After hitting Zhangsun Chong, he didn’t seem to be discouraged yet, and he hit Cheng Chumo and Du Gou who were sleeping again.

“Feng’zi, why are you crazy?”

Cheng Chumo rubbed his sleepy eyes and blurted out.

He was hungry. He had just eaten braised pork in a sweet dream, but he was awakened by this guy, and he was naturally dissatisfied.

There is also Du Gou, who is still enjoying his sleep. How can I expect to be woken up, I wanted to yell at him, but when I opened my eyes, it was Zhang Feng, a little bit scared, I had to ask timidly, “Feng ‘zi, what are you doing? I just saw the gate of Lichunyuan and I haven’t entered yet.”

When I heard this, Zhang Feng didn’t get angry. What the hell is it? It’s time, what these dogs are thinking about eating, drinking, and gambling?

So, he pointed at the sky and glared at everyone, scolded: “You dogs, you know how to eat and eat all day long, and now you don’t know where it is floating, don’t think about it. How do we go back?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone instantly became energetic.

Because they have been sleeping, I really don’t know if they floated there.

But looking at Feng’zi’s current expression, it seems very serious.

They didn’t hesitate, and they all leaned on the edge of the guardrail to check.

It doesn’t matter at this point, their legs seem to be disobedient, and they all soften.

Where is this? Why is there a piece of yellow everywhere?

There is still yellow sand in the sky?

The ground is also all gravel?

I’ve never seen this place before?

They sat on the hot air balloon and felt a sense of powerlessness coming from them.

After a long while, Cheng Chumo seemed to have slowed down, looked towards Zhang Feng, and said eagerly: “Feng’zi, where is this? Why did we float here?”


As soon as these words came out, Zhangsun Chong and Du Gou also seemed to calm down. Qi Qi nodded: “Feng’zi, what is going on?”

Looking at everyone Looks like Zhang Feng wants to laugh a little bit, wasn’t he still very rigid just now? What’s wrong now? He originally wanted to frighten them, but once he saw the situation in front of him, he gave it up, so he said with a serious face: “This should be a desert, that is to say, we are only one step away from the grassland.”

“The desert?”

Everyone looked at each other with some doubts, they were a little unclear, because they didn’t know much about the desert in their minds, but when they heard that they were only one step away from the grassland , Could not help but fought a cold war.

Be aware that the desert used to be the grassland, and the grassland is the hinterland of the Turkic people.

And I just bombed the Turkic camp, now in the past, isn’t that going to die?

Thinking of this, everyone is just a shivered, and they all looked towards Zhang Feng: “Feng’zi, you hurry up and think of a way. If you float over there, we will definitely die.”

Zhang Feng was thinking of a way. When he was called, he was a little panicked and stared at everyone: “What’s the hurry? Are you going to die?”

“You really want to die if you don’t want to do it anymore. Now.”

Cheng Chumo glanced at the crowd with an impatient look: “Now we are all deserted, you can quickly find a way.”

“Okay, okay, I I know.”

Zhang Feng waved his hand impatiently. In fact, he has no good idea.

When the hot-air balloon manufacturing was successful, there was no steering function. The direction could only be changed slightly by weight, so some sandbags were put in.

However, there is no wind right now, even if you drop the sandbags, it won’t work.

What can I do?

While he is thinking hard, a warm wind blows, like a baby’s hand, gentle and delicate.

He shook suddenly, as if he felt alive, and quickly raised his hands to feel the direction of the wind.

This… seems to be the direction of the wind blowing in the direction of Cháng’ān.

Yes, it is the wind direction towards Cháng’ān.

With this wind, you can return to Cháng’ān.

This made him so happy, he quickly said to everyone: “Hurry up and throw all the useless things on the hot air balloon?”

The only way now is to use this The wind returns to Cháng’ān, and the heavy objects on the hot air balloon will increase the wind resistance, so the best way is to throw away all these things that are missing and return to Cháng’ān as quickly as possible.

However, Cheng Chumo, these guys, seem to be a little uncomprehending, looking at Zhang Feng with a dumbfounded look: “Why do you want to throw it? How many steamed buns are there?”

Speaking, he walked towards the package, as if he was going to turn over the so-called steamed bun.

“You dog stuff.”

Zhang Feng stepped forward and stared at Cheng Chumo and said furiously: “Now the wind is blowing towards Cháng’ān, you If you don’t throw away these useless things, when the wind disappears, I will throw you down.”

Cheng Chumo was not angry because Zhang Feng kicked him, because he heard something more important Is the wind blowing towards Cháng’ān? Doesn’t that mean you can go back to Cháng’ān?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly greeted Zhangsun Chong and the others: “You two, come here. Didn’t you hear Feng’zi say? This is the wind blowing towards Cháng’ān. Throw these things down.” “

After finishing speaking, he didn’t care what was in the package, he just threw it away.

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