperor This is what it said.”

Li Shimin lowered his head, a little ashamed. Both brothers died because of him. Of course, this is nothing: “This is what I should do.”

Li Yuan nodded, did not say anything, because he also saw that Erlang had some sadness in his heart, so he picked up wine cup and personally poured a glass of wine and handed it to Li Shimin: “Come, accompany me Have a drink.”

tone barely fell, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Then a strong man walked in. Li Shimin remembered that it was Court Eunuch of the Imperial Study Room, but why was he so anxious to come to the emperor’s palace? is it possible that

Even if there is something important, you can’t be so anxious. What if you disturb the Emperor?

So, he pretended to be angry and said: “You eunuch, why are you so hasty? What should I do if I disturb the Emperor?”

He said this, mainly to give Li Yuan a good The impression, after all, is father and son. It is necessary to show a considerate look. Secondly, it is a metaphor for Court Eunuch. If it is not an important thing, don’t talk about it. I will talk about it in the Imperial Study Room.

And this strong man thought that His Majesty was angry, and immediately weakened his legs and fell on the ground: “His Majesty, please spare your life.”

For all this, Li Yuan didn’t seem to care. , But looked towards Li Shimin and waved his hand indifferently: “Since there is something important, you can go back and talk about it.”

When Li Shimin heard it, it would work. If you go back and say it, it’s not Explaining that he was carrying Father Emperor, so he looked at Na Lux said: “If you have something to say, hurry up.”

Na Li Shi is also clever, seeing His Majesty’s words, quickly said: “Just now Duke of Lu sent a letter and asked His Majesty to read it.”

After speaking, he quickly took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin took the letter and hurriedly opened it, because he knew that Cheng Yaojin was also looking for the trace of Feng’zi. Now that the letter can be sent, there must be a clue.

Sure enough, as expected, just after opening, a line of clues about Zhang Feng appeared in front of me.

“His Majesty presents, this small official is pursuing Zhang Feng’s traces. He originally lost his clues to the boundary of Shengzhou, but later found some traces. Now I know that Zhang Feng is drifting to the grassland… “

Seeing this, Li Shimin’s browse tightly knit up.

Feng’zi floats to the grassland?

The grassland is the residence of the Turkic people.

Now Great Tang and Turkic are between fire and water, didn’t they die in the past?

What exactly does Feng’zi think?

Li Yuan seemed to see Li Shimin’s melancholy, and curiously asked: “Erlang, what happened?”

Li Shimin did not answer, but delivered the letter To Li Yuan.

Li Yuan looked puzzled, but he accepted the letter and looked at it carefully, but when he saw half of it, the whole thing was not good.

Feng’zi want to float to the grassland?

What is going on here?

Why did he go to the grassland?

Don’t you know that Great Tang and Turkic are in the same situation now?

Don’t you go now to die?

He feels that the whole thing is not good. After thinking for a long time, he still cannot understand why Feng’zi wants to go to the grassland.

So, he looked towards Li Shimin with a nervous look and asked: “Erlang, why did you say Feng’zi went to the grassland? Isn’t this going to die?”

Naturally, Li Shimin didn’t know, but when faced with father’s question, he couldn’t answer, so he had to be frowned: “I don’t know this, maybe Feng’zi doesn’t want to let Jieli go, right?”

He doesn’t believe this, so do those few people still want to surprise the grassland?

This is basically impossible.

However, he couldn’t think of other reasons.

Li Yuan is not stupid. Naturally, he will not believe this nonsense answer. He glanced at Li Shimin, got up and started in the hall, after a while, he finally stopped and looked at it solemnly. Reading Li Shimin: “Erlang, I think there must be something wrong with this. You will leave a letter immediately and order people to speed up and follow Feng’zi, otherwise, once you get to the grassland, it will be difficult for the King of Yama to save.”

Li Shimin nodded, he also understands the power of this in his heart. Although he still doesn’t know why Feng’zi went to the grassland, he must stop it. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, there will be no chance to regret it.

So, he waved to Little Gui’zi next to him to prepare paper and pen, and quickly wrote two letters, one for Cheng Yaojin and one for Li Jing. Now these The two people are not together, so the letters must be written separately.

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