Did father see anything?

Thinking of this, his legs were a little weak, and he almost fell on the ground: “Father, I haven’t yet…”

“Let me make no excuses for being here. “

Cheng Yaojin strode forward, grabbed Cheng Chumo’s shoulder, another big slap in the flace, angrily roared: “I thought you were dead outside? You fucking knew you were coming back.” Do you know how long Lao Tzu went out to look for you? You are a conscientious dog. Lao Tzu killed you.”

After speaking, he slapped Cheng Chumo on the face again, slapped and cursed at the same time. , I feel that the anger accumulated in my heart for a long time finally broke out in this brief moment.

Actually, I can’t blame him. Anyone who puts this matter on will get angry. Think about it, the Cheng Family is an only child, the older Cheng Family is counting on this guy to pass on from generation to generation, but it turned out to be good, these dogs Dongxi went to Shengzhou with Zhang Feng?

Where is Shengzhou? That is the border gate, there are Turkic people stationed there. What if there is something wrong with the Cheng Family? What about such a big Family Property?

And the most important thing is that this dog didn’t even notify himself when he came back. He went to fool around with Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng’s youngster is a bit talented, but it’s a bad deal. I went to Shengzhou this time. This youngster planned it.

He also wants to go to Zhang Feng to settle the accounts, but he doesn’t care about Li Erlang, and he is very good to Zhang Feng. it is good.

So, he practiced martial arts at home, just to vent his anger.

It’s a coincidence that Iron Ox, the dog, is back, and he is still worried that he has no place to get angry. Since this youngster is coming, it is naturally unavoidable to be beaten.

As for Cheng Chumo, he had to hold his head and endure all this silently. He didn’t dare to resist, because he knew that the more he resisted Old Cheng, the more excited he was and the greater his strength. At that time, he would not be himself. Can bear it.

He only feels his cheeks are hot, as if he doesn’t feel his own.

The time for a cigarette has passed. Cheng Yaojin is probably tired. He lifted his hands and threw Cheng Chumo aside. He sat on the ground and gasped for breath. He panted and said: “Dog stuff, I am letting you go this time. If I put aside my old temper, I have to beat you to a torn skin and gaping flesh. Now I will talk about Shengzhou.”

Cheng Chumo was The bloody nose and swollen face played by Old Cheng, with a big face and a small face, blue and red, dizzy, and I only feel like something is stuck on his head, and I can hear Old Cheng’s words there, like a dead dog The same panting.

Cheng Yaojin saw that his words didn’t work, he raised his eyebrows, kicked him, and yelled: “Did you fucking listen to Laozi? Are your ears stuffed?”


This kick Cheng Chumo is a shivered, and instantly feels that the whole person is awake a lot, he held his cheek, and said vaguely: “Father, what did you just say?”


“I asked you about Shengzhou? What the hell are you pretending?”

Cheng Yaojin gave Cheng Chumo an angry look.

Cheng Chumo then suddenly, it turns out that Old Cheng didn’t beat himself because he wanted to steal something.

Are you going to ask about Shengzhou?

When he thinks of Shengzhou, he only feels that his body seems to be stiffer. Without him, Great Tang has a face because of the matter of Shengzhou this time. This time the father wants to ask Shengzhou. Let me brag about it, maybe I have a chance to talk about the material after a while.

Thinking, he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and tried to squeeze out a smile, but the smile was uglier than crying, but he didn’t realize it, and said, “Father, this time I won We are so majestic in Zhouzhou. When I think about it, I, Feng’zi, Zhangsun Chong, and Du Gou, we are scared in the sky…”

“Fuck, let’s talk about the point.”

Cheng Yaojin frowned and was a little annoyed. He wanted to hear things he didn’t know. As a result, this guy didn’t say anything about it.

“Oh oh…”

Cheng Chumo was nodded again and again. Seeing that Old Cheng’s complexion was not very good, he did not dare to hold it up, and said in a regular manner: “We four People set off from Cháng’ān, and then arrived in Shengzhou. Just now Feng’zi suggested to blow up the Turkic camp. The three of us naturally disagreed, but Feng’zi forced us to go…”

“wait a minute”

Cheng Yaojin waved his hand and was a little puzzled: “Why don’t you agree to go?”

He has fought for a lifetime, and he hates those alien races the most. Over the years, Great Tang burned, killed, and looted. For this reason, he and Yuchi Gong joined forces to ask for Turkic to send troops, but they were both rejected by Li Erlang for lack of food and grass.

Now that this guy has such a good opportunity to kill the Turkic people, why his mother disagrees?

Is this brain shit?

He is now very suspicious, is this Iron Ox his own?

Why don’t you have the fierceness of your own at all?

No, wait a minute to ask the woman from Cui Family, is there someone outside?

Thinking, he narrowed his eyes, watching Cheng Chumo very carefully, as if he wanted to see something.

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