Du Ziteng shook his head quickly and put his hands on the door frame: “Begger? What beggar? Why don’t I know? Lord just came back, but he is bathing and changing clothes now.”

Zhang Yuyao frowned, just now I clearly heard that a servant said that Lord and a few beggars came back, why is there no one now? She glanced inwardly unwillingly, but saw nothing.

Jing Shu smiled without saying a word, because he had already seen a general idea from Du Ziteng’s look and expression.

I’m afraid this Lord is the beggar.

Lord is so good-faced, how could he let Steward speak out?

Thinking about it, she pulled out Zhang Yuyao: “Yuyao elder sister, Steward is right. Since Lord is back, let’s go to the lobby and wait first, and we will see the result later.”


After finishing speaking, she didn’t care about Zhang Yuyao’s reaction, she pulled it and walked towards the hall.

Zhang Yuyao still has a hooded face and glances back from time to time, but thinking that what Jing Shu Younger Sister said is reasonable, he walked towards the hall.

In a short while, Zhang Feng finished washing, he just walked into the hall.

Zhang Yuyao stepped forward to hug Zhang Feng and sobbed: “Noble Son Zhang, do you know how worried we are about you in the past few days?”

Jing Shu actually wanted to complain, but when he saw that he lost his position, he had to stand still and cry in a low voice: “Yes, Noble Son Zhang, if you don’t come back, our sisters don’t know what to do. “

In the face of the two women crying like this, Zhang Feng was a little at a loss and wanted to seek Cheng Chumo’s help, but when he saw this guy cast a look in the eyes that everyone is a man, we understand and gave up. Resistance, quickly persuaded: “Don’t cry, am I not here? So many people are watching, get up first?”

After hearing this, Zhang Yuyao seemed to realize something and looked up. Seeing, I saw a pair of pretty face blushed staring at me. They reluctantly left Zhang Feng’s arms and wiped the teardrops from the corner of his eyes: “Noble Son Zhang, how did you dress like this? Are you injured? Have you eaten well recently?”

Zhang Feng was about to answer, but Cheng Chumo couldn’t listen to it anymore, interjecting: “sister-in-law, I said, can you not get tired of it? The three of our brother’s teeth are going to be sour. If you have this time, you can quickly prepare something for our brother to eat. You are all starving to death.”

Zhang Yuyao blushed and turned his head and looked towards Cheng. Chumo, but couldn’t remember this person in his mind, could not help but said curiously: “This is?”


Zhangsun Chong waved impatiently:” I’m Chong’zi, this is Iron Ox, and Dabing, sister-in-law, hurry up and get ready to eat, and call some doctors by the way.”

Jing Shu on the side suddenly, slightly smiled: “A few of you, wait a minute, I’ll go down and get ready.” After finishing speaking, she gave Zhang Feng a meaningful look, then turned and left, although she also wanted to have a greeting with Noble Son Zhang Something, but this is obviously not the time.

Seeing Jing Shu’s departure, Zhang Yuyao also bowed to everyone: “Later, everyone, Concubine will help Jing Shu Younger Sister.”

Du Ziteng also knows the interest. , I guessed that Lord and some Noble Sons had something to say, and they just made excuses and left.

After the three people left one after another, the hall was obviously much quieter.

But soon the silence was broken by Cheng Chumo. He looked at Zhang Feng and showed an expression that a man understands: “Feng’zi, you have this Madam, but it is really your blessing. Ah, if Iron Ox had such a Madam, I would die.”

“You still have the face to say.”

Zhang Feng glared at Cheng Chumo, a little sullen:” You dog, I really regarded this place as my own home just now. If I hadn’t seen you hurt, I would have removed your arms.”

He was very angry that this guy was in his own house. He looked arrogant, but it didn’t matter if he thought that this guy was still injured, and this guy also helped a little in Shengzhou, otherwise, with his temperament, he would have driven this guy out a long time ago.

Cheng Chumo is a bit disapproving: “Feng’zi, don’t you want a dog to bite Lu Dongbin, all of our injuries are because of you, if it weren’t for your hot air balloon, how could we get hurt?”

“Yes, if it weren’t for your shit hot air balloon, how could we be like this?”

Zhangsun Chong and Du Gou seemed to have found the topic of venting and stared at Zhang Feng.

In fact, it’s okay for these guys not to mention it. When it comes to hot air balloons, Zhang Feng is puzzled.

This hot air balloon is obviously good in the sky, and there is no problem all the way to Shengzhou. Why did you get discouraged when you returned to Cháng’ān?

Furthermore, this discouragement is so damn fast, and I can’t wait for the reaction to land, which is a bit weird.

I was asleep at the time, and I didn’t notice too many problems, so I could only ask these guys.

So he tried his best to put on a smiling face: “What happened to the hot air balloon just now? Why was it discouraged?”

“Want to know?”

Cheng Chumo showed a smile of harboring malicious intentions. Seeing Zhang Feng nodded, he jokingly said: “I just didn’t tell you, who told you to beat Laozi?”

Beating Laozi was pretty powerful just now. Want to talk about it now? impossible.

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