Zhang Feng turned his head and fiercely despised the two of them, and then patted Du Gou’s blue face: “Dabing, wake up, otherwise these two bastards will take your money. The blue building is now.”

“The blue building? What blue building?”

Du Gou eyes slowly opened, looking at Zhang Feng with a confused look: “You just said What does Zhang Feng mean?”

Zhang Feng laughed, he knew that when he talked about Qing Lou, the guy would wake up. As expected, he laughed: “Get up quickly.”

After that, he stepped forward to support Du Gou and was about to pull it up.

Nacheng thought that this fellow complexion changed, cry out in surprise: “It hurts, and the waist broke.”

He is the bottom of the pyramid, and he is naturally affected. With the greatest pressure, it is estimated that the waist is not comfortable at all.

Zhang Feng understands in his heart, but it is always impossible to get up, or persuaded: “The front is Chang’an City, is it possible that you don’t want to go home anymore?”

This As soon as the words came out, Du Gou seemed to have a moment of energy, glanced at the city gate, pretending to be strong: “Go home, I can do it, help me up.”

Zhang Feng smiled , This guy was obviously not so strong, and he had to pretend, but his behavior was worthy of praise, and there was no ink, so he helped Du Gou to sit next to Cheng Chumo.

Just standing still, the three of them seemed to have discovered something ridiculous, pointing to Zhang Feng and laughing.

This can confuse Zhang Feng, is it possible that his clothes were also torn, and he quickly checked, only to find that the clothes were indeed torn in many holes, but they could still be worn. It’s much better than these three guys.

He said unconvincedly: “You guys still have a face to laugh at me, look at your own clothes.”

The three of you just reacted here, and just thought about it. No matter how to get out, I haven’t seen the image of everyone. Now I look at it, it’s really fucking ugly, each with a bloody nose and swollen face, and a few straws on the head, this is a clown.

In fact, Zhang Feng didn’t get there by himself. Most of his clothes were torn apart, and there was a lot of straw on his head. However, his good point was that he didn’t have a bloody nose and swollen face. After all, , He is at the top.

After a burst of laughter, Zhang Feng looked at everyone and said seriously: “Now Cháng’ān is close at hand, let’s walk over, and wait until Zhang Mansion is healing you.”

Cheng Chumo nodded: “No problem, let’s go.”

We had to get up after we said, but there was a sharp pain in the disappointing waist: “Oh, my waist.”

Du Gou is the same. He was about to get up, and there was pain in his waist. He wailed, “Back pain.”

Zhangsun Chong is better. He is in the middle, and his strength is affected. Zhonghe, the waist is fine, just a little sore, so he looked at the two with a mocking look: “Just like you two now, you still want to visit brothel? I’m afraid I can’t move it, right?”

Cheng Chumo and the two were unhappy at hearing, their faces flushed, and they were about to refute, but they saw Zhangsun Chong standing between the two, holding hands with each other, and said with a proud face: “Look, it depends on Lao Tzu if something goes wrong. I will help you back.”

The two of Cheng Chumo wanted to yell at them. When they saw Zhangsun Chong coming to help themselves, they couldn’t say much. They just lowered their heads and stood up hard.

Zhang Feng was also impossible to stand on the sidelines, and stepped forward to help Cheng Chumo and the two together and walked towards Chang’an City.

Although these two guys have a backache, they are usually in good health. Coupled with the desire to go home quickly, they soon walked to Cháng’ān Street.

However, they just heard something unusual when they walked to Cháng’ān Street.

What Dean Zhang has gone to heaven, and he personally rushed into the Turkic camp, and even more excessive, directly said Dean Zhang is the reincarnation of Daoist Immortal, and some guys said that Dean Zhang can be a prophet. It is estimated that it will die during meditation soon, soaring in the day.

Hearing all this, Zhang Feng’s head almost burst.

When have you been so awesome?

Reincarnation of Daoist Immortal?

Also died during meditation, soaring in a hundred days?

I don’t want to die yet.

Who the hell is spreading the rumors of Lao Tzu?

With doubts and anger, Zhang Feng stopped a passerby and asked: “This big brother, why is this Chang’an City talking about my rumors everywhere? Who is it? What?”

“Talk about your rumors?”

Passers-by criticized out in surprise, looked up and down Zhang Feng, and said with some contempt: “You think you are Dean Zhang Huh? Dean Zhang’s Daoist Immortal can also be faked by you beggars like this? Huh.”

The passerby slapped his sleeves and left.

Zhang Feng is dumbfounded.

The whole Chang’an City is spreading his own rumors. Why is a big living person in front of him but pretends he doesn’t know him?

Does this guy have no eyes?

Still really blind?

Just when he was thinking about it to no avail, Cheng Chumo’s joking voice came from next to him: “Come on, just like you are now, people treat you as a beggar and consider you worthy of you.”


Zhang Feng suddenly came to a sudden, looked down at his clothes, and was speechless for a while.

Sure enough, human nature is to judge people by their appearance.

But he is not such a layman, he looked at Cheng Chumo a little unconvinced: “I’m a beggar, aren’t you? Say this?”

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