Sure enough, this method seems to have worked.

Yu Shinan waved his big sleeves and didn’t know how to speak. He sat aside and drank tea angrily.

Old Scholar stared at Zhang Feng and said with earnest words: “Feng’zi, we are not angry at you for making these weird things, but angry at you for committing a risk, even if you are willing to serve the country, let others Is it okay for people to go? Why do you want to go by yourself? You must know that the son of a daughter can’t sit down.”

Zhang Feng hurriedly bowed, with a sincere expression: “Honored Teacher is reasonable, and students must be careful. Remember, I won’t do it again in the future.”

Everyone is satisfied and nodded.

Chu Suiliang stroked his beard: “Since you already know, then we won’t talk too much. You still have injuries, so take a good rest.”

After that, he Turned around and left.

People saw that Chu Suiliang was gone, he was not staying much, and left one after another.

Just when he left, Zhang Feng gave Zhang Feng a meaningful look, which was difficult to understand.

Zhang Feng was left alone in the whole room. He lowered his eyebrows and glanced around, saw that the Honored Teachers were all gone, and then slowly got up.

But at this moment, the sound of pushing the door sounded again.

The scared Zhang Feng hurriedly bowed and said respectfully: “What else can Honored Teachers say?”

A voice came from before him: “Noble Son Zhang, it’s us.” “

Zhang Feng couldn’t help but stunned, this voice is not Honored Teachers.

He couldn’t help being curious. When he looked up, he found that it was Jing Shu and Zhang Yuyao, said ill-humoredly: “It turned out to be you two Missy. What is causing trouble here?”

Zhang Yuyao hehe smiled: “It turns out that Noble Son Zhang is so afraid of a few gentlemen.”

Zhang Feng gave Zhang Yuyao a blank look, and randomly found a stool to sit down: “This is not afraid. This is respect. Honored Teacher is so kind to me. This time I made them angry, and I should be reprimanded.”

“Noble Son Zhang said it.”

Jing Shu laughed, stepped forward and gave Zhang Feng a cup of tea: “A few gentlemen are also good for Noble Son.”

When I heard this, Zhang Feng’s face was a little ugly. Honored Teachers just now The reprimanding words were still in my ears, so he waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing, you guys go back to your residence first, I want to be quiet.”


Jing Shu nodded, she could see that Noble Son Zhang is not in a good mood, so she pulled Zhang Yuyao back to the residence.

As for Zhang Feng, he took out a cigarette from his waist and lit it slowly, savoring this lonely life.

At the same time, in the Imperial Study Room.

Li Shimin sat on the Dragon Throne, holding a cigarette in his hand, taking a sip from time to time, his face was not very good.

In the past few days, he and Shengzhou’s letters have not been broken, but there has been no news of Zhang Feng.

For this, he sent a few more teams, hoping to find news about Zhang Feng.

Actually, he has little expectation for Zhang Feng to be alive. Think about it, the Turkic camp was blown up. Even if there is the flying Divine Artifact, it’s impossible to stay in the sky. If that’s the case, then It will definitely land, but now, why has there been no news?

Is the man already dead?

Still caught by Turkic?

Or was it eaten by wild wolves?

He has thought about all this, and now he only hopes to get the bones back, so he has a thought.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately, Little Gui’zi stepped in with small steps.

“His Majesty, His Majesty, there is news…”

He hurriedly hurried, almost staggered, looking very anxious.

Li Shimin raised his lazy eyelids, a little tired: “What news?”

Little Gui’zi hurriedly stepped forward, happily said: “Yes News about Zhang Feng.”


Li Shimin stood up suddenly, looking at Little Gui’zi with a look of horror, a little unbelievable: “Is it true that you just said?”

Feng’zi, there has been no news for a few days. I thought there was something wrong with this guy. Why is there suddenly news now?

is it possible that this Turkic person let him come back? Or is this guy dead?

Thinking of this, his eyes become even hotter.

At this time, I saw Little Gui’zi bowed and said seriously: “Didn’t His Majesty ask the slave servant to inquire about Zhang Feng’s news? According to the report from the guard outside the palace, Zhang Feng brought My family went to Mt. Kui. As for when they will come back, I don’t know.”


Li Shimin frowned, feel something is wrong, Shengzhouli Cháng’ān is a few hundred miles away, why did Feng’zi come back so soon? This is a bit unreasonable, and even if this guy is back, why hasn’t there been any news before? It’s the news only this morning?

All of this is eccentric, and he has to be suspicious: “You said true or false? Could you lie to me?”

When I heard this, Little Gui’ zi The whole person is not good, how dare you deceive His Majesty? His legs softened and crawled on the ground: “His Majesty, what the slave servant said is true. The news came from outside the palace, and Zhang Feng went to Mt. Kui with his own eyes.”

Li Shimin I knew that Little Gui’zi didn’t dare to lie to him, but the news was a bit weird. How did Feng’zi come back? And how can I escape Cháng’ān’s ears? After thinking to no avail, he waved his sleeves and said, “Finally, tentatively thinks what you said is true, go to Mt. Kui and have a look. If you let me know that the news is false, come back and interrupt your dog legs.”

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